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Monday, July 28, 2008

MAC Lipstick Army!


My sister is coming to town! I guess she is driving my parents nuts so they are sending her to me for the rest of the summer (don't know if that's a good thing, LOL), since she is a teenager, it sounds about that time we aren't too fond of our parents, lol. So you know what that means! I have a student to do make-overs on...not like she needs it because she is naturally gorgeous! And she is the only one out of me and my other sister that doesn't look Asian (she got our mom's genes), so it should be fun playing up her features. My other younger sis is coming too and I know she'll have fun playing "dress-up" with all my things...

Anyway, here are my MAC lippies and swatches of course. I forgot to include my mattene lipstick, slimshines, and MAC l/s in "faux", but you can just search for these in the search box on this site to find swatches on them. As you can see I love to collect at least one lipstick from each collection (but lately some collections have had sheer lippies).

I agree with xppinkxx when she called us ladies "lipstick army" because doesn't this pic look like an army of lipsticks?? HAHA.


Lipstick names with an (LE) means it was a limited edition item and MAY no longer be available at MAC, but you may find it at a CCO store near you. Lipsticks with (PRO) mean it is a PRO product and only available at MAC PRO stores (some may be available at certain MAC freestanding stores). Lipsticks without anything beside it means they are still part of the permanent line.

Violetta (PRO)
Masque (LE, Alexander McQueen Collection)
Fun N' Sexy (LE, Fafi Collection)
Pink Nouveau
Port Red (LE, Naughty Nauticals)
Scanty (discontinued)
Curtsy (LE, Danse Collection)
Sparks Can Fly (LE, Smoke Signals Collection)
Show Orchid (PRO)
Creme de Femme
Peachstock (PRO) although I have seen this one time at a freestanding store...
Sci-Fidelity (LE, Neo-Sci Fi collection)
Pleasure Seeker (LE, Neo-Sci Fi collection)
California Dreaming (FREE lipstick for CA residents only)
Honeymoon (LE, Moonbathe Collection)
Melrose Mood (LE, Heatherette Collection)
Fleshpot (LE, Heatherette Collection)


Vanessa M. said...

hahaha love it!

The Shades Of U said...

Weeee!! Lipstick porn! Lahvet! =)

Thanks for the kind words on my MacBook. I turned it on after 54 hours and it worked perfectly. I don't know how I'm gonna live without Mac (and MAC!). =D

Anonymous said...

you're so funny. who would win in your lipstick army? lol..oh wow..you get two siblings to deal with! sounds like fun! hehe.

Shen said...

gorgeous lippies!! i wish i had siblings! :) its pretty lonely being an only child.. :) reason why i love checking out your blgogs. y'all feel like a sis to me! :)

XPPINKXX said...

This should be tons of fun...she is gorgeous!!!...

you should bring her to the pow wow!...

yup those lipsticks look like us!!!..all in beautiful colors ...

hmmmmm i like snob...


have you found a dress yet?

Cinthia Truong said...

Is that your sis? She looks very pretty!

mayaari said...

those were great pictures - i bet you'll have lots of fun with your sisters when they come to visit you :)

Lani said...

show orchid looks hot ;)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Your sis is as gorgeous as you! good genes huh ;)

damn i wish I was in SoCali to meet up with your lipstick army gals! haha.

you have a huge collection, no less than I expected :D

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

pretty colors. :D i was going to get myth but the MUA suggested i get blankety for a nude color and when i tried it on it actually didn't look bad. LOL. but i still might get myth because i saw it on someone that wears NC42 and it looked great on her! i suspect i'm in the NC 35 - NC 45 range (not sure though) so i was hoping it looked good on me too. LOL. i guess i'll get myth next time since that's the color i wanted initially. :)

MakeupByRenRen said...

awww exciting! i can't wait to see you with pics with your sistas....i love your lipstick army by the way :)

Sara said...

Beige is so gorgeous! I was expecting a nude color because of the name, but nope! No regrets here though, beautiful color!

Ah! Doll, you have sooo many!

Myth I have been wanting to get foreverrrr and fleshpot looks gorgeous as well! Is Peachstock a pretty color overall for any tone? I'm going to buy some lipsticks from MAC here in the next week or so.. whenever I can drive a whole hour just to pick some up; grr, such crap.

♥ the site, it's one of my daily blogs.


Tracy Roa said...

hooray for the lipstick army! most of my soldiers are nyx. haha!

Katrina said...

OoOoO. I just thought of a crazy idea.

Since you guys are the 'lipstick army', for the Pow Wow, each person who is coming should bring in their most FAVORITE lipstick and you all should take a picture with all of the laides holding their lipstick in hand and taking another picture with just the lipsticks.

Just as a memory thing. =]

AskMeWhats said...

I would love to battle with your lipstick army!!! lol and I'm sure your sister will have fun spending time with her cool sis with loads of clothes and make up! lol ENJOY!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

OMG, that is definately an army! Too funny. I needed that laugh. Have fun with the sis's :)

If you don't know what to do with them, send 'em my way; I've got a 14 year old in need of entertaining. Maybe your sister could con her into makeup. What 14 year old doesn't like makeup? One's who's mom's are in the business, I guess. We all know that if I do it, it can't possibly cool. Moms of teenagers are NOT cool. :)

Jaclyn Rose said...

you're sister is just as beautiful as you are! oooh, sounds like you gals may have some fun together for the rest of the summer. You gotta bring her with you when we hang out! would love to meet her too.

oh and i'm sorry to hear about the accident. nobody was hurt right? that sucks to get hit in the parking lot, especially because cars don't travel that fast in parking lots. was the damage pretty bad?

Jaclyn Rose said...

violetta looks sooo pretty. i wonder if i could pull off that color. do you have a pic with it on your lips?

ok i'll search it. =)

Anonymous said...

Lovely lipstick collection! I received the order today for the Milani e/s in Storm and Silver Bullet, and I absolutely love them! Especially Storm it's sooo pretty. Thank you! =)

Ling said...

Your sis is such a babe like you! Good genes. lol.

I really like 'California Dreaming' and 'Peachstock'. Looks really pretty and sweet.

Btw, I mailed you!

Adriyah said...

wEEE! Peachstock looks so pretty! :) Now I want one! lol! I wish I have fleshpot l/s :)

Unknown said...

You have quite a collection

asmaliana said...

hi, love your lipstick colors. So amazing. Just to share with you my blog www.asmahshop.com. Your website so cool.

Unknown said...

These are awesome! I can't believe you have so many! Have you ever thought of getting permanent makeup?

ShePlaysForKeeps said...

Hey! So I am a big fan of your blog and I have recentley started a blog called ShePlaysForKeeps.blogspot.com with my best friend. This blog will showcase makeup review's (watch out for OCC airbrush system review) and random bits of makeup history. We will also be showcasing many makeup artists (Pat McGrath up now) as well as showcasing designers! We will pick a few of our favorite designers from each season's fashion week and write about the theme of the collection and post our favorite pieces as well as the beauty trends on the catwalk in each collection. Just letting you know if you'd like to check it out! If you do let me know what you think, we just got started so we'd love your input!


Unknown said...

Fantastic post! I can't tell you how much I am fascinated for lipsticks. I have numerable shades of it and watching your post I seriously can't resist to have more. It's wonderful and I am surely going to have it.
Esthetics College

Unknown said...


lots of lipstic flavours here. I will try it one bye one.

Hannah Biggerstaff said...

Wow you have soo many lipsticks! This was such a good post! Thankyouu! :) x

Anonymous said...

One very chic way to carry all those lipsticks is in LipScapes. It holds up to 4 short lipsticks or two long lipsticks, glosses or pencils. At under $20, it also makes a great girlfriend gift…that no one else has. Check it out LipScapes

L.Perry said...

What a gorgeous collection of lipcolors! Lipstick is so hard to resist....I love some of those bright pink colors that you have. Very pretty:)

a said...

Ooooo i really want snob! :( Which is your favorite (one on the more nude side... like pinks and nudes)

ana said...

Hi, this is my first ever post on a blog and I'm super excited because lipstick are about my fav things. I own a couple of the ones you have but you seem to have a lot more than I did since I just started into this with to the beach collection. I've been dying to get my hands on peachstock and cherish. Great blog! Thanks for the swatches

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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