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Monday, February 18, 2008

Foiling Mineral Eyeshadows & Pigments (applying them wet)


There are perhaps many methods people use when foiling their pigments or mineral eyeshadows; there really is no right or wrong way, just whichever method works for you. Why apply them wet? Applying your pigments or mineral eyeshadows wet intensifies the color, making it look so much more vibrant as well as lasting longer as oppose to it dry, giving you a look that lasts all day!

I know some gals are super sanitary so there are many ways to avoid "contaminating" the rest of the group, by just putting a small amount of your pigment on a cap or a container to mix them in.

Here is my method, I bought a travel-sized PILL jar really used to store medication, and transformed it into my mixing medium container. I like it because it has 2-sides with a flip top, easy to open, yet stays closed and secured. You can use one side to store some of your mixing medium (to make your homemade mixing medium, click here), and the other side to either mix or store your pigment. In case you are wondering, I stored my homemade mixing medium in an old Maybelline Makeup Remover bottle...


Pour a few drops of your mixing medium, you can also use eye drops such as Visine, eyeliner sealant (available in online mineral stores such as madminerals.org), or good 'ol water. (I personally don't like using water because the pigment doesn't last as long as oppose to using something for it to really adhere to like glycerin)

If you want, you can just add a drop or two directly onto the brush as seen here (using the MAC 239 brush):

See the small puddle of my homemade mixing medium?

Then dip your brush into the puddle, most brushes will do, however I like using brushes that are either really soft or made with Taklon (similar texture to concealer brushes):

IF you get TOO much of the medium on your brush (which most likely will happen), simply just rub it back and forth on the back of your hand to get rid of any excess medium as well as applying the medium EVENLY on your brush. Remember, you don't want it soaking wet, just a damp brush.

For this demonstration, I am using MAC Pigment in "Your Ladyship", I will use more vivid colors in another post to show the difference but this was the only pigment I had on me!

Comparison of DRY vs. WET, although 'dry' looks more intense here, it's really not (it was a sparkly white in person), as you can see when applied 'wet' you can see more of the goldish cream undertones as well as shimmer....

Take some pigment off from the cap, this should be a good amount (or put some on the other side of the storage container):

Apply to your eyelid in pat and dab motions to prevent streaks, let it dry, add more if necessary to intensify color and coverage:



Anonymous said...

Yay thanks for the info, Vanessa! I'm def going to try this out with the new sample pigments I got in the mail.... from you! Woot! :)

psychoexgirlfriend said...

Hey Vanessa, I love using pigments wet - never knew the technique was called "foiling". I use my contact lens solution. I figured, if it's good enough to sanitize my contact lenses that are going on my eye, it's good enough for my eye makeup. Ever experience a bit change to your pigment when it's applied wet vs dry? Like colour-wise or texture-wise?

nilla cookie said...

Great tutorial Vanessa! I usually just use water, but I think I'll try an actual solution to see if it makes a difference for me :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, Nessa!

The difference in intensity is so dramatic!

yummy411 said...

great post!

Jaclyn Rose said...

hey nessa, i think i'm going to try this out. this works for the NYX loose pearl shadows too, right? because i have so many different colors I want to try out, they're just sitting there collecting dust. thx girl.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

great tut sis. :] sis ren ren asked me to do a tut on using more than one shadow wet and how to blend them! i've done the vid but i gotta edit it and i'm not sure if i'm happy with it. :P hehe. and i love foiling all of my mineral eyeshadows. :] hehe.

Vanessa said...

Janelle- Haha glad you received it! Can't wait to see the looks you come up with!

Row- Yeah I know a lot of girls who use Visine or other form of eye drops and I have used it myself and works pretty well! I haven't noticed a huge difference, when a pigment is dry it's a bit more gritty and lighter in color, when wet it's a lot more vibrant, shiny, and smoother in texture.

Nilla- Yeah a lot of gals use water and eyedrops, I say whichever works! I tried them all and they all do the job, but for some reason with water it becomes sorta runny at the end of the day. :(

Julie- No problem, glad you found this post helpful!

Thanks Kia!

Jacklyn- Yes this should work with almost all pigments! :)

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

I never realized it was called foiling until recently. Am I behind or what? Lol.

Oh, and I think you will have boys. My mom had 3 girls and me and my sis' all have boys. My older sis is the only one that had a girl, but I'm hoping that I can score one in the next run.

So you better get on the baby making little lady. My kids need some cyber friends of their own to blog comments with! Lol.

Love ya sis!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Thanks for the tut, very useful :D like others, i was ignorant what foiling was hehe - so thank you!

Lydia said...

Thanks for the info!

Unknown said...

ah i need help! um so i dont know where i can get small containers to put my pigments in. i cannot order them. do you know if i can get them at drugstores or something?

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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