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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quick EOTD (eye of the day) look...


I forgot to take a full face pic because the BF was rushing me to hurry up and between trying to run out the door and him telling me to hurry up - I forgot. :(

But it's ok because I have a better FOTD planned: one featuring a look from Sephora I am trying to imitate, and a better FOTD using some of the new Metal-X eyeshadows from good 'ol MAC.

First of all, the Metal-X eyeshadows DO crease, HOWEVER, depending on how you apply it, you can definitely avoid it. First, apply it with your finger or a sponge tip applicator, the sponge "absorbs" any excess cream therefore not making your lids too oily which causes creasing as well as giving you better control during application. Another thing I noticed, is that it helps to use a base, such as UDPP, a paint pot, or a neutral colored POWDERED eyeshadow, that controls the natural oils of your lid for smoother application of the Metal-X eyeshadow. Smoothing it with your finger also smooths and flattens out the eyeshadow to give it more of a vibrant color and that powdery finish it gives (since it goes from cream to a powdery finish). What I like to use the Metal-X eyeshadows for also, is a sort of a base to just enhance the vibrancy of eyeshadows colors. In the look below, you will see how vibrant goldmine eyeshadow looks over the Pure Ore, rather than if it was by itself. So for you ladies with oily lids that have creasing problems, you can use it as a base under your eyeshadows.

This look reminds me of a parrot I used to have, he was yellow and green all over. I used Rubenesque paint pot, and "Pure Ore" and "6th Sin" from the collection for this look, as well as MAC eyeshadow in "Goldmine" (first half of the lid), MAC Pigment in "Emerald Green" (second, outer half of the lid), and Milani eyeshadow in "Garden Mist" (on the middle of the lid).

Pure ore as the base (over Rubenesque paint pot)

Goldmine eyeshadow:

6th Sin on outer-V, added "Emerald Green" pigment to intensify the color:

Milani "Garden Mist" on the middle of the lid for the gradient effect:

Lined eyes and added "Emerald Green" pigment on lower lashline as well:


Distinque said...

Pretty! I'm using green today too. So what's your personal opinion on on Metal-X? Love your EOTD! Wish I could see the a full picture:)

Anonymous said...

Cute Vanessa!

You're continuing to fuel my want of green and more green eye makeup! :)

Have a great day!

PS - the red shoes in your post below are HOT!


B said...

Okay, I can dig it.....yeah, I'd like to know your opinion on Metal-X too. I was semi-interested at first but then I realized that I have soooo many colors similar to the ones released. Only difference is the creamy texture (obviously) in Metal X. Do you recommend indulging or letting it slide?

Karen said...

I love the green on the lower lash line! Ohhh, you've just inspired me. :)

Have a good week, Vanessa!

Stephie said...

that's so beautiful and fresh ate! i love the look, but i love you more :) lol i hate it when my honie rushes me too! i just want to take a pic gosh :D

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

very pretty. i love the green and gold. :] earth tones are my friend. LOL. :]

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

I'm always getting rushed :/

I agree with using the finger as application for Metal-X. Although it's not my favorite technique, it is MUCH smoother than a brush application. And I AGREE 110% to use something under it. Major crease factor.

Redicalli said...

Hi.... your eye makeup looks really good.. though on a constructively-critical stance, i would recommend that you try eye make towards the inside of the eye (closer to the nose). Your eyes are Big (which is a good thing) and are wide apart to (which is not a bad thing) but affects what kind of eye make-up looks BETTER...

so try make-up on the inner side of the eye, which should make the eyes appear closer together... give it a try and let me know how it looks...


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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