
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

If you are going to be stupid, be sure that you read the part where it says I work for an internet company...

So some immature person proved my other post the other day regarding girls hating on other girls by posting something I heard back in the 7th grade. "Ugly dumbass, your mole is f* ugly, etc."

First of all, this person MUST think she is better than everyone else to be so bold, yet oddly enough she found her way to my site, perhaps looking for beauty tips on how to get rid of that zit on her head, then took a step back to realize that sadly, it WAS her head. Second, I never said, nor have I implied to be the prettiest woman in the world; trust me, I am aware that I am FAARRRRRR from that; all of which doesn't matter as I have many other things that I have done in my life that I have experienced and I am very proud of, and SURPASS looks by all means- like raising my two sisters, having great friends and a great family, a roof over my head, an awesome job, I can go on and on. Any compliments I have ever received have been given back two fold, and to clarify it isn't a mole (apparently this person also has failed to take a class not only in etiquette, but dermatology as well), as a mole is protruding from the skin's surface forming a 'lump' or a tiny 'hill' (hence the term mole hills). It's actually a 'beauty mark' that came about during the days of the beautiful Marilyn Monroe because of it's obvious mark but flat surface.

So if you are going to insult me, at least do it RIGHT and gather your facts about me and make sure you actually know me before you go off in a tangent where you have only embarrassed yourself. Rude, stupid, immature remarks gets you nowhere, it doesn't make me prettier and it sure as hell makes you even more ignorant and stupid. I simply do not care what some stupid little girl who obviously has no life says, but don't be disrespectful and do it on MY blog. Create your own blog and talk all the smack you want, but you are in my house so take off your shoes. She probably was feeling a bit insecure about herself and had to compensate by taking her aggression out on me, landed up on this site looking for beauty tips! LMAO.

This person also has failed to read the part where I work for an internet company, hence I am pretty computer and tech savvy, and with the help of my tech guys, retrieved this person's IP address and has SBC Global as their internet provider and is conveniently located near San Leandro. And yes, you have been banned. :)

Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE on this earth has a flaw, a weakness. And God is the only one that can judge me. Call me what you want, I know what kind of a person I am and I don't need people to validate that. I have a 10 year old sis that looks up to me and the things I do, are for her. I want to show her that she can be independent, that she cannot rely on just charm and looks, that she must be resourceful and use her intelligence and the power of words to get ahead in life, I want her to know that she has every right to NOT accept crap from people who don't know any better.

It's funny how people misconstrue a beauty site like mine, or Stephie's with tips, videos, FOTD's as all of a sudden being 'conceited' or what have you. Heck if us ladies ALL conveniently had a dummy to put makeup on then we wouldn't have this problem now would we?!!! But reality is we don't. Makeup is art. Our faces are our canvases. And like an art show, we display our work, yet that makes us as inconsiderate, conceited girls? Think again.

Simply put- don't be a coward. At 25 years old, I just choose not to play childish games especially with someone who can't even spell correctly. I just simply had to vent because I think it's perfect timing how I just mentioned how girls do stupid things like this in order to make them feel good about themselves. Wanna feel good? Go to a spa, relax, get a massage, re-evaluate your life, and remember what your mom taught you- if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all.....


  1. frickn' haters. love, you know you're above all of that and there are ladies here who OBVIOUSLY are grateful for you informative/helpful beauty blog. i know you won't let them get you down, cause girl, you're one classy act with brains AND looks to boot. i love you, so who cares what insecure, self-loathing, haters think? :] you're the best! *hugs* :D

  2. You tell her girl! Some people are so good with finding flaws in others while they can't really accept their own. People who accept their own weaknesses and try to still come out their best are the true winners so you go girl! Don't let people like these let you down and go on inspiring people like myself who are also trying to inspire others -- pay it forward and be rewarded abundantly. :) Stay fab -- inside and out. ;)

  3. Ugh, I'm just glad that my blog isn't popular enough for flaming.

    Funny thing: A while back, Phil and I ran an IP check on one of the trollers on ABB and found out that her alter-ego was one of our contributing members! That was pretty sad.

    Sorry someone had to go and kill your mood. If it makes you feel better, I think your blog is top-notch quality and probably one of the biggest contributors to our demographic :)

  4. AGREED!
    What I REALLY don't understand is, you update your blog everyday for US (your fans, friends, beauty tip lovers, whatever you wanna call us) as do other ladies as well.. Yet ignorant people still feel the need to bash you & the other beauties, when really your doing us all a favor, by giving us tips, reviews, tutorials, promo codes, & you've even let us in on a bit of your personal life, thus proving you really LOVE to share your makeup addiction with the rest of us addicts lol. So really & truly it pisses me off when I hear about losers bashing women like you, I guess I'll just never understand why people feel the need to waste their time writing something that gets them absoloutly nowhere.. *shrugs* Oh well, We all think your beautiful, & Quite frankly I'm jealous of your beauty mark (pretty sure all us smart ones knew it wasn't a mole *rolls eyes)
    Anyways love, Have yourself a nice day & I beg you not to let any of the haters get you down to the point where you stop blogging for us, I'd have to bust a cap in someones ass. Lol

    Take care!

  5. Yeh stick it to her Vanessa! Sadly, she's upset she doesn't have a popular blog hahahaha! stay up!

  6. Vanessa, i really appreciate all the things you have done for us and me especially and you took your precious time to do so. The haters don't have a life they just like to bash other down to boost themselves and im sure u are sucess already dear. Ps. You are beautiful :)

  7. How embarrassing for this person to actually have been found out by you! LOVE how you tracked the HATER down. I hope she has the good sense not to show herself around here again.

    We are all so proud of you for this great site, full of good content, and for the fact that you are doing a good thing in this world by helping to raise your beautiful sisters to be wonderful people inside and out!

    Keep it up girl! And Happy Tuesday!

  8. Don't let people like that bring you down! Your sentiments are perfectly stated. It's too bad that that reader bashed your freedom of expression. Blogging is the one thing that allows people an outlet and apparently they felt the need to misconstrue yours. I love reading your blog, as well as Stephie's, and please keep doing what you're doing. You know what they say about people who criticize - there's always someone out there who thinks they can do things better or differently. Nonetheless, that negative post IS validation!

  9. Ugh. The Cbox tends to breed stupidity. Hopefully you won't experience anymore attacks as that can get pretty damn annoying; it's like monitoring a bunch of kindergarteners!. Hence, why I have yet to add one to my blog.

  10. Wow sis. I can't believe that people steep so low to bring this kind of tension to another person they don't even know. I, like many others, support all the information you provide on here and am grateful for how it's helped me make decisions as they apply to my life. I highly respect you as a beauty blogger and even moreso, just like a sister, all from a passion that stems from our love of makeup art.

    Keep your head high love. You're gorgeous, talented, and bigger than all the hate from a cold heart. And if we're meeting at the flagpole to bring this down, just let me know! :) Ain't no one gonna mess with my sis!

  11. I salute you for this post. That is the risk we are in I believe because we are in the beauty blog world, hence all our looks, flaws and even the tiniest slip-ups are being scrutinized under a microscope. I like the way you handled the situation, though. I do hope I can handle it like you if and when I am faced with the same adversity (knock on wood). :) Just keep on blogging and let the losers grind their teeth in envy. ;-)

  12. haa haa! some ppl are just really dumb. Its like crank calling someone and then they have caller ID. good job. hee hee.
    Necessary make up 1, loser -10 and banned. hee hee!

  13. Wow! I mean just wow. I love this piece, quote: "I want to show her that she can be independent, that she cannot rely on just charm and looks, that she must be resourceful and use her intelligence and the power of words to get ahead in life"

    That's exactly what i'm trying to teach my younger sisters too. Too bad that one of them had to become so damn popular and have such a bad attitude towards her elders.

    Keep it up!

  14. I may be living a sheltered life but I was shocked to read about this incident. I simply cannot comprehend how anyone could sink so low as to post something so childish and pathetic on your blog. Why make an effort just to embarrass herself...?

    I truly respect you for standing up for yourself and showing her that you're not to be messed with. You're doing such an excellent job here, and like other commenters have said you're truly passionate about make-up and beauty which makes your blog oh-so-enjoyable to read. I visit on a daily basis and every time your blog has something new and exciting to offer. It's a real gem!

    I won't tell you not to let this incident discourage you from continuing because I know it won't. From what I've seen so far you're a very determined and intelligent young woman who's above all this calling-each-other-names game.

    Let me just thank you for your efforts and for sharing your personality with us. Keep it up dear! *hug*

  15. Sorry you have to deal with idiots out there. I think your blog is awesome and I really appreciate you taking the time to maintain it. I have always gotten a positive impression of you when reading your site. You seem like a really sweet person. Take care!

  16. Thank you all ladies! (There was so many of you who commented) so I just wanted to thank each and one of you for the warm encouraging, and inspiring comments. It really warms my heart and it means a lot to know I have "met" all of you because you all are such gorgeous, good-hearted ladies who I have come to admire and appreciate. So thanks again!

    This was just a perfect example of how crazy people are on the

  17. It's me again, responding to your comment:

    It took me quite long to come out of lurking and start showing myself on the Net exactly because of this. Then, when I finally did, I realised that it is very much worth it after all because the percentage of idiots is small and the amount of headache they can cause does not overweight all the positive things one can gain. Not by a long shot.

    I mostly try to stay away from (or when that's not possible, ignore) people like her and focus on those whom I love and who love me back. There are so many people to befriend and so many things to learn: I really have no time for those who want to ruin it for me and I give them no thought.

    You seem to have the same attitude, hence my regular visits to your wonderful blog. I can learn so much from you and you continue to inspire me greatly. Thank you!

  18. ugh, cannot believe it. pathetic and lame. that person need to get their ass out of their head.

  19. Haaaaaaaaaa you banned her! That's hilarious! So much for her thinking she was anonymous - people are always a lot "braver" aren't they, when they don't show their identity.

    I mean, if you don't like it, don't look. There's no need to be negative for the sake of it.

    I think you are a sweet sweet gal :)

  20. It is only those people who cant come to terms with their own flaws ...that take time to find flaws in others. I am with Christina on this that I am SUPER GRATEFUL to you for maintaining this blog. I love it to the core and visit it everyday...multiple times. I know nothing about make up and you of course know a lot...and who gives "free" advice in this materialistic world ....U DO and Thank you for it !
    I totally got a kick outta u banning this person from visiting your site.. *Hugs*

  21. ahh vanessa, aren't haters freakin hilarious & stupid?! haha i just love you & everything that you do for us! you have taught me so much & i appreciate it! im so glad you dont let stupid little girls with no lives get you down, you are soo much better than that & they know it! kudos on being smart & mature about it.

  22. hey vanessa!!
    i am so sorry that you have to deal w/ stupid shits through your fucking awesome blog, i always look forward to reading yours because you always have awesome entries w/ tutorials and info and lots of help and you update really often! i truly appreciate everything that you have done and work that you put into this amazing blog :] live strong babe!
    <3 Renee

  23. Thanks GALS! I love you all! Thanks Renee you sweetheart and LEEPSZ!

  24. Hey Vanessa! I usually just lurk on your page, but I decided to come out of my shell to offer my support. I admire the way you handled this situation. You are very helpful and an inspiration to many of us and I'm glad you're not letting this insignificant hater get to you. Take care! :)

  25. BEAUTY BLOG GIRL POWER! Vanessa, I love your blog. I don't see why anyone would do such a rude thing, especially when you are kind enough to put yourself out there. Keep your chin up, and keep doing what you do!

  26. I'm glad you banned the troll!

  27. OMG, where have I been?! Sorry.

    Geez, how can people be so immature. I've had a similar situation before how this coward girl used to steal my photos, put it next to a really ugly face and make all sorts of judgements on me. She even went as low as attacking my race. I kept my cool the whole time and she eventually got tired of not being able to upset me and disappeared.

    Very well stated Vanessa, there's not one thing we need to add to how you've handled the situation. Remember: it's not the what people call you, it's what you answer to. More power and keep up the good work!

  28. Vanessa, I don't comment here, but thoroughly enjoy reading your blog everyday. Your makeup tutorials are always the best part (you got me to make an NYX order after seeing the colors on you) and you have the amazing ability to pull off any color you choose (sort of like the Muse over at Musings of a Muse). Chin up - you're gorgeous and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Have you ever read the comments on PopSugar or some of the other celebrity blogs? These juveniles tear down some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen! So your blog apparently attracted one of these globs of sludge for some reason.

    And she probably really is in 7th grade.

  29. hi vanessa! I havent commented in awhile but I always check your blog because I find it enlightening and interesting. My schedule is hectic but i still have to find the time to read up on what you have to say. I just wanted to say that i am quite impressed by your response to your "problem". You are beautiful and intelligent! Keep up the work girlfriend!! ;0)

  30. I couldn't have said it better myself ! Girls like that have no class and obviously have very low self esteem but you handled yourself with dignity and grace. Remember, girls like that do exist and only take their insecurities out on other girls who make them feel inferior. I'm half Irish, and half Laotian, and full Asian girls would always give me a hard time but my friends and family would always say it was out of jealousy, and now I know that it is. You're beautiful, intelligent, and successful, she's just hating because you have something she might lack. Keep your head up honey, you're awesome! =]

  31. Hi!

    I think it's great that you're so tech-savy! You should seriously do a post for the rest of us on how to go about dealing with such problems on our blogs (well, my blog and I well below the radar, so I haven't had this problem). How would we go about tracking down such folks if this happened to one of us? It would make for a riveting read.

  32. you tell em' girl! i love your blog & you're one of the reasons why i wanted to get a blog in the first place. i thought it would be so awesome to get to know women like you by having a blog & sharing a passion for makeup. kudos for you :)

  33. I have never commented on your blog, but read it daily. I have learned sooo much from you about makeup, skincare, and MAC in particular. [You have turned me into a MAC addict actually, hehe] I just wanted to say that I think you are absolutely beautiful!!!!!!

  34. Hey Vanessa, I've been MIA all week but I'm sorry to hear about this. Girls can be so catty and competitive with each other - simply for no reason, nor provocation. :-( What's up with all the anger? Yeesh. Know that the majority of visitors to your site are fans and/or friends. Keep on smiling, taking pics, learning and playing.

  35. hey there vanessa! I think you are great and sweet! My friend told me you sent her things from the states what Holland doesnt sell!

    Haters will be haters, u know u are popular when u have haters ;)

    So let them keep on hating and u keep on doing what u do! Don't let the stupid haters keep u away from the lushious beautytips u give to the amateurs (like me)!

    xxx Jolie

  36. 'nessa sorry about arses darling!

    I get a ton of 'em on my site daily! I love the delete button :)

    You're gorgeous, sweet, and lovely and anyone else that says different can take a flying leap!

    Send 'em my way I'll kick 'em around a little ;)

  37. i love you site!! i love the way you do your makeup. she's just jealous of you


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