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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Depotting MAC Blushes


I thought I would do this tutorial since I had a blush I wanted to depot and figured there's someone out there who probably wants to do the same thing, so I hope it's useful to some of you! THIS IS THE EXACT SAME METHOD I USE TO DEPOT MAC EYESHADOWS and NYX TRIO EYESHADOWS.

I have heard a few people say that this method ruined their pot, and all I can say is that it was not done right. First of all, this method is easy, but requires patience. You are dealing with heat, so you must take your time and not rush trying to get your pan out. Also, you have to hold the pan at an ANGLE about 2 or 3 inches AWAY from the flame. Not ON the flame or a millimeter away from the flame. It doesn't have to be a 90 degree angle, but just slanted enough. Holding it directly over the flame may ruin the pan as heat is being distributed in one area of the pan. Remember, you just want the plastic to melt enough to where there is a tiny hole where you can poke right through to release the pan from the plastic molding.

I don't use my hair straightener because for one, mine doesn't open wide enough to allow this to just sit there, AND I can't do the whole balancing act, it just keeps falling off of it, so for me this is my method, but you can do whichever method works best for you.

Grab your blush to be depotted and your palette to house it in...I depotted my "Coygirl" blush:

The two already in the pot are "DollyMix" and Sculpting Powder in "Sculpt" (PRO store):

What you will need: A candle, a flame, small pliers, a tiny screwdriver (not pictured) which is found in eyeglass repair kits, and of course the item to be depotted.

Using the flathead screwdriver from the eyeglass repair kit, gently wedge it into the cracks in the pot, you may have to pry it all the way around for it to loosen. Do not apply too much pressure or force it to pop up because you may ruin the blush/pot, be patient!

Pull the pan out...

Then take your pliers to grip the blush in its plastic molding...

Hold it over the flame for 2 seconds to warm it up...

Then slant the pan OG Style! Wait 'till it starts to melt a tiny hole...

Then place the pan face down gently on a paper towel or napkin, and slowly and lightly push the screwdriver through the hole while the glue is still hot until the pan is released from the plastic molding...

Let it COOL as the glue will still be hot, then transfer it into your empty palette...



Then take a labeler (I love this thing! I bought it to label my paint pots and then started going label crazy!) and label your blushes, etc on the side. Some people will salvage the original stickers from either the box or under the pot, but I don't really care about peeling 'em off...

Also labeled all my eyeshadow palettes including Milani singles...


Gee said...

Great idea!!! i've just been peeling the label from the container and placing in back of the shadow/blush. This makes it way easier to see what I have!

Thanks for sharing!! ^-^

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

I bought Hubbo a labeler for his birthday or something (cheap, right? LOL) but he uses it SOOO much. We have like 4-5 of those HUGE case logic things full of stuff that he labels.

Oooh, then guess what? Big Tyke got into one of the cd cases the other day and all the cds were on the floor. Boy! That was fun cleaning up, lol!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahh! So there's your label maker. Yours looks cooler than mine, like it does more. haha... nice post sista friend. ;)

JANE said...

You make depotting look real easy. Makes me want to try it out when I actually have enough eyeshadows to fill a palette. LOL. And I never thought I would want to own a label maker. Girl, you make me want to spend a lot of money that I don't have. LOL Thanks for the helpful ideas :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

I wonder which is quicker to melt, the candle or hot straighteners? The labeling is such a good idea! Might I add, your candle is so pretty - it's in shape of a rose hehe.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vanessa! Where is the labeler from? I cant de-pot any of my eyeshadows because: i dont use any brand i just use any cheap stuff i find in superdruf or w/e.

(g)ezebel said...

*giggles* even your CANDLE is freakin' pretty..!!!

nilla cookie said...

Love the tutorial! I dunno why, but I love keeping my makeup in its original packages. BUT, if my stash starts getting out of control, I knowo to look to you for great tips! :)

Vanessa said...

Anonymous, I think I got my labeler at Target, which is like a K-Mart or Wal-Mart...

Anonymous said...

You're like a regular makeup MacGyver. =)

Vanessa said...

HAHAHAH thanks Lynn!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I love your blog! I'm curious about one thing.. why de-pot? For convenience? To save space? The palettes look so pretty!


Vanessa said...

Hi Rissa! Yeah a lot of people depot to save more space, I do it also for B2M (Back 2 MAC) their recycling program where you bring back 6 empty MAC containers it can be anything even pigment jars, and trade it in for a free lipstick!

Anonymous said...

hey vanessa..how much was your label maker?

Anonymous said...

hey vanessa..how much was your label maker?

Vanessa said...

Hi Anonymous- I think I bought it for around $12-$20, I don't remember but I know it was around that price...

Anonymous said...

Do you glue a magnet to the back of the depotted item? Or do you allow them to adhere with the glue already in place?

Vanessa said...

AB- MAC Blush and Eyeshadow palettes already have a magnet built IN them so no additional magnets or glue is needed, once depotted you can just pop it in the palette.

Chloe said...

I put a magnet under the blush and then stick the label from the container on it. Dymo also makes a magnetized cartridge so that's how I label mine so it's still easy to move things around since I'm just starting a collection.

Unknown said...

THIS IS AMAZING! I've had 4 M.A.C eyeshadows just sitting there staring at me, because I always prefer to use my bigger palettes and when I travel, I have taking the smaller shadows with me, even though I love the colors lol. I've been looking for a way to transfer them for ages, so THANK YOU so much! I can now enjoy all my shadows.xxx

PS: Great job on the makeup btw, looks great. I actually had a quick question for you... I'm doing the makeup for an all-girls fashion show at my university, and it's a volunteer thing (I'm not professional, but I have to say, I've been blessed with makeup skills) and I was wondering how I use liquid eyeliner without spreading germs and infections? How can I make the most of the makeup without spreading disease. Please feel free to email me, at tyraphaena529@gmail.com, I'd love some feedback.xx

take care!

- Arooj

Jen said...

If you don't want to use fire as a way to melt through the glue you can use rubbing alcohol. It dissolved the glue entirely without the use of fire.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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