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Wednesday, June 25, 2008



I just wanna say thank you to those readers (Ringo, Leila, and Silveh) who are vigilant in catching those who steal some of the pictures on this site and claiming it to be theirs and letting me know about it. Whether it be a look, swatches, a collection, etc, it's really annoying (and pathetic) that people take the hard work of other people to claim it as their own, take the time to cover MY LOGO/NAME with their own little tacky looking banner, yet they CHOOSE NOT to utilize that the time they spend trying to hide my website name or to steal other people's pics, they could have taken their own pictures, swatches or whatever and have it be their own. But nooooo, to stoop so low, to check this site EVERY SINGLE day only for the sole intention of stealing work and claiming it to be your own then getting praise for it on forums and such? Unbelievable. She even stole pics from OTHER BLOG SITES such as Temptalia.

I wasn't going to post about it, but figured I NEED to so that people who are familiar with this forum don't fall for all the fake nonsense she writes and posts, as well as to reiterate that I DO NOT POST ANYWHERE ELSE regarding makeup other than here, Specktra, and Vox, and because of this incident, the way my pictures are stamped will change to where it's ALL OVER the picture, just so morons like this can't "edit" it.

You should really be ashamed of yourself snow_fairy4ever, and when she was finally confronted about it (thanks to Silveh)you LIE and say that you always have credited people when using their pictures?! But not on ONE picture does it ever say MY name, and yet still writes "these are the swatches I took last night..", but not the swatches Vanessa took, and coincidentally, in the background of one of the swatch pictures of a photo of me and my boyfriend. I smell a loser that is choking on her own words.

You my dear, get the "Delusional Pathetic Loser of the Day" award.

How can you spot a faker? (click pic to enlarge)

Nice quality, clear picture....but really tacky 1980 banner with font made from Microsoft Paint? Doesn't make ANY sense....

Notice how "Black Ore" is the original font, and yet my website name is magically covered by a tacky font...wouldn't "Solar Bits" also be the same font as "Black Ore"?!!


Anonymous said...

awww.....i'm sorry hun. that's really annoying and i know how you feel, cause i've had ppl do that to me before in the past but just stole my poetry and blogs i wrote. weird! we should all go on her page and tell her something. hopefully, she won't keep stealing your stuff since we all know who she is now! she seriously has NO life and i doubt she has mac pigments, a lot of them, as she says. she probably doesn't even own anything mac, so she just steals your pics instead!

Anonymous said...

up to this day there are still some inconsiderate people who steal pictures and post them as their own. it really is annoying.

Fei said...

YIKES. Yes, cover your photos with watermarks. It's a shame though, but some people just ruin the fun.

Anonymous said...

well, i hope she STOPS stealing pics from you and others! i will say that i DID mention you on one of my myspace blogs, because all of my friends always compliment my makeup and wanted to know the brand i use. i told them my friend vanessa sold AUTHENTIC pigments and if they ever needed any, to ask me and i'd send them your way =) i don't ever blog much on my myspace anymore since ppl were stealing my poetry as their own. makes me feel mad knowing those are my WORDS and someone is passing it off as their work.

Kelly said...

just one thing to say to the thief: may you mistake nail polish remover for your eye makeup remover and may it sting!

some people are just so inconsiderate.

Vanessa said...

Thanks ladies! LOL at Kelly, I was dying laughing at my desk! :)

Vanessa M. said...

wow that is crazy! i went on the website..i wonder if all those other collections are even hers? im sorry! hopefully shell shut it down w embaresemnt!

♔Jaimie said...

That really sucks, V. Look at what she said:

"hehe, but i love to take pictures like that so you guys can see the colours at once.

I usually buy MAC at their MAC store or the MAC PRO store. If you buy them from other people is good too, if they sell you for a cheap price. Alot of my friends do buy MAC pigments sample from few site. I can try to ask the website for you if you want. I would not buy pigments on Ebay tho. Because it seems not that safe.

Yes, those pigments are a lots, so if you are a person that loves to wear makeup or play with makeup then that is fine. But 1 idea to buy the whole bottle is to share with friends, sisters, relatives. I sometimes buy pigments with friends together, so 2 or more person is using 1 bottle. All you need to do just buy a small bottle or jars and spin it into 2 jars. 1 for you and 1 for your friends. So every1 can have fun and be pretty "

this is on that same page, i looked at the link from the picture you posted and nowhere on it did she credit it back to you. she saids " I love taking pictures" what a faker!

Katrina said...

That really blows. I hate having to watermark my pics because I like seeing unobstructed product photos but this makes me want to start marking mine more.

Camilla said...

OMG i just checked this forum and I don't even know what to say... This girl is such a dumbass and I bet now after what Silveh posted (btw it was great action) she won't write nothing more there because she just got burned in front of other users and guests... I just hope she will come here on your blog and read your words Vanessa, if I was her i would have my cheeks burning right now and probably wouldn't even turn on computer for a while lol... My english is not good but hers is even worse, there was a HUGE difference beetween her own words and words stolen from your site. And I am really surprised that none of the members didn't realize she was stealing pics and since there was also a difference beetween them to I mean the quality and the way they were edited by REAL author...
As you said... she is PATHETIC.

Roselyn said...

wow, that is so low. so sorry this is happening to you V.

Roselyn said...

wow, that is so low. so sorry this is happening to you V.

Anonymous said...

wow... its soo obvious these are your pictures. that sucks that she doesnt even give you credit.

Anonymous said...

ugh, that sucks. Fortunately, you have lots of girls who have your back.

thanks for the great posts.

Tammy M said...

Kelly: LOVE that!
Vanessa: It is unbelievable what some people will do. I find it very sad..I mean, are you THAT NEEDY that you need to fake who you are and what you do just to get compliments?? Seriously, beyond pathetic...
Keep doing what you do, you're FABULOUS at it! BTW, thanks for the info on the convention in Miami FL, might have to try and go to that one...:)

Lushious Babe said...

Hi Vanessa,

I know the pictures are everywhere on the internet including movies made of them on Youtube.....but that someone is presenting them as their own stuff is really really sad! your blog and so do the members of my Dutch make-up and beauty forum!!
XXX Debbie

Aradani said...

I'm still just so confused as to why someone would steal swatch pics. it kinda freaks me out that thief seems like she has mental issues.
but wow it's kinda hilarious how you spotted your your own pic of you and the bf in the background. if it really is her pic- then whoa, it's a super stalker. so any way this deal goes- she comes out looking mentally unstable

RESSA said...

wow I can't someone can do that. Thats a 'low life' in my books. I'm glad you decided to inform ur readers their is someone tryin to post your picture and claim it as their own.

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to respond to my question regarding sally hansen foundation spray

Ethereal Prey said...

wow that's just sad that she's going around stealing pics like that. she must have no makeup and is trying to impress someone who knows. or get traffic to her sad site. sad...but annoying...watermarks galore!

The App Goddess said...

So sorry this happens, your pics are amazing! I know how much work it is and it sucks that she's ripping you off.

Maybe outing her will stop it.

Anonymous said...

OMG what a loser... I mean HELLOOOO instead of wasting time copying and pasting just take ur own dang pics its much more gratifying... she must be dying inside from the guilt lol wow it is unbelievable how low people can get for something that is not impossible to do...Vanessa if i catch her again i'll beat her A%* k k lolz.... Que Increibleee dios miooo!!

IchigoBunnie said...

that is seriously pathetic of that person. is she really that desperate to get comments and attention to the point where she had to copy? It's so sad @_@.

I hope there's no more stealing from you Vanessa cuz your hard work deserves its title and recognition and should be known it's yours, not anybody else'.

nilla cookie said...

Holy cow, Vanessa, that's horrible that someone would do that!!! And then blatantly LIE about it.

Good thing you guys caught them. Just goes to show, the internet might be a huge universe, but it's still a small world and you will get caught.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Sorry to hear about this Vanessa..that's so lame.. good job the imposter was caught red-handed! At least they could do was give you credit for all the hard work!

Anonymous said...

What a loser! I dont post comments on here much but I am an avid reader of your blog and I do feel for you. Its a shame how low some people would go just for makeup pictures! I read up on her page or w/e (i googled her screen-name, lol) and she was seriously chatting w/ everyone saying yeah, I love mac...this is my collection etc....but the funny thing is...I swear i've seen those pics on specktra before, but I cant absolutely say that they arent hers. But yeah anyways, lol. I am sad that this happened to you and I also hopes shes reading these comments/posts about her to let her know how much of a dork she really is.

well see you around Vanessa! <3


jewels said...

I can't believe someone would do this. Its good that your website is read by many people across the world to actually spot fakers for you!!!



Nikita2471 said...

I am an admin for a forum (non-makeup related) and I think you should report her to that forum's admin. It's your right to ask that they remove all the pictures she has posted that were yours. In fact, if any of your friends are members of that forum, have them read the TOS that each member must agree to and see if it says anything about violating rules regarding posting copywrite images. Just about all forums have this written into their TOS, by default.

So, if the forum admin/mods do have a legit reason to delete all the pictures that girl has stolen from you.

The same goes for every person you come across on the internet that has stolen your pics and reposted them without your permission. TAKE IT TO THE TOP! Write the forum mods or even the web hosting as they will also delete stuff if you have proof that you actually own the images.

I've done it before with my pictures and helped several of my friends with stuff like this also.

alien man?! said...

holy crap, shame on her!! and i hope she's humiliated enough to have learned a lesson

the Muse said...


I can't believe this.

This happened to me to me vanessa. some girl claiming entire stashes from my blog were her own!

I feel your anger and pain my friend :(

Some people have ALOT of time on their hands!

I started watermarking do to this :(

Could be the same ass that did it to me.

she was doing it on a site called poppee girl or something like that.


iamgrape1119 said...

WOW! I'm speechless...The nerves of some people!! I'm so sorry this happened to you! Don't worry, karma's a bitch. They will get what they deserve.

Jnie said...

its pathetic but it does happens. ijust don't understand the logic behind all that.. i've read on temptalia somewhere that you can put a stamp on your pictures where it can never be erased.. its not on the actual picture but somewhere in the properties..?

AskMeWhats said...

sorry about that nessa, some people really wanted to be "known" in their own little ways and wanted to do it the easy way! doesn't she know we all read your blog? will definitely be seen by someone you know or someone who reads your blog! gosh!!!!

Ahleessa said...

That is just awful! I've seen people take pictures of others and tell them it's them.

Shizznizzle said...

I hope her teachers at school reads this post and start doubting her schoolwork coz they're most probably stolen too.

Thushaa said...

Wow, some people are just so low.

Shen said...

this is wayyy too low even for anyone. maybe she doesn't even own an authentic MAC.

all of us here are lemming for stuff nessa can afford but we can't pretend to be her. duh!

deserves whatever bad karma she gets.

i'd scream my head off if this happens to me coz swatching and taking pics are sooo tedious!!

make the effort, snow_fairy4ever.

Thushaa said...

I'm curious to see her page. Do you know her url? I don't know how to search her by username. But she's probably the worst fake out there. =\

Vanessa said...

Well said ladies! Thanks Shen!

christy kimchee. said...

LOL that's so sad.

Anonymous said...

That is unbelievable!

Some people just have no dignity at all. To steal a picture that's not even yours is low.

I am glad you have very vigilant readers!

josephine siu said...

Girls are insane and really stupid! GIrls would steal my personal photos and act like it was themselves on forums "/ Lame. I'm glad that people helped you out and caught the girl (although she lied!).. Let's hope that she learns her lesson.

But that's the danger of putting stuff online "/ <3

Anonymous said...

man! she copied every word you wrote on your makeup blog and she is copyin Temptalia as well!! Man I would be PO'd by there anyway she can get in trouble like copyright infringement?? I reliously see your page for updates and I think you are talented and a TRUE MUA and I'll keep an eye out as well ;p

Anonymous said...

Well , that snowfairy is shameless , I hate people that use people stuffs and claim it as their own... I mean , that's very mean , she should ask you for your permission before reposting , or at the very least credit you...
I totally understand how you feel ,I always have people stealing the pictures that I photoshopped or scanned in and even people that steal the translations that I spend alot of time on...

I hope these people really stop all these nonsense...

MakeupByRenRen said...

uhhh that's so annoying and pathetic...there's always a bunch of slackers and stealers out there...luckily you got 700 plus pplz looking out for you sis!

Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm sorry!

The nerve of some people! you do such a nice job with your blog! Even with bloggers nice picture uploading I'm exhausted after about 2 post with one picture each. You put up mutiple pictures AND extensive journaling. Rock on!

I hope the next time that person steals photos her blog crashes. ;)

Aswathi R said...

OMG sorry to have known this.Truly hope that such a thing really dosent happen ever again.

Lushious Babe said...

Hi Vanessa, thanks for your nice comment on my blog and the compliments **blushes**. Thanks for the warrning about Snowfairy...One of the members of my beauty forum warned me this morning that this Snowfairy was also using my pics.....pfffff very very sad but I guess she's feeling very bad right now, serves her right!!!
Debbie a.k.a. Lushious babe

Cinthia Truong said...

I know how this feel like. I'm having the same experience as of now. But plagiarism is an unavoidable part of the internet...and all those watermarking is not fun at all!!!

yummy411 said...

so pathetic it grosses me out!!! how can you be such a loser?! to pretend like it really belongs to her??? life must really suck!

watercoloursky said...

that sucks! its because of people like that watermarking is a nessassary evil :P

Maybe i'm weird, but I'd be flattered if someone stole my pictures lol. I guess for me its like the saying imitation is the best form of flattery. After all, you do take pretty awesome pics that make me want to buy all the stuff you post :)

Tiffany said...

That's so low of her!

I hope this doesn't discourage you from blogging more. :( I love coming to your blog to see your updates which is always more than once a week. Keep up the good work and I don't think anyone cares about the watermark! :)

Liza said...

wow... what low lifes! I should start labeling my pictures like yours now.. How dare they take credit for something they didn't do! I respect you for taking your time and effort for all your posts!! Keep it up!! your someone I Look up too! :D

Anonymous said...

what a low life! that is why i also put watermark on my pictures... tsk tsk tsk shame on her!

:moonshine mua ssc: said...

its a shame people have taken the time to even think of doing something like this... im so sorry doll. --"your very talented and the appropriate credits need to be given..." --my good friend that is a photographer took some photos at a chopper event and they were featured in a magazine (it was great and all) till we noticed that it was credited to another girl... things like this exist and its a bummer although they all will get what they deserve. ~and thank you doll for your blog site-it def helps me out while im at work :D
much love

Bliss said...

Well she sucks taking all your hard work and effort and telling the world its her's, wow she is some piece of work and clearly a loser that just likes to plagerize, i feel sorry for you, hope this cretin will stop stealing your stuff, it makes me mad for your sake hhehe

sophia said...

That's totally disgusting!! I saw her site, and I am horrified at how she pass off someone's work as her own. Terrible!! I hope somebody is stopping this!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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