
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day Gift Flashback

So Valentine's Day is tomorrow and the boyfriend and I decided to be low-key this year and not be all crazy romantic (after all July will be our 3 year anniversary, and 5 years of being friends), so we are past the "impress" stage. LOL.


I was thinking about what I got him last year, and I made him an actual book about us and our family (hard cover, spine, the works) using a publishing company whose name I forgot,that published some stuff for me when I used to model so it was nice to have them handy for something more personal rather than business. (By the way, I am in the process of writing two books, one about makeup tips, beauty, etc, and the other just displaying my work as a photographer), they probably won't be out until later this year or next year.

Anyway, back to my story, so I made him a book, I designed it and created EVERY SINGLE page, it was a lot of fun, and he really LOVED IT, which was the best part because my boyfriend is hard to please since he has everything, lol.

The perfect cover...

The INSIDE sleeve of the book...

And no the bed on the left of this page isn't a freaky thing,'s when he took me to Santa Barbara on our 2 year anniversary it was at a gorgeous B&B overlooking the ocean coast...

Him "reading" his book...haha

The BACK Cover..which essentially was a pic of OUR backs...

And what he got me...


  1. hey! i remember you posting this on your xanga! i thought your gift was SOOO sweet and creative. :D

  2. p.s. i just looked at the date on the front flap of the book, is your anniversary july 17th? and you've been together for 3 years? if so, that's TOOO funny cause my anniversary is july 19th and we've been together for 3 years and friends for 6. :D hehe.

  3. hi vanessa, this is my first time to leave you a comment! but i've been reading your blog for a while and absolutely LOVE it. i'm very glad to see you guys had a wonderful valentine's day!=) and i LOVE your makeup on the right page your bfs reading on the bed. can you show us how to when you get a chance? =)


  4. Hi Vanessa,

    Thanks for sharing and having us take a glimpse of the book you made for your bf, it was so nicely done and very very creative, I'm sure it took a lot of hardwork. Happy Valentines!!

  5. wow you guys look so cute too together! and that book you made is soooo sweet! hope you guys have a blast on valentines day!!

    aww, i see your busy right up to your neck with those pigment orders, hopefully ill can buy some next time when you have some in stock =)

  6. Oh my gosh, that book is the most incredible thing I've ever seen! It beats my ex-roommate's handwritten one! Haha. You're an amazing girlfriend! :P

  7. WOW. Your book is neato! I love it! Did you design the page layout in Publisher? You and your BF seem like a really fun couple :) You guys make funny faces like my and my BF, haha. I'm not exactly the sappiest/romantic girl in the world, but I think I'm going to have to do something like this one day because I know he would love it to death.

    I told my BF to surprise me (actually, neither of us are really sappy/romantic, so it makes V-Day/anniversaries a little hard), but it's going to be really crazy at the restaurants tomorrow and I don't know if I want to deal with that. I'm thinking I'm going to ask if we can celebrate this weekend since he has a 4-day, lol. Our 1.67 was this past Monday!

  8. your book is the sweetest thing vanessa!!! I bought things last night to make a scrapbook/collage poster and then frame it, but I have to study for my exam, so I guess I won't make it til after =\. When in July is your anniversary??? Our 3 years is in July too heheh.

  9. wow, that book looks amazing. good job on gift! love it...

  10. wow, that book looks amazing. good job on gift! love it...

  11. What a cute book!!! How much did that cost? You guys are so cute together!! :-)


  12. Y'all are the cutest things ever! My husband and I are taking a weekend trip to Charlotte, NC. I am so looking forward to it - we're going to have a whole weekend of just being girlfriend and boyfriend.

  13. OMG Vanessa that book is just TOO CUTE!!! and wow your coming out with two of your own books?? impressive!! when it comes out i will def support you and get!!! hehe

  14. That is def the BEST valentine's gift I've ever seen! I want to do that next year for my man for OUR 3 year anniversary too! We just spent the last summer in Europe and I've been meaning to make a "book" of sorts to recap our memories. Where did you bind your book, might I ask? Is it open to the public or just special clients like yourself? Could you also tell us how much it cost you? Wow you've inspired me :D I better get a start on this!

  15. Oh, the book are so sweet. Happy Valentine's day. Hope you guys enjoy the day. :)

  16. I LOVE THE BOOK!! It looks like you got it from borders!! LOVE IT!! lol..i read christiana's comment above and saw that her anniversay with her man was on july was mines!! haha..but would be together for 6 years!! anyways an early congrats on it..

    if you ever think of the publishers name..let us know im very interested in making a book..well not necessarily for the boyfriend but for my gizmo (my dog!!) THANKS!!!

  17. mine's july 21! hahah, we all started dating our man around the same time :)

  18. That's a very cute idea. It feels like you and Jon have been together longer than V and I have, no? It'll be our third year ani later this month, albeit an on and off three years. lol.

  19. wow - that's one of the most thoughtful and personal gifts I've ever seen! that's so great that you were able to make it a "real" book, it will last so much longer & have such nice memories whenever you look at it!

    I'll be lucky if I get a card with a signature in it =P but that's just how my BF is - doesn't need a commercial holiday to say he loves me. I'm on the low-key theme as well, as long as I get to have dinner together.

    Happy Valentine's day Nessa :)

  20. wow vanessa! how special. he's really lucky to have you! you gave him the best gift ever! i can't remember the publisher's name for the hard back book that they'll print up for you, but i saw the advertising a lot when i had the babyyums. i was going to make him a book, but i got lazy and just did the photo sleeves. i might still make one one day...

    ok being semi single (what the hell does that mean? LOL) i'm on the darker side of the fence. my man will get that as a WEDDING anniversary gift! ;)

  21. awwww omg! That is soooo cute! I wanna do one! hehe. That is the sweetest thing ever!

  22. I looooove the book idea!! I was actually thinking about doing something like it for our 2 yr. anniversary...a scrapbook, really, but this looks so much better!! I'm definitely going to keep this in bf is so hard to please!

  23. ooow that is the best gift i have ever seen !! SO CUTE!!

    must have taken you a lot of time, but i can see the result is really WOW, looks so professional!

    anywayz, u two guys look rlly cute together. So i guess love must exist ;)

  24. oohhh you guys are so cute, the book is so nice ^^

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. what a great idea! that would be lovely as a gift

  27. like i told you earlier.... you sure know how to make us look bad :) hahahah.

  28. Hey Vanessa!

    Happy Valentine's Day-eve! The book idea is SOO cute! The BF and I are just going to go out to dinner tomorrow night - pretty low key.

    Hope you two have something fun planned too!

    Have a good Wednesday!

  29. HOW FLIPPIN CUTE IS THAT! AHHH! THAT'S A BEAUTIFUL IDEA! Very creative and personal Vanessa.
    I think the hubby and I are just gonna chill and take a long drive on the coast... at least that's what he said. I would tell you girls what I got him but, this is the internet... and although this IS a makeup blog, a place I know he stays FARRR away from. I don't want to take any chances. =)

  30. damn that was one of the most creative ideas i've seen..
    thats really cool and unique..
    i love it..ufortunately my bf wouldnt like something like that lol..
    the only thing that would make him happy is getting him something from Guess..he loves that store

    but ya..very creative..i'd like to do something like that for children's books or ideas..can u tell me how did u go about doing that?? and how much roughly would it cost..i mean u dont have to tell me exactly how much you paid..just an estimate or somethign so i can have an idea of how much would it cost and where can i make a book..

  31. that is an amazing valentine gift. sweeties thing ever well. Happy Valentines day! and I love you blog been hooked. take care.

  32. Wow you're writing two books? I'm definately going to buy them all >:) Hehe.


  33. That is so creative!
    You are amazing!
    !!! <3
    xD I bet you get enough (!) in this post to last you for the rest of your life.

  34. Girl, you are soooo creative! I would have never come up with something like that! Share some of the creativity vibes because I REALLY want to decorate by bf's office. It's bare and boring! LOL. You and your bf are soooo cute together. =)

  35. oh my goodness that book is sweet! i wish i could do that but the bf hates to take pics

  36. wow!! that book was the most incredibly sweet and romantic gift ever..!

    i loove photography books (national geographic is one of my faves). images of random things that provoke profound feelings and emotions. i would be first in line to buy your photography book. :0)

  37. hi vanessa!

    that's an awesome v-day present, super creative!

    by the way, do you have any advice for someone looking into modeling? i know it's harder for people who are asian to get into the business :[ i'm 5'7'' and 16 years old. thanks!

  38. oh my gosh that book looks so professional! i know he loved it! dang i wish i had more time...maybe for the anniversary....keep it up girlfriend of the year ;)

  39. aww. that's such a clever and thoughtful gift!!

  40. SOoo cuuuute and very creative!

  41. Wow! That is such a wonderful and thoughtful gift.

    Yay for you writing some books! I can't wait for them :)

  42. That's so sweet! You really put a lot of effort into the book. You wrote in all those pages right? I've been wanting to make a book as well. I bookmarked a while back for the future. I plan on making a book much later down the road since I don't have many pictures! We don't take many pictures. I just have some of when we actually do stuff like the zoo, Disneyland, etc. which isn't that often.

    But anyway, I'm not doing anything this valentine's day :(. Just going to get my haircut and get some fafi. But I've got a long day on Friday. I'm going to go grocery shopping once I get out of school and I'm going to cook a large dinner with dessert, ready for when my boyfriend is finished at 10 from a long day of school and work :) It might not sound like much but I hardly cook nice meals and put this much thought into things. I'm excited!

  43. hey vanessa! that is the CUTEST gift i've ever seen! you're sooo Girlfriend of the year, haha. I looked at the picutre of the program you used to design the book, and in the corner is says "Booksmart" and I typed that in and i think "Blurb" makes these books, so I think maybe i'l try this idea for the bf and I's anniversay, which is in Novemeber though. it'll be 4 years then!

  44. wow, the book looks so nice! i wish my fiance could make a book like that. hell, i wish I could do a book like that, hahaha.
    i've been reading your blog for a while and i think you're so sweet!
    btw, i was at camarillo last WE too, i went to the CCO, but it had nothing!

  45. I think it's really clever that you made the back cover of the book a picture of your backs! =) I love when people put cute little details like that into their work. It shows that you put a lot of thought into your gift. I don't think I'd have the patience to personalize a book for just one person. I think making a card would be as far as I would go. Btw, do you even read old blog comments or is it easier for you to receive comments via cbox?

  46. Hi Lynn! If there's a question a Cbox is usually better since it's a lot more organized for me, as sometimes they get lost in these comments!


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