
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Part I

Today was Halloween at work, and every year we have a costume contest and a nice little pizza party which is always fun, since we get to see everyone's costumes.

If you follow me on Twitter, then you know that I was planning on being a baby for Halloween because I thought it would be more work appropriate than other costumes and not to mention super comfy and baggy (you get to wear pajamas to work!) I have never been a fan of Halloween, just because I hate dressing up and can never figure out what I want to be. But I always end up dressing up anyway because I have to admit, it's kinda fun to be someone else for a day, and because my best friend's bday is October 26th and she LOVES Halloween- I always find myself dressing up for her birthday parties (like the one tomorrow, which is a whole other costume!)

I wanted to keep my makeup simple, because babies don't wear makeup silly! I just wore eyeliner (MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack), some false eyelashes, and MAC Dollymix blush on my cheeks. I originally wanted to be a baby doll, but scrapped that idea because I didn't have a lot time this morning. I bought the pajamas at Target (in the girls section), they are a size XL 14/16 and I am actually pretty surprised I fit in them because I am a bit tall, the women's version was double the price, so it was definitely a good deal!

What are YOU lovely ladies (and gents) dressing up as?

Here are some pics taken today at work:
Baby, Smurfette, Wilma and Betty from the Flinstones, and Jesus LOL!
Panda and Me
Antoine Dodson, "hide yo kids, hide yo wife!"
Haha we had two Jesus' and they were fighting for who was the "real" Jesus
Jesus & Little Red Riding Hood
Baby costume isn't complete without a pacifier!


  1. hey the last pic of urs look super cute :)

  2. Agghh, you're back! I've missed your daily posts so much, Vanessa! You're looking beautiful as ever =)

  3. looked adorable!! That was a good idea to be a baby. Hope you had fun? So who won the contest?

  4. Awwwww, you look darling, Vanessa. BTW when I saw Antoine Dodson I bursted out laughing.....what a perfect dupe of him. LOL

  5. Cute costume! Love the costumes at your work.

  6. Thanks ladies!

    @ LadyFrierson- The Panda won 1st place (her makeup was cool!), Aontoine Dodson in 2nd, and Wilma 3rd.

    @ Mara- HAHA me too! So funny! Hide yo kids!

  7. All the costumes look great!! Yours was too cute girl!

  8. You look so adorable! LOL at Antoine Dodson.

  9. Antoine Dodson LOL and the two Jesuses (Jesi?) Your coworkers are so festive ^^

  10. Love the last picture... you're adorable!

  11. Hey Vanessa! I'm so glad you're back. I've missed your blog posts a ton. I've loved reading the updates on your life & wedding plans.

  12. great costumes!!! you look so adorable!!! Happy Halloween!! be safe!

  13. Omg the panda costume is so cute! I love the hat!

    And you look cute too :)

  14. The baby idea is so adorable. You look super comfy :) btw...this is Melissa from "ladystarr" I recently changed it to melissajoyonline. I saw your invitation post and I am so inspired! I just got engaged this past summer...and I love seeing ideas! esp..cost-saving ideas...Glad you're back sweetie! I've missed ya

  15. hello! where did you get your pjs, suuuper adorable :)

  16. Hi Alice, I mentioned it in my post, I got it at Target in the girls section :)


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