
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

MAC Holiday Heirloom Brush Sets and Royal Assets Palettes!

* Yes it's the metallic set, not smokey as first noted, I caught that!

warm eyes: (w/ gold handle 213SE)
sunday best (F)
star violet (VP)(permanent)
retrospeck (L)(permanent)
club (S)(permanent)
showstopper (M)
nobility (S)

cool eyes:
(w/ silver handle 213SE)
shadowy lady (M)(permanent)
silverwear (F)
modern heir (F)
queen's jewel (VP)
medallion (F)
trophy pink (F)

smokey eyes: (w/ silver handle 213SE)
rondelle (F)
courtly rose (M)
knight (VP)
maid of honour (S)
palatial (S)
majestic (L)

metallic eyes:
(w/ gold handle 213SE)
honey lust (L)(permanent)
silver fog (F)
stately black (L)
velvet lady (V)
creme royale (VP)
manor (F)


The eye brush set

Face Brush Set:

[Basic Brush Set picture coming soon!]

The Eye Palettes:

Cool Eyes (the one I bought):

Metallic Eyes

Warm Eyes:


  1. Hi Vanessa,
    I think i like the cool and smokey eye palettes the most too. Anyhow, do you think after you get them on Thursday you can do a tutorial on the eyeshadows. Maybe something showing how you could use the colors together or anything so I can convince myself to buy them. THANKS! we love you~

  2. Vanessa,
    those MAC collections look sooo yummy!!! The warm color eye pallete (sp?) looks really2 nice!

    did you notice what's written on the very bottom line on the back of the case? "MAC makes me pretty and poor"

    anyways, I enjoy reading your blog!


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