
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

R.I.P. Jessica Rabbit....

I know it seems like yesterday I got her, it certainly feels like it, but sadly my bunny has died this morning. She was fine last night, playing, running around like she usually does, so it's a shock to us. We do not know the complications or the reason of her passing, I am assuming it's similar to other baby bunnies deaths in which bacteria can harbor in its intestinal tract. The vet said she was probably too young and was already sick when I got her. I read some forums from other people whose bunny has died, and they had similar stories of their bunny just "dying unexpectedly" but was fine the night before (or at least so we thought).

She had a bout of diarrhea on Sunday, which now I know was a bad sign in itself reading up on similar stories; I just thought that she was eating and drinking normally now. We honestly don't know if she was sick, as there was no true tell sign that she was...she was just always a happy, playful bunny.

My friend Erica (who found her since she was going to take her out to play) said she just looks like she is sleeping, so I want to think she at least died peacefully. I am deeply sad because I have grown so attached to her even though it's only been a few weeks. I went to the pet store practically everyday to get her something. I wish I knew what, if anything was wrong with her, in hopes I could have possible saved her. But it's no one fault- it happens. It's just hard.

So Rest in Peace my baby bunny....


  1. Oh my god!!!!!! Vanessa you only had her for a while :( So sad to hear it. I recently adopted 5 little kittens and its amazing how quickly you bond with them - I'm taking them to the vets soon for their first check up and I would be utterly devestated too if anything was wrong with them.

    Hope you are ok :)

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWW! *hugs*

  3. i'm so sorry to hear that vanessa. =(

  4. Aww I know how you feel, I had a dog that just recently passed away. I had her for like two years. It's really hard when you get attached to them.

  5. Vanessa, I am so sorry about your bunny. I will keep you in my thoughts, as I know how hard it is to lose a pet.

  6. omg! my guinea pig died of the same thing! the night before he was fine then the next day he died..

  7. So sorry for your loss, Vanessa... hope both of you are coping well.

  8. I'm so sorry about your bunny!! :(

  9. Oh boy I'm so sorry to hear that from you. But unfortunately thats a story I hear all too often. Pet store bunnies are often misunderstood and therefore not properly taken care of. If the baby is too young and weaned off her mother too early, the chances of survival are very slim. But cruely, petstore owners care more about profits and the younger the bunny the cuter they are and the faster he/she will sell.

    But I'm glad to hear that little jessica still touched your heart for the short period that she was here and its good to hear that she died a peacefully. I hope this experience has opened a bunny world for you and when you're maybe ready to get another bunny I would suggest you look at a bunny shelter or your local SPCA to avoid the tragedy that occurred.

    Take Care,

  10. I am truly sorry about your bunny.

    I know how you feel. I felt like a horrible person after we received a puppy for only three days and it had died from eating some poisonous or something.

    We never figured out what he actually ate to make him suffer.

    The hardest part was actually watching him have to die.

    It really hurt.

    May your bunny, my dog, and everyone elses pets who have died rest in peace.

    But I hope you feel better love!

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. I thought it was the cutest thing ever on camera.


  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. I actually used to work with the local rabbit rescue, and we saw this happen a lot. Did you get her at a pet store? A lot of times, pet stores sell them way too young or get them from breeders who do not keep them in proper housing. So they are more predisposed to infection, or they don't form a strong enough immune system.

    I also lost a pet last year, and i definitely know how painful it is. This is a great little poem that helped me a lot:
    I hope it helps you too.

  13. i am so sorry for your loss. =*( i know what it's like to lose a pet.

  14. Sorry to hear about your bunny. Hope you and your boyfriend are coping well! <3

  15. Aww! OMG I am so sorry :( What an adorable bunny she was! I feel for you, it's so sad to lose a beloved pet, even if you just had her for a little bit. If she was sick, hopefully she is in a better place now :)

  16. Wow, that's really sad. My condolences.

  17. I am so sorry to hear that. I know what it's like. She was really cute too.

  18. aww. sorry to hear that sis. that's really horrible, especially since you weren't expecting it. :( my condolences.

  19. I'm so sorry honey :(

    I totally understand what it's like to loose a pet ;(

    I hope you're ok!

  20. Vanessa, I'm so sorry :/
    I was getting used to coming for the makeup tips and fawning over your bunny instead. I hope you feel better
    <3 Shayela

  21. Oh my gosh!
    I'll miss seeing her in your pictures. She was such an adorable bunny.

  22. I'm sorry to hear that, my cat bear died a couple months back so, when i saw this post, all the feelings and grieving came back to me. My heart goes out to you, stay strong.

  23. oh no! im so sorry, nessa.. :(

  24. Nessa, I'm so sorry for your loss.

  25. I'm truly sorry about your sorry. :( I do hope that Jessica is in Bunny heaven! *hugs*

  26. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope that you feel better soon.


  27. oh no..i am soooo sorry, it was really just days ago that we all grown attached to the lovely in peace....and be ok nessa

  28. Omg I'm so so sorry!

  29. My heart and thoughts go out to you and that poor baby bunny. Stay strong hun. I know it's hard to lose any pet.

  30. And at least she died in a loving family, you know, rather than out on her own or something.

  31. *cries* :(:(:(:(:( *hugs* *Enzil hug*

  32. i'm so sorry, nessa

    just the thought of losing one of my kitties makes me tear up :( i hope you feel better soon!


  33. My condolences. It's really hard to let go especially if you've grown attached to the animal. She's in a better place. That rainbow bridge poem made me cry before but it made me feel better too.
    Angels all around Jessica Rabbit.

  34. I know what it's like. I got a pet cockatiel that died after 2 months. She was THE sweetest cockatiel ever. She wasn't loud and only sang occasionally, loved to be pet and to cuddle. :( She was perfectly healthy and just dropped one morning, nobody knew why she died. These things happen to pets and it was NOT your fault at all.

  35. So sorry to hear about Jessica Rabbit passing, Nessa. Que descanse en paz.

  36. awww, nessa! i'm so sad to hear about your bunny. And you're right, it seems like you just got her yesterday.

    my condolences to you and jon.

  37. Oh no >___< Poor bunny .. She went to a better place with no more burden & hurt. ): Don't be sad! RIP. <3333

  38. oh.. i am so sorry to hear that.

    when my Shih Tzu died a few years back, this is what I have been reading to console me:

    Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

    When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
    There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
    There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

    All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
    The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

    They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

  39. OMG!! I'm sorry about your bunny. I was just reading about your bunny on your other posts and I thought she was the cutest thing ever. I know you are feeling sad right now but II hope you feel better soon as time goes by. I don't want to say this to make you feel better but I also had a beloved pregnant puppy that die last month. I was so attached to the puppy and I was extremely sad when I found out she was poisoned and died painfully. At least you didn't see your bunny suffering because she die. Let's wish them happiness in heaven!!

  40. Oh, wow, I am so sorry for your loss. I raised bunnies as a child/teenager, and I can tell you it sounds like you took wonderful care of her and gave her lots of love during her time with you. You didn't do anything wrong!

  41. Aww.. I'm sorry about your bunny. I know how much it hurts to lose them even if you only had them for a short while. My bunny died after only a few weeks too. Another pet store bunny. He was also sick when we got him, had this disease called malocclusion (according to the vet) and died unexpectedly.

  42. oh no!

    she was just a baby and there is such thing as being too attached to ur pet. when my hamster died, i was so upset. my sis buried it in the garden next to our goldfish.

  43. i can't imagine how you feel. i got my bay Duke sick as well... we went to the vet wee hours of the morning and found out he was harboring bacteria as well.

    i know you'll surpass this and Jessica is in a better place. And God is taking care of her for you. :)

  44. will you be getting another bunny rabbit! Poor thing (rabbit)! :(

  45. Awwh, Vanessa .. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! I hope you & your bf are ok.

    Take care ...

  46. I am so sorry, Vanessa. What Klaude said above is true. Pet shop animals have health problems a lot of times unfortunately, and of course they're not up front about it. It's all about moving the merchandise, and in this case, it's sweet baby animals.

    A shelter, rescue or even a reputable breeder are all terrific places to go when looking for a new little furry friend.

    Take care of yourself and may your little bunny be romping happily on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.


  47. vanessa! i am so sorry to hear about the baby! you just got her .. we were all getting attached, watching you and the bf parent her. our ears are hanging low today =(

  48. I hope you feel better! *huggs!!* I had a community of hamsters. I bought 2 hamsters from pet store. One of them was female and they had babies. I separated males and females and went through 3 hamster generations. lol. Recently I had 3 and one died last week. They lived over a year which is long for hamster lifespan. I will miss them all when they soon eventually die. I hope you find a new bunny or pet. I don't know where you got your bunny but when I got my hamsters, they were so-so healthy. The ones that I breed at home were more tamed and healthier. I guess it depends.

  49. very sorry to hear about ur loss

  50. oh my god! i am so sorry! hang in there! <3

  51. I'm sooo sorry about your bunny, you seemed totally in love with it.
    Hopefully she went in peace and didn't deal with any pains.


  52. awww i know how you feel, am so sorry you lost her so early. :( my dog died on me too unexpectedly when i was about 9 years old. it is indeed heartbreaking to lose a pet. i think i will still cry profusely if my 3-year-old labrador dies even though i know it is inevitable to anyone. :(

    my hugs to you sweetie!

  53. Vanessa, Im so sorry for you, you seem to be very happy, maybe the bunny was very young and need to spend more time with him mum to give him all the suplement.

    Take Care

    Sorry for my english level

  54. I am so incredibly sorry dear! I feel for you really. It's so sad that something so sweet and innocent should die so suddenly and especially when you've grown fond of it so much. *hug*

    I used to have a baby bunny for a while once when I was a kid, but it was always sick because it was taken away from its mother too early. The vet said that if one wants to have a pet one should not get a very young animal which still needs its mother. Pet stores like to sell them young because they look cuter that way and sell easier. Perhaps next time (I know it's still to early to talk about a next time, but still) you'll have better luck and do be careful to pick one that's old enough to survive on its own. My family and I have learnt from our mistake and are the proud owners of a charming 3 years old cat now. We got her when she was 2 months old.

    *hug* <-- You can never have enough of these. :-)

  55. I'm so sorry for your loss! :(

  56. sorry to hear that... my rabbit passed away to he was doing good and i just left to the kitchen, got back in a few minutes and he was already laying and hardly breathing, he died 15 minutes later on my knees on our way to the vet... the vet said it was probably heart attack since bunnies all got weak hearts and get heart attacks easy. he died one day after my bday i had him for a year and one day and i still miss him and keep his pictures on my comp

  57. Hi Nessa, so sorry to hear about your bunny's death, you just got her =( My son's pet dog died a month ago and Im not a pet person but I was attached and cried with my son when the dog died, so I empathize with you. Hope u and Jon feel better soon.

  58. awww sis. i'm sorry to hear the sad news. i hope you two are ok. my condolences hun. *hug*

  59. I'm so sorry to hear about your bunny. she's rest peacefully, hope you feel better soon :(

  60. oh no!!!!! >_<

    i hope things get better nessa and that you feel better. and hope your bunny was alright when she passed :(

  61. GOSH that's terrible! Did you do research on keeping rabbits? Cuz the slightest toxic fume from floor cleaner can kill it.

  62. awe...i'm sorry to hear about your bunny, but at least she went peacefully, and you did love her and give her whatever she wanted. so she was happy and in turn she made u happy....feel better

  63. Hi Nessa,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your bunny. I know it can be hard. I'm sure she is in a better place now. I know the feeling of "If only I had known, I could have..." Just know that all things happen when they do for a reason. All the best to you and Jon


  64. Should have done your research. Equates to bad owner. May be it's not you but honestly I'm sick of people getting pets because they're cute and really really want one but don't know shit on how to take care of them.

  65. Thank you all for your condolences.

    Last Anonymous- Wow I think that's very rude for you to say given that I didn't get her simply because she was "Cute", I bought her because I saved her from someone selling it in LA who took it away from it's mom too early. So before you assume things, you should get to know your facts.

  66. Awwww sorry to hear that! My condolences to you and Jon.

  67. i cannot believe that some arrogrant a**hole would leave you a comment like that. the nerve of some people!

    comments like that should be directed toward the neglectful pet owners you see on those animal rescue shows. the person who left that comment is obviously a low-life coward, hiding behind an anonymous alias, that just wanted attention.

    i'm sure you did everything you could for your bunny, and i can tell that your heart was definitely in the right place. these things happen everyday, no matter what we do, and we just have to learn to live with it and move on.

    i really hope you're doing okay. =)don't mind the naysayers, and don't ever let anyone bring you down. i'm sure that you will be a great mom when it comes time for you to rescue another pet.

  68. I'm sorry to hear about your loss! You did a wonderful thing by trying to save that little bunny! Unfortunately she was called to "bunny heaven" too soon! Hopefully you will continue to help animals the same way you helped Jessica. I have two rescue dogs myself who are like my daughters. I can't even imagine the pain you must feel. Hugs to you!!

  69. I'm sorry about your baby bunny... she was adorable. We had a menagerie of animals growing up. With each new type of animal... we'd would have done our research about them (Mom didn't want any surprises). It's hard to lose a pet. Again, sorry about Jessica.

  70. I'm sad to hear this. I have lost several pets over the years, and it is hard. I still think about my little kittys.
    You and your bunny are in my thoughts.

  71. Vanessa,
    I am very sorry for your loss. May her bunny soul rest in peace.
    Lots of hugs,

  72. oh no!!!! that's soooo sad...!!

    poor baby bunny. sorry for your loss. if my dog died, i'd hafta call in bereavement leave.

    when we had to put our childhood pet cat to sleep 'cuz he had a very advanced, painful case of feline leukemia, i went hysterical in the vet's office.

  73. So sorry to hear! RIP Jessica Rabbit!

  74. Nessa, I'm so sorry for your loss. :( I was just showing my boyfriend how cute your bunny was!

    I'm sorry I didn't get to comment sooner; I was on a sidekick and had no idea how the damn thing worked. I'm sure you did everything you could, and may her bunny soul rest in peace. :(


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