
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My purty laptop, "gracious me", and EOTD

Sorry I haven't really posted today, i've been super busy at work as I had a project due AND have been preparing for my trip to the Big Apple...New York City! I don't know why I get excited each time I go (I go there like twice a year); I think it's because I love how cold it is over there around November and I just love it because it reminds me of "Home Alone" haha.

I also had to take my car to the dealership today to get my brakes and rotors replaced. The damage? $500. Ouch, I know. My wallet is still stinging but I have to get it done right?? It saddens me to think I could have instead, have spent that $500 at Sephora, ULTA, or MAC. Sigh. I mean who needs a car right?! LOL just kidding.

Tomorrow the McQueen collection is out! My girl Chastity and I are gonna be hitting up the mall on Sunday to do what else but SHOP 'till we drop! I am excited! I want a Nintendo DS so bad, I think I wanna buy the pink one and play with it on the plane on the way to NY.

I got a skin for my laptop, so now it looks girly and pretty!

I bought another MAC Shadestick in "Gracious Me", a silvery pearl pink, this too is just stunning!

I bought the newest mascara from L'Oreal at WalMart last night, it's suppose to separate each lash and intensify it, which it did--sorta. It didn't really separate each lash like it says it does, I still found that my lashes would clump without me combing it out.

Here is my EOTD, I used Everyday Minerals eyeshadow in "Bundle" as the all over highlight as well as in the inner corners, MAC eyshadow in "Vex" on lid just above the crease, MAC Smoke Signals Quad colors "Gentle Fume" on outer V and Contour, MAC "Carbon" in Outer V and Outer Crease, and Viz-a-violet pigment near the outer lid.

The one thing I love about coming home to the BF, is the sweet surprises he does, I came home from work to find sweet notes taped everywhere, or in the drawers. He is just too cute! I gotta say, I love my Bubba Bear! He has nice writing eh? He used to tag those means streets of Azusa back in the jk. Or am I?


  1. I love the laptop skin!! I have the same 'puter. :) Where did ya get the skin? I've seen some, but they hide the apple logo, and call me crazy, but I really like seeing my Apple light up!

  2. awwww that's so sweet of your man to do that! :)

    you are so lucky to get to go to myc! are you visiting family there or something? gosh that will be awesome to be nice and cold up there! lucky girl :)

  3. I was wondering if you had ever ordered from choice brush...mentioned in your previous posts...their brushes look awesome, but not sure if it's all i don't want to shell out too much $$ for MAC too..let me know..thanks

  4. your bf is such a romantic! you lucky, lucky girl you! then again, you're def. worth it :)

    just came in to look up your past MMU entries... in the market for something new for my difficult skin D:

  5. awww, lucky girl!

    my hub does the same thing, and i always find random notes around the house, too!

    your laptop is too cute.

    have fun in NY :)

  6. Your bf is too cute! Jonessa?! And omg, he has such pretty handwriting...I would have guessed it was a girl's! haha...=0P I viewed this entry before but didn't see that pic on my phone. Blah!

  7. Your laptop skin is super cute!! where did you get it? =)


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