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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Everyday Minerals Blushes and Essence of Beauty Brushes


I received my Everyday Minerals haul today! I loved their blush in "Waffle Cone", so I bought more of their blushes in "Email Me" a light toasty brown, and "Apple", a rosy color.

The Swatches:

I also stopped by CVS after work to check out more of the Essence of Beauty brushes since they had a BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF SALE and came out with a foundation brush and a large powder brush. I don't need anymore brushes, but tell a makeup addict that and they don't understand because to them they don't have enough.LOL.

I truly, madly, deeply, love Essence of Beauty Brushes, they are seriously a notch below MAC brushes in my opinion, and you cannot beat the price! I am not even kidding, these brushes are soft and high quality, they don't shed (for me anyway), and they are not scratchy or prickly at all. If you are new to makeup or have a budget, I HIGHLY suggest starting off with these brushes before you go into high-end ones.

I finally got my nails done, I am leaving on Saturday for the Big Apple and thought i'd get my nails looking nice since I have clients to meet, can't be looking all bummy!

And the bf bought me the cutest barrettes!

My overall haul today, I also got some more falsies and Physician's Formula Concealer Duo:


Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

oOoo, i love those two blushes. i think that email me might be too sheer on me though cause i'm darker than you. but apple looks like it'd be a worthy color to try! :] btw... i also have the waffle cone blush from EDM and love it too! :]

Anonymous said...


Those brushes sure sounds interesting! Any idea if they're available online, with shipping to other places than US and Canada?

smileychatterbox said...

Wow Vannessa those blushes are so pretty and natural looking! And that is a very nice manicure. Let me know if the Maybelline mascara works for you, if you can.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nessa!!! I also LOVEEEE!!! The Essence of beauty brushes I have a discount of $5 so I'm going to be using that and thanx for the heads up on the sale!!!! I'm going to go snatch them up!!! I had been eyeing the foundation brush it looks huge but nice so I'm going to get it I have the black large angled brush and the small white haired one like yours and they shed boo hoo a total dislike i get angry when I have freaking hairs on my face :o( But alas I still like them I dont know why they shed hopefully that will stop agian thanks for the heads up on the sale gotta go today I am also going to return my brush sets today... Take care and dont be a stranger!!!! BTW how do u like the foundation brush have u used it yet??

Ahleessa said...

I love Essence of Beauty brushes. I have so many and I happen to buy some more this week. :)

I wanted to ask you about Everyday Mineral. How is the concealer? Can you do a tutorial of the steps you do to apply mineral makeup? I just assumed you only put the foundation but do you need the finished powder afterwards? I guess you can say I'm clueless when it comes to putting makeup on *sigh*.

Vanessa said...

Hi Alma! I used the foundation brush for the first time this morning and I love it! It's big to cover enough of your face that's what I love about it, sorry to hear they are shedding for you, I honestly think all brushes even high-end brushes will shed at some time.

Alyssa- Applying mineral foundation is easy, just use a buff brush or a fluffy powder brush dip in your minerals, tap it on the lid to get rid of the excess powder and swirl while on the cap and then in circular motions apply it on your face. I don't use a finishing powder I really don't see any use for it, but some ppl might use it so it's up to you whether it works for you or not.

B said...

Thanks for the heads up on the Sephora discount! And you have inspired me to go check out some more Essence of Beauty brushes! So excited....have a fab weekend!

Anonymous said...

i caught that sale yesterday too! lol. I bought ANOTHER eye shadow brush and a crease brush...LOVE LOVE essence of beauty.

I also bought some concealer...i've come to find that one shade of concealer never works so lately i've been layering two...i have a NYX concealer pot i use and i put my mac studio stick NC43 foundation on top with a concealer brush and PERFECTION! love it!

Enjoy your weekend....oh, and cute nails!


Anonymous said...

Hey vanessa,

Thanks for the heads up on the brushes. I saw the sale last week but totally forgot all abt it. I am so going to cvs tonight.

Lovin the nails

Have fun in NYC and thanks for being so kind and patient to me.

Karen said...

fun! cute barettes, awww!

yummy411 said...

vanessa, what's your favorite essence of beauty brush? my favorite is the define/crease brush... the little small, slim ones (2 in a pack). i love that they are small and give control of a color in the crease.

ღღCris Oliverღღ said...


I would like to know where to buy the brushes of ESSENCE OF BEAUTY?
Thank you.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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