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Friday, November 30, 2007

Cosmetics Company Store & AVON Haul


So I was going to post last night, but the BF was hogging the laptop...that will be fixed soon because (shhh! im getting him one for Xmas!) so hopefully I won't have to share anymore. LOL.

The BF and I went to Camarillo Outlets last night, I realized that a weekday is the best time to go there because there was literally NO ONE there as opposed to the weekends where it's packed and good luck trying to find parking...

I went to the CCO store and picked me up some items (after I just said that I wasn't going to shop anymore!) but since MAC items are so much cheaper there, I can't refuse! I also got my AVON haul!

I picked up: MAC Fluidlines in "Haunting" and "Nightfish" which I love! Haunting makes a great purple/lilac base and nightfish is an awesome color because it's dark but not as bold as black. I also picked up 2 lipsticks, "Scanty" and "Creme de Femme", my friend sent me more of the "Sweet Sienna" pigment which I heard is sold out almost everywhere, and an eyeshadow in "Endless Love" from the Nocturnelle collection (which I am selling so email me if you are interested, I already have a similar color).

First, my AVON Haul: Lipsticks in "Nude Pink" and "Magnificent Mauve", and "Rich Red" Lip Radiance Lipgloss ("Red Romp" Dupe)

MAC Attack!

Fluidline Swatches:

Scanty is more of a cream (amplified cream) so it goes on smooth...

Creme de Femme is a nice frosty pinkish color, it's darker than Scanty in person

I also went to Walgreens before we headed home and picked up an Isadora Palette and a Wet N' Wild pink lipstick, if you haven't noticed I have an obsession with PINK Lipsticks! I totally love the Isadora eyeshadow palettes, they have gorgeous colors and are very well pigmented. Walgreens had them on sale for HALF OFF!

Comparisons of all the pink lipsticks, "Snob" is still my favorite! :)

And since I have been posting pics of babies, I thought id add one of my BF when he was in the 2nd grade, look how cute he WAS haha, he looked like a good boy, and now he's just a rotten brat!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl, thanks for stopping by my page. I stopped by your page a couple of times and I'm so drawn to all the pictures. Heheh. You take super nice pictures of all the new stuff you get & everything else. I was going page by page and I was like, OMG, how many pages is this? I didn't get to the very end though =( But I do love your work as well. Alrighty then, take care<33

<3 Tina

Ethereal Prey said...

crikey! nice haul! I was gonna go get the pink eyeshadow palette from wet n wild but then i realized i cant' pull off pink eyeshadow...but do a look and inspire me! Camarillo has a betsey johnson outlet!!!! I heard that one was much bigger than the one on the east coast!!!! so jealous!!!!

B said...

Fab haul! It was Isa Dora that first drew me into make-up. I used to work at Wal-Greens as a manager and loooove stocking the beauty department just too see what kinds of things that had. I have that quad too! Sooo where is this Cosmetics Company Store? Help a sista out! I would love to goooo. Enjoy your new goodies and have a fab weekend. I'm off to MAC Pro off of Roberson to see what I CAN afford in Stylistics. Haha.

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous of your haul.

I've seen Isadora at walgreens before but I am not familiar with the brand so I didn't even taken 2nd glances. But is it good? How good is it compared to drugstore like NYX/Milani?

I have access to some NYX e/s and all Milani e/s here

Linda said...

Hey I love reading your blog! anywho, I work at Walgreens and jsut to let you know Isa Dora is being discontinued that's why they're so cheap. I just marked my stuff down to 75% off. Most stores should be doing that now.. so since you love it you should grab it quick.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa!!

I was @ Walgreens last night too. Are the Isadora products any good?
I remember you saying several times on your blog that milani has a blush like Nars Orgasm but I cant find it anywhere? Do i got it right? Its a Milani blush right? I also checked their website and didn't find it.

2 weeks ago I went to CCS and didnt find anything i wanted so went home emptyhanded. Great Haul!

www.Cosmetic-Candy.com said...

Hi Vanessa!

You know have made me totally want snob? But now I like the look of Creme De Femme.

Which do you recommend for a daily shade? My colouring is similar to yours...


Vanessa said...

Kiki- Milani no longer has the blush, it has been discontinued long time ago, I bought mine off of eBay.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

Hi Nessa,

I REALLY like that Nude Pink lipstick you got, and pretty much all of the MAC ones you got! :D You REALLY REALLY make me want to get snob... i swear. LOL. :P

Karen said...

What a wonderful haul! I want Haunting now.

And isn't your BF so cute. :)

Have a good weekend, Vanessa!

megx3 said...

Hi!! i really enjoy reading your blog!! i hope you can stop by mine and help me out!! hehe

Vanessa said...

Megx3- I am unable to get to your blog, it says I have to be invited... :(

Anonymous said...

is nightfish similar to dipdown? thanks

Vanessa said...

Chelle- No Nightgish is more of a greyish black, almost black but not as black as black if that makes any sense....it's not brown like dip down.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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