
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reader Question- MAC Holiday Eye Palettes

Q: Hi Vanessa,
I think i like the cool and smokey eye palettes the most too. Anyhow, do you think after you get them on Thursday you can do a tutorial on the eyeshadows. Maybe something showing how you could use the colors together or anything so I can convince myself to buy them. THANKS! we love you~


A: Hi Kiki love! haha you are so funny, I love you gals too (all the readers that take the time to read this)! I honestly love hearing from all of you when I am at work, you gals have such awesome personalities and it's such a pleasure to read all your emails. :)

Yes of course I will do a tutorial featuring the new MAC holiday eye palettes, I will do my best to try to do them ASAP! I know how much it helps to have looks and swatches before you commit to buying something, so i'll whip one up!

*Also, I now have Violet pigment available for sampling! For all you ladies who have bought stuff from me, please do a look and take pics! I would love to post it here on the site! Stay gorgeous y'all!



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