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Monday, February 4, 2008

NYX Displays & CCO Haul


Las Vegas was OK, I say ok because it seemed too short, lol; AND I lost $80. That's like 4 MAC eyeshadows and an MSF! HAHA.

Unfortunately, I was not able to go to the MAC PRO store because we didn't have enough time (as we were also with Jon's family), and I really wanted to go! Not sure if Fafi was being released early at ALL the MAC PRO stores (as someone asked), but I will be attending the release party this Sunday February 10th at Topanga Westfield, so stop by if you can! I was a bit sad I wasn't able to go, but there is a PRO store in Beverly Hills, so I just might make a trip down there this weekend with Anne. :)

I ended up just buying:
MAC Chromeglass in "Auto de Femme" (reddish dark pink color), MAC Lipglass in "Negligee" (purple with shimmer), MAC Pigment in "Night Light"(gorgeous green), Blush in "Margin", and "Mancatcher" eyeshadow (gorgeous purple, reminds me of "Beautiful Iris"). All that for $66!

"Margin" Blush:

"Mancatcher" Eyeshadow:

Swatches of the "Auto de Femme" (red gloss) and "Negligee":

This is how I packed for Vegas, deliberating what things I need for only 2 days HAHA... (click to ENLARGE)

Ended up bringing my overnight bag and another bag!

Here are some displays of the NYX they sell at the store downstairs from my work (big to show detail):

Closer look:

And they have the premium brushes there too!


An Indian's Makeup Blog said...

Woww!! I havent seen so much NYX anywhere in my city !! I think the NYX head quarters is somewhere in CA, so probably they have made a big market for themselves there !!

alien man?! said...

Sooooooooooo jealous that you get such easy access to SO MUCH NYX OMG

Have you ever seen Prestige eyeshadow in Verdigris? Is that similar to "Night Light"?

m said...

great haul! haha, if that's just your MU, i can only imagine your suitcase!

that is a huge NYX display! sadly, i don't think i've ever seen one so grand, lol. how did the NYX brushes feel? is their skunk brush as good as the 187?

MsLanie said...

wow! you're so lucky to be close to an NYX counter (store). Oh, how I wish there is one near me now!! Did you have fun in Vegas? I know you said it was short!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaa.. I want to have such complete NYX line here in Seattle!! The ones that ULTA's having are nothing compared to that. How does the brushes feel? are they comparable to MAC's?

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I wish I had a store nearby to check out allllll that NYX stuff u are sooo lucky.

Tawanna.Childs said...

I would really like to know if their skunk brush is worth looking into. Also ... have you seen one of the NYX brushes that would be close to a MAC 217? Thanks a bunch.

B said...

Whaaat? Where exactly is that NYX?

Paint Me Gorgeous said...

no nyx where i'm at :(
forever sad...

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have NYX stuff right there to snap up! I'm sooo jealous!

mayaari said...

holy moly - that's a lot of NYX! The closest Ulta has the saddest little display on NYX...maybe no more than 2 feet wide....I'm so jealous you have access to all those products!

(g)ezebel said...

LOL!!! you took ALL that makeup for two days?! (i woulda done the same *heehee*)

*drools at NYX displays* how fun is that to have all that makeup so close to you! how much do you spend during your lunch hour? :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa!

You are so lucky! Is the skunk brush the one that's named "brush flat top" on nyx website?

Have you tried it?


Anonymous said...

Oh wow that is a huge display of NYX!!! There isn't any NYX products sold around me so I would have to buy them online but I am skeptical about doing that cause some of the swatch colors on the website are weird looking. Then again I guess I can just search for swatches online that people have done (like you! =]) There's a CCO in the Philadelphia Premium Outlets that just opened up so I'm gonna have to take a trip there and expand my makeup collection hehe. I hope you had a good weekend!

xuankristy said...

Wow, I never saw so many NYX products before. hahaha. The only place I can get it from here is ULTA. They have such a tiny selection.

Hmm that looks like a nice blush color. What blush do you recommend?

che said...

*jaw drops* where is this store filled with all these nyx products?! hehe... ive been thinking about getting some of the pro brushes but i cant get myself to pay for the shipping

Anonymous said...

Sweetie ur blog is sooo great, i love the review u did for all the nyx products. I live in nyc n i dont see that much nyx. n i absolutely love their make up.

Where is this place with all that NYX? can u please tell us?????

Anonymous said...

Ha! I'm going to the MAC party too. I'm with the 6 pm people... How about you???

Nikkia Chanel said...

Wow! I'm am jealous, I wish I had a place like that near me. What's the name of that store.
BTW! Great haul

Stephanie said...

OooH...nice haul!!! Where is your office located...Their NYX collection is better than the one at Ulta in Burbank! Oooh I love Margin blush. I have it too! =)

Ethereal Prey said...

omg that is a HUGE NYX display! Give me directions to where that store is! I wonder how their pricing is like though. Here in nyc it just sucks where one has to hunt for Nyx and only find a shadow here or a blush there. never together sigh...

MrsDiaz said...

Wow that is one massive NYX display. The ULTA in Burbank has like 1/10 of that =p Can't wait til Sunday my love! So excited and so is the wallet. haha.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

gahhh... that is a GORGEOUS NYX display. I have yet to see one like that. LOL. I'm jealous! :P

middleminder said...

so pretty much compared to the store that sells NYX where i live is nothing to yours. so lucky.

Anonymous said...

yeaa im soo jeeelllouuuss that thers so much NYX products at the place yu go to, at mine thers only like a small rack of them ._." wish i was livin round that area... ;] hehe

the Muse said...

I have a funny feeling that NYX downstairs from work is a great danger to you nes!


Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Hi sis!! I missed you too! Glad you're back :)

NYX looks huge when they display it like that. My store does them in rows rather than side by side. A definitely more condensed version, lol. But I see that they even have little color cards (or actual tester products?) under which we don't have. So I have to peel the stickers to swatch 'em ;)

I think Hubbo would have killed me if I brought as much as you did to Vegas, lol. He probably would have said something like "where do you think you're going for TWO DAYS?!" loloollolol.

Oh I wish I can CCO haul. One day Lynne, one day...

Have a great week sis!!

Anonymous said...

holy moley!! thats a whole lotta nyx! we have such little stuff here. I only know of one place to get it here and we don't even have half the stuff!! I wanna try out an NYX blush but even we dont carry them :(
you must swatch margin :) everyone keeps reccing it for me

Anonymous said...

hi vanessa, i'm a fairly new reader to your blog and i want to say that i pretty much check your page multiple times a day (lol, no i'm not a stalker). i just really love your in-depth reviews of products and helpful tips. i've only recently gotten "into" makeup and from reading your previous posts, i've been introduced to so many things i had never even heard of before (i.e. everyday minerals, silk naturals, etc). thank you for taking time to do this blog as i find every post very helpful and entertaining as do other people, i bet.

p.s. i don't know if this is a dumb question but is NYX pronounced as N-Y-X or like the basketball team Knicks?

thank you from your new fan, Maha G. =)

psychoexgirlfriend said...

Welcome back Vanessa! Great CCO haul. I love Negligee lipglass and Nightlight pigment and I'm sure you will too! Nightlight is a great liner, if you haven't already tried it as one. I didn't know NYX made a premium brush line! Then again, NYX is hard to find here - only seems to be at this one grocery store chain.

Fei said...

Awesome. I'll have to check that store out whenever I'm in the area. If only to touch the brushes in person!

Bliss said...

Thats a great haul , don't have nyx where im at, you are so lucky. Loving your traincase, you are so organized hehhe

na said...

Oh my gosh, that NYX display looks amazing! I can just look at it for hours! LOL.

MakeupByRenRen said...

wowzers....ur so lucky! me want some nyx lipsticks! lol and i'm going to be packing for my trip to san francisco in 2 weeks...it's going to be a challenge getting all my makeup in my lil traincase too...

che said...

to answer a couple of the questions i saw, i remember pursebuzz had reviewed a few of the nyx pro brushes and had mentioned that the B12 is a great dupe for a 217 brush. also, im pretty sure its pronounced niks rather than n.y.x. since it was named after greek mythology. plus it says on the front page of their site :P

Vanessa said...

Thank you MAHA! (and the rest of you gorgeous ladies!)

It can be pronounced either way in my opinion, Nicks (Nyx) or N.Y.X. even though it's really Nyx (pronounced Nicks) like Che mentioned after the greek goddess.

Anonymous said...

OMG you are SO LUCKY to have that NYX stand there, AND with testers! stupid texas doesn't have any NYX so i gotta order online, so no accurate color swatches :( I wish NYX was available here! that stand just looks like candy in a candy store O.O!!

~snugglebunny from ABB

nilla cookie said...

That is a HUGE display! I've never seen any NYX in San Francisco near me - boo. Great photos and nice haul! The lippies look so pretty!

che said...

hehe yeah even though it's "properly" pronounced 'niks' i still say n.y.x.... and to correct myself, the B12 was actually compared to the 224, not the 217... sorry! http://pursebuzz.com/?p=593

Anonymous said...

lol, thanks che and vanessa. i knew i should've just checked NYX's website for my question. =)

watercoloursky said...

if i worked where you are i would have bought everything off that counter lol. good thing you have more self control than me :D

yummy411 said...

gorg nyx display! they even have testers!!

wow you didn't pack that much for two days? please tell me you didn't. well... makeup is our thing, so. i'm glad you had a cool trip!

Sukaina said...

awww am so jealous no nyx in Pakistan

but i order when my mom visit my sister in states :c:

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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