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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sonia Kushuk Holiday Brush Set & More Storage Ideas


So at work we've been OVERLY busy, coming back from New York, we had a lot on our plate! So since we were a bit understaffed, my boss was looking for a temp to just do work for a couple days on show stuff, and just so happens that my BF who is unemployed for a couple of days (doesn't start his new job until Friday)AND him and my boss are like buddies...So what happens????

My BF is working with me tomorrow. Great. LOL. The only plus about this situation is being able to use the carpool lane on the 405 freeway. Other than that, I am scared he is either going to a.)embarrass me or b.)embarrass me. LOL. You don't even know how crazy he is, he is such a jokester AND loves a good prank, even in the workplace. That means I spend ALL DAY with him, at night, in the morning, at lunch, during the day, and then we go home together! Yikes, talk about BF overload haha. I told him to be on his best behavior if he doesn't want to sleep on the couch tonight. ;)

It definitely should be interesting.....

Anyway, here is a sneak peak of the new 7-piece Holiday Brush Sets from Sonia Kushuk available at Target. They have gold handles and comes with a cute case!

So I outgrew my other Sterilite storage drawers thanks to my really bad shopping habit, and hence oddly enough, bought BIGGER drawers to store MORE makeup I buy in the future (go fig). So I ended up storing all the sample jars in one drawer and all other miscellaneous or "back up" makeup in another...


Anonymous said...

Australian Target doesn't have Sonia Kashuk! What a let down. The brushes look good too!

Are the NYX eye shadows pigmented?

Thanks :)

Vanessa said...

Hi Julie! Aww that sucks Australia Target doesn't have Sonia Kushuk, you should move up here to Cali! :)

The NYX eyeshadows are very well pigmented, I actually compare them to MAC because they are a great alternative for people on a budget. :)

Anonymous said...


I know you love Milani e/s. Can I request a tutorial on how to do eye makeup with just Milani e/s?


Anonymous said...


I know you love Milani e/s. Can I request a tutorial on how to do eye makeup with just Milani e/s?


Vanessa said...

Hi Liz!

Yes I will definitely do a tutorial using Milani eyeshadows.

You can also imitate my recent FOTD (beautiful iris and nocturnelle) using Milani eyeshadow in "Shock" and "Storm". :)

Anonymous said...

You are simply the best.

Oh I have almost every milani e/s they have ;-)
Do you really think that juxt=milani garden mist

and humid=milani clover?
coz i am gonna invest in some greens... if they are the same, then all i have to buy is the wondergrass and swimming


Ethereal Prey said...

how do you like the sonia brushes so far? that's a lot of make up you got there...*drools*

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

"BF overload" lol! i know what that's like. when my husband and i were dating, we used to work together, go to school together, AND LIVE TOGETHER. folks thought we were crazy, hah.

you know, one of the sad things about living where i do is that there is no target here :( they are supposedly building one next year which brings a big BIG smile to my face :D

good storage idea! i am definitely running out of space.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to move to the US (thanks to all the tv shows I watch) sometime in the future! Everything just seems so much cheaper over there!

alien man?! said...

O man, I'm too in denial to splurge on a train case, but it's always such a hassle scrounging through my makeup bags to find one lousy eyeshadow.

I guess I should start bringing home some more Sterilite drawers, too.

So, what's the "back up" makeup all about, hmm??

Vanessa said...

HAHA Alienman you are so funny, the "Back up" makeup is crap I bought and either never or rarely use, some of it I bought because it was either going to be discontinued or because it was on sale and I just had to get it in the event that I can never get it again...(riiggggggggght) LOL

BabyJanny said...

oooh this was my first brush set ever, i bought it in fall of 2007 tooo. i still have em, theyre great!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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