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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Traveling with Makeup


I had a reader who asked me how to travel with makeup as she was preparing for a trip and was concerned about the "breakable makeup", so how DO you travel with ALL that stuff??!!

Some tips I like to recommend is to make use of all the travel-sized items that are available at drugstores, or Wal-Mart and Target. They are really great space savers and perfect for a week long vacation. However, I personally can't do the trial sized shampoos or conditioners because I have so much hair I need to bring the full-sized bottles!

The trick is to only bring what you need and try to condense everything in one thing. For example, if you must have a range of eyeshadow colors, try putting them all in ONE MAC Palette rather than bringing all 5 of your palettes each of them having one color family. Eyeshadow quads are great too. MAC Pigments? Put some in a 3 gram jar and take that with you instead of the large bulky jar it comes in.

I bought these small bottles from Nordstrom Rack for $1.99 each, I bought it to store my toner and my leave-in conditioner.

Another space saver, are eye pencils such as the Avon's eye pencils which is an eyeliner and eyeshadow in one! Great for touch ups or a quick look.

I LOVE my overnight bag (which I bought from shoebuy.com), I use it when the BF and I go away for the weekend, or when I go on trips. What I love about it is that it's soft enough for me to put it in another bag like a backpack as a carry-on on airplanes and it fits so much stuff with its trays on both sides!

See how much stuff it fits?

The three pull-out trays:

I also use a big travel bag for miscellaneous items such as my hairbrush, accessories, bobby pins, Q-tips, etc. I bought this bag from a Japanese store in Washington.


So you have all these MAC PALETTES GALORE...what do you do to ensure that they are not crumbled broken eyeshadows-turned-mineral eyeshadows when you unpack?

BUBBLE WRAP and LOTS and LOTS of padding!

Yes ladies, bubble wrap is used by UPS and FedEx for a reason, because it protects items by surrounding it with cushions of air, and to protect your precious cargo, bubble wrap is awesome!

Step 1: Lay your palettes flat onto the bubble wrap.

Step 2:
Fold your palette into the bubble wrap VERY tightly so it does not move or shift.

Step 3: Tape it shut!

THEN for EXTRA special cushioning, I use my clothes that I am packing in my luggage to cushion my makeup:

Peek a boo!

I then place it in my luggage, if you are carrying-on your makeup the bubble wrap should be fine, just be careful not to drop your bag or shake it up too much. You wanna make sure that when you pack it in your luggage it's in the MIDDLE, not on the bottom where it has all that weight, or on top of your luggage as other luggages may be placed on top during the flight and baggage carriers at airports don't care, they just throw your stuff around! I add a shirt on the side so that it doesn't move during the flight.

Hope that helps! :)


Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Wonderful tips my dear. I LOVE those stubby little spray bottles you got. I have the regular travel-size ones from Walmart. Not as cute as the stubbies.

sushii said...

that is such a handy and nice overnight bag!

out of curiosity.. what camera do you use?

Unknown said...

Thanks SO much Nessa! These will really come in handy for my trip. Love your overnight bag...I totally need one of those! :D

Vanessa said...

You welcome Candy! Sushii I use a Nikon D40x :)

Fei said...

LOL. Ratatouille I wish! I'd love for a friendly critter to cook for me. Looks like you had a good time in NY. I think the Ulta Blockbuster case is similar to the overnight case you have, which is why I chose to order one for myself. Btw, I'm interested in some pig samples, but I'm not sure what you have available.

Anonymous said...

Were you able to take makeup on board with you?? My brother told me the airlines do not allow it. How true is it, you that you travel more than I do AND carry makeup around!!! BTW I have a Stye on my lower lid so I cant wear makeup so its like my evil twin is in my place HAHA!!! It hurts tho!!!

Stephie said...

awesome tips ate :) i always worry about my makeup when i travel :D lol that's what we get for investing so much in them, huh? i adore the overnight bag you have, i want i want!

nilla cookie said...

I'm really diggin' the overnight bag too! I love how organized you can be with it and your tips are super cute and helpful! :)

sushii said...

oh thanks!
i have fuji finepix 6900 and it's crummy compare to yours :(

i guess i should get a new one :p

can't wait for your new tut xox

yummy411 said...

i love that soft traincase! great traveling buddy!

Jenny Lo said...

where can i buy that overnight bag? ive been looking everywhere for something like that.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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