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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Leaving today for New York, New York!


It's 3:21 am, I am still awake because I am STILL packing, lol. I have this need to pack EVERYTHING even if I may not need it "just in case". My makeup and moisturizers and just the bathroom stuff alone is 3 small bags...yeah I know...lol.

I am also packing my palettes and breakable makeup very carefully so it doesn't get broken in transit, even though these are my carry-on items, I am very clumsy so I need to make sure those babies have cushion!

So with that being said, I will be on a plane for 5 hours, my flight is at 1pm, so forgive me if I don't post at all later today or as much until Thursday when I get back, I am going to be super busy the next few days! I will instead post pics of my trip as it goes along.

Also, for you ladies that have ordered and paid for pigments, your orders WILL be shipped on Thursday when I get back...so thank you in advance for your patience! Also some people are asking me about payment, I prefer paypal, but email me if you have another preference and we can work something out. ;)

And I may not be able to respond to some of your emails, so just wait till I get back. :)

Have a great weekend kiddies!

With love,



d0rksta said...

hey vanessa! i would really love the mac palette. but i'm not sure yet coz i've been spending way too much money lately. haha i'll let you know if i wanna buy it.

have fun in new york! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa,

Have fun in New York!!


Stephie said...

hi ate! i hope you have a safe, but fun trip in NY! if you can, check out the MAC store there, i always see on specktra that the pro store in manhattan always gets stuff earlier! ehehehehe

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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