
Friday, July 11, 2008

MAC Electro Flash & Sonic Chic Review and Haul

I am pooped. It's been a really long day...and it's now 1:15am as I write this and I have to wake up in like 4 hours to go to work and do it all over again. *sigh*

BUT I wanted to post about the newest MAC Collections that came out today: Electro Flash, Sonic Chic, and New View.

Anne and I went to the Topanga Mall after work today to peep out the newest collections, our BFF was there again (lol), and everyone in the store thought we were crazy with all the swatches that were accumulating on our arms. Waffa (sp?) was the MUA that helped us, she was SOOOO incredibly sweet, genuine, and helpful. She helped us pick out colors that would best match us, didn't try to sell us anything, she was very honest and would tell us if a color looked similar to something from the permanent line. She waited as we swatched endlessly and took pics (she didn't even mind that we took pics!), and was just such a pleasure. If any of you live around here, I HIGHLY recommend you ask for her if you do visit that MAC store, she is the best!

I didn't swatch anything from the New View collection as they are all merely MSF's and was just so enamored by the Mineralized Eye Shadows (MES) and the Sonic Chic Blushes. First of all, the color payoff on these MES's compared to those that were released last year in the Antiquitease collection, is A LOT better in my opinion. They aren't as shimmery as the Antiquitease ones OR the ones released with the Flashtronic Collection (i.e. "Tectonic"). The Electro Flash eyeshadows are very pigmented, EVERY SINGLE one of them; they have shimmer in them, but it's wearable, not over the top shimmer at all, but just gorgeous colors all around. I ended up buying: Sea & Sky, Fresh Green Mix, and Odd Couple. They are ALL really beautiful, but I wanted to get the ones that fit more with my personality, and since I love colors, I walked away with those 3.

The Sonic Chic Blushes are really pretty, they are pigmented but sheer at the same time in the sense that you can guarantee you won't be applying too much color on your cheeks. They all have a bit of subtle shimmer in them. I ended up with "Warm Soul" and "Nuance" simply because I couldn't decide between the two. LAME I know, but I really couldn't see which one is better. Although they BOTH LOOK SIMILAR, they aren't. "Nuance" is more of a peachy orange with gold shimmer, and "Warm Soul" is a bit darker and more taupe and brown with pink shimmer. So I bought both to see which one I like most since I can always return one....before I walked in I thought I would get "Pleasantry", but I already have a lot of pink blushes, it was time to switch it up.

I missed out on getting the "Girl Friendly" paint pot from the Fafi Collection (as my store didn't get the shipment in time for the Event and ended up getting it later), so I was lucky to get one at my store today as they had it!!! BTW, "GIRL FRIENDLY" PAINT POT IS OFFICIALLY PART OF THE PERMANENT LINE!!!" (as the MUA mentioned to us), so if you are like me and missed out the first time, have no fear as they are here to stay! Topanga also has "Electro Sky" left from the Alexander McQueen Collection, too bad they didn't have "Other Worldly"...another PP I missed. :(

Without further ado, here are pics and swatches! So what are y'all getting? Or if you already DID get yours, what did you get???


I also included "Tectonic" and "Silversmith" which concludes my MES collection!


  1. vanessa, i know i keep saying this but your website is truly an inspiration! :) your pictures and reviews motivate me to take time editing and writing reviews on my bloggie! :)

    PS: topanga mall? reminds me of topanga from boy meets world! haha

  2. OMG! the blushes, taking my breath away,lol . This collection just on shelf in Thailand too. At first I don't think i'm gonna get 1. But after reading your blog, i think i should have one though!

    I'm now obsesses with MAC pigment that i got a sample from a shop online it's so much fun than old school eye pallete, JK. Thankyou for the review today!

  3. i am feenin for fresh green mix and odd couple! thanks for the swatches girl, you are always on point with this!

  4. Big up to Nuance!! I love the color too :D

    Anyway great haul, cant wait to see all the colors on you ;)

  5. hey honey!

    i got the exact 3 mineralized e/s duos as you did, lol...great minds think alike! but now i'm wanting that girlfriendly paint it that different from perky paint pot?

  6. Wow!!! My eyes are watery! Look at all those beautiful colors! Every single one of them is gorgeous! The lipglosses are amazing. I was afraid of bright lipsgloss before but know I'm definately going to try it. Have you tried the Pop Beauty Lid Neon Palette? I know you will do magic with does colors.

  7. oh really like two to glow

  8. I got all the same MESs + Hot Contrast + Light/Medium MSF. No blushes. The color payoff for the MESs is so much better, you are absolutely right. And such a creamy-feeling application! I may have to go back for Pink Split or Polar Opposite!

  9. you and ren ren are funny! i got the same exact eyeshadows as you guys! but i also got love connection, too! ugh..i hate not having a mac store here. i had to order online and it will be here in a few days =(

  10. OMG! Manang Nessa! Are you trying to kill me (because of starvation)? I want warm soul, nuance, pleasantry and merrily!!! Thats my kind of collection! Poor me :(

  11. I got MES: fresh green mix, polar opposite,& hot contrast.. I will be going back to get sea and sky.. they are so pigmented and even better when applied wet.

  12. did i mention you take great pictures? you take great pics! that's why a lot gets enabled buying stuff you post. :) you present them very nicely. i love the silversmith and odd couple! :) great post!

  13. Hey Nessa,

    I know this has nothing to do with this post (sorry lol, i DO love your swatches of the mineral eyeshadows tho!) But I notice you use both painterly and soft ochre paint pots. The painterly has more of a pinkish undertone while the s.o. is more yellowish. I was wondering which do you use for what? Like what shadows work best with painterly and which for soft ochre. Do they yield different results?

  14. I fell in love with "Fresh Green Mixs", but I didn't buy it because I can't do greens for the life of me. It just looks awful.

  15. Wow! Some of the shadows are nice, but I am really feeling the blushes! I will be going to MAC and Sehphora tomorrow, so I will be so poor by Sunday!

  16. Great haul Nessa! Just wondering, didn't they get mad when you took pics of the display? I think an MA told me they didn't allow that, so I always don't take pics of the displays. :( Your pics are glorious! Let us know of the color pay-off of the MES.

  17. i haven't seen the collection in person yet, but i'm trying to skip it! lol. girl friendly looks really pretty too

  18. OMG i think i need to go back and get me some fresh green mix! lol i got sea & sky and hot contrast. i really liked the red in hot contrast i got the blushes in merrily and love joy, but i really want nuance, too. and lookin gat the swatches of warm soul vs nuance, you make me want warm soul too! lol

  19. Wow (: This is such a great haul! I had to hold off on the e/s because I've been spending too much money ): lol. I picked up Nuance, though! It's such a pretty peachy orange-y blush, I couldn't resist. But I'm thinking of going back to pick up Sea and Sky.. (:

    I'm turning into such a total MAC addict, lol.

  20. those are all so pretty!

    thx nessa for posting the swatches. I now know what I want to get.... but won't be able to pick them up until next week since Vegas made me go broke, LOL.

  21. Hi Vanessa! My friend just recently got me hooked on your blog =) Today I saw Other Wordly at Cosmetic Company Outlet at The Block at Orange (I know that's far from The Valley) but maybe it's at Camarillo Outlets! Hope you find it!

  22. Great haul!!

    I want all the blushes -_-;;;;

    I think I might pick up a MSF since I've never tried it.

  23. Great swatches! I still need to check out all these collections, but I'm really liking the blushes.

  24. Oh my goodness the blushes are soooo pretty! I wish they are the regular blushes so I could depot them and put in my palette. lol. And that paint pot is so pretty! I was going to get the "Fresco Rose," but since I don't like shimmery bases, I will definitely get "Girl Friendly!"

  25. Oh, great haul! I'm on a budget right now so I only got Fresh Green Mix, but I love it! Yum!

  26. niiiiice MAC haul. i am soooo jealous.

    i'm saving for more ink, so i've put a No Makeup Buying ban on myself for awhile.

  27. WHOA! Those are gorgeous!! (loving the Sea Sky one!! And ... Hot contrast... o0o). But I realized that the bronze-purple half of "Odd Couple" is "Mercurial" from another MAC LE Mineralized Eyeshadow collection. It's one of the most brilliant colors I own and I got it from CCO too. <33 it!


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