
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Things I Miss About Canada:

Thought id do a post on how many things I miss from home!

- white Christmases
- ketchup chips
- poutine (french fries with hot gravy, mmm!)
- flakies
- when I used to say "ay"
- the snow
- different colored monetary bills
- maple syrup squares
- the super nice people
- Swiss Chalet
- how we don't have a President
- spelling "colour, labour, centre, honour"...I miss the letter "u" dang it!
- speaking and learning French, since Spanish is the second language here I ended up focusing on it and forgot some of my French!
- loonies
- toronto blue jays and the maple leafs (reminds me of my dad)


  1. Poutine! \o/
    J'adore ton blog =)

    Salutations du Québec.

  2. awww wish u can come visit ur home. Swiss Chalet is still da bomb.

  3. sorry to let you down but we don't have white christmases anymore ):
    i miss them still. Maybe we'll finally have one this year.

  4. poutine is awesome, especially if you include the cheese curds in it and so are ketchup chips. i never catch myself saying "eh", i guess i never caught onto it. i also forgot how to speak french so now i'm learning the language again because i want to know a second language lol. when are you going to come back here for a visit?

  5. unfortunetly our christmas days aren't as white as before but hey, theres still some snow so definietly not complaing! You should come back and visit Toronto!

  6. i would love to visit canada one day. it sounds like a great place to visit/live.

  7. Oh my gosh, when my boyfriend went to Montreal for the International Fireworks Competition, all he would rave about was poutine and I never knew what it was until he told me, but I guess it must be a big Canadian thing hehe

  8. all you have to do is cook some fries as usual and once they're done and you've cooked up some gravy. sprinkle those bad boys with as much cheese as you want and pour the gravy on top. it's awesome, i love it.

  9. all you have to do is cook some fries as usual and once they're done and you've cooked up some gravy. sprinkle those bad boys with as much cheese as you want and pour the gravy on top. it's awesome, i love it.

  10. all the things you mentioned are the best =) mmm swiss should come down to visit!

  11. My mom is from Canada, and we used to go back to BC for the summer, and I definitely identify with a few of those things on your list. I miss aero bars and smarties, especially.... besides the poutine that is.

  12. I love my letter "u" too as you probably noticed! When was the last time you were back?

  13. I actually never knew the US had no ketchup chips.

  14. I have a lot of family in Canada mostly on my mum's side. My cousin came to visit cali a year ago and she loved it here. We made fun of her cos of the way she says "about" it sounded like she was saying "aboat" with a weird accent. She tried to do the cali accent and it just sounded too funny. Oh and she also thinks that people in LA rub elbows with celebrities all the time. It's funny cause u hardly see celebrities unless u go out late at nite during the weekdays at clubs. I'd love to go visit Canada one day and go snowboarding!

  15. Haa haaa no more white Xmas for couple years now! Except the freezing -40 degree wheather in winter and no real summer wheather either! so basically you are missing nothing :D

  16. what about toonies?! lol those are so useful!


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