So this entry is a complete opposite of my previous entry, Cheryl, the lady I bought the eyeshadow piggies from (in which my package is lost) is SOOOO unbelievably helpful! She emailed me with suggestions to try and rectify my lost package ordeal so I am definitely going to try and do that.
But I am so impressed with her outstanding customer service. No one I have ever encountered with has ever gone above and beyond for a customer, and she definitely does. She could have easily ignored my email about the situation, or could have replied "too bad", but she replied sincerely and has offered her help and I am just so grateful and appreciative of that.
If only everyone in this world would take the time to be as considerate and thoughtful as she is, the world would be a better place!
Thanks Cheryl!
is it the same cheryl from the website where you can buy pigment samples? i totally forgot what website it is, but if it is her, she's awesome :D