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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More Storage...and porridge!


Well not exactly, porridge- but my favorite cereal in the whole wide world- LUCKY CHARMS! Tastes so good when it's a bit soft with really cold milk. I hate crunchy cereal so I let it sit in the milk for a few minutes and mmmm yummy! I love it so much I took a picture of it before it got devoured. :)

Anne was wonderful to come over last weekend and help me clean my makeup chaotic vanity. There were just boxes and trays full of stuff. She is really good at cleaning and organizing things and really helped me sort all the junk out in terms of what I use and don't use, and only now do I realize how much crap I actually have and yet I have a bad habit of continuously buying things! (Ugh I need to stop that manic cycle and put my money towards something more useful.) At the end of the night, there were 3 FULL BOXES of things for me to sell! So I will be posting them here SOON (as the store cart on the new site is broken right now), but thank you Anne for helping me clean! Even the BF was like "Wow she is a really good friend if she helped you clean that up, Im your BF and even I wouldn't do that" LOL. He knows how much makeup he "swims in" living with me.

Anyway, I went to Joann's Craft Store last Sunday because they have better storage products (and selection) than Michael's, and lucky for me they had a 4th of July sale where it was 50% OFF on ALL their storage items. I ended up buying the storage cabinet from ArtBin (which btw, I LOVE ArtBin! I use their products to store all my art supplies). It was originally $40, and I bought it for $20! It is the total solution to store all my pigments jars and samples, from eyeshadows, blushes to mineral foundations, it stores a lot of the items I have just laying around.

It is completely covered on all 4 sides and comes with a handle for easy transport and travel. Only one side comes off (like a lid), I purposely keep it off for easy access to my things...

The individual plastic storage trays, of course I labeled them according to its contents since I like labeling everything, LOL.

Comes with removable plastic dividers so that you can organize everything...(Yes I will do a NAIL TUTORIAL soon!)

Some mineral blushes & bronzers:

Sample Mineral Foundations and Concealers:

I first put it on my vanity but ended up moving it somewhere else later on. Some of you asked where I got my vanity, I had it imported, my parents were moving to Washington and they ended up getting furniture for their new house at some warehouse (I don't know the name and mom doesn't remember) and my sister bought one for her room (yes we have matching vanity's and she hates this fact, lol), and at the time I too was moving to a new house and was looking for a dresser of some sort, and my mom showed me a pic of my sister's and I liked it, but when she called the Warehouse they didn't have it anymore, so they had the actual manufacturer ship it to me (took forever since they had to import it from somewhere), and I paid about $400 for it including came partially assembled already so it was worth it, and the mirror I bought from them also, it was sold separately but that was in the price...

I can even store some of my MAC Pigments, which is cool for traveling or whatnot, I went from this:

To this:

As we were cleaning, I found this OLD, way back in the day pic of me and the BF, it's my favorite pic since it's so candid, we went to this photo booth in Diamond Bar and we didn't know that the pic was being taken since the light didn't turn on and I was telling him to get ready and he was trying to kiss me but I knew it would go off any second, and sure enough it did!


♔Jaimie said...

I love Lucky Charms too! haha. That storage looks amazing! I'll have to get one myself, girl. And I love the picture of you and the bf, very cute.

♔Jaimie said...

oops I totally forgot that "omg you let your cereal sit too?" I hate crunchy cereal also and my family just doesnt get it. I'm like I have to let it soak for just a few minutes. Not soggy, but softer lol

Alyson @ The Gloss Menagerie said...

3:30 AM! Girrl! lol. You were up LATE doing that update for us. :) That storage bin looks awesome. Good find!! And the cute picture...awww.

MakeupByRenRen said...

what a great idea! i love the storage solutions...i was just thinking of a way to store some of my crap...and the pic of you and the BF is too cute! love it!

Anonymous said...

That was so nice of Anne!!!

Those are some awesome ideas for storage. I need to organize too -_-

Vanessa M. said...

awesome bins...your so my idol!

sab said...

ooh! i love the makeup! i love the container! i love the nails! and i love the cute photo! :)

but maaan the makeup... :)

Stephie said...

I love Lucky Charms... but I'm a fatty so I only eat the marshmellows ;)

I really need to fix up my makeup area too... I adore that pic of you and the bf. Too cute!

Lily said...

so that's where everyone gets their storage! i've been looking in all the wrong places! lol

Anonymous said...

I love that storage carry case. Excellent idea. I love that picture of you and your BF, lots of fun.

mayaari said...

nice storage ideas! that photo of you and your bf is really cute :)

tuniez83 said...

wowww really love the cabinet, so handy

cute pic w/ ur BF :P

Mai Nguyen said...

i think i will be making a trip over to joann's soon! i'm always looking for more storage ideas. all of your storage ideas are wonderful! i can't wait for the stuff to go on sale too =)

& man, you make lucky charms look SOOO good!

Ahleessa said...

That's really nice of your friend to do that for you! :) I would have thought you're organized, because you label everything and you show pictures of your storages.

Shen said...

i love lucky charms! :) last time i got a taste of that was like years ago. bugger. can you buy me some?? :)
love the new organizer.. ain't it fun to clean with a good friend? :) it's great productive way to bond with bffs. :)

Shen said...

hei! my aunt is coming here in august! she lives in LA. not sure exactly where. so if you want some stuff, tell me, tell me, so when she gets back there, you can pick it up or i can have it sent to your house. :) no need to pay as long as i can find it. :)

the visa will probably take a long time since the embassy here is pretty much tough coz of a lot of illegal aliens and other stuff.. :) and takes a lot of money to process. it may take a year if i'm unlucky.. sigh!

Devi Girsang, MD said...

the storage is very neat and clean! bravo! :)

btw, your old pic with the bf is very cute! you look so slim ;)

Anonymous said...

I looove the storage :D And the nails, and the Lucky Charms. We don't get them here in the UK anymore. I remember having a Lucky Charms mug as a kid that had a 'hidden' picture that only showed when you had a hot drink. Maybe I need to try storing my piggies like that. I love my stacking jars but the pigments keep leaking into the threads of the screw part and I lose some every time I open them :(

Tracy Roa said...

ooh, lucky charms! i miss eating cereal in the mornings. haha. that is such a cool storage box. i haven't been to joann's in a while, and the ones around here are small and dinky. maybe next time i'm in porter ranch i'll check it out!

Digital Angel said...

I love labeling too! There is nothing wrong with that. :D Your nail is so cute. I remember that I was playing around and didn't know that picture was getting taken so it looked silly.

Your pure luxe mineral eyeshadows looks so cool ! Is that your favorite eyeshadow ?

Sweet Potato said...

Great storage idea! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

A...MAZ....ING!!! I am soooo jealous of your talent for storage solutions!!! Ha the old school pic is cute as hell!!!

nilla cookie said...

Love all the storage and the cute pics of you and your man!!

Hope you're having a great week so far Vanessa!

(g)ezebel said...

ohmygah -- lucky charms is my favorite, too!!! in fact, that's what i was eating when i broke my glass retainer stud (lip piercing)!!

my other fave is apple jacks.

man, you are soooo organized.

(g)ezebel said...

i just noticed your nail polish!!! oh my god, i loooove the polka dots!!! sooooo cute!!!

AskMeWhats said...

That is like the greatest storage I've ever seen! so neat!! And nice of Anne to help you out with the clean up!! And girl! I love the photo! Both of you looked so candid and happy! I love it!!! so cute!!! Love your nail design too! :) can't wait for your tutorials :)

Cinthia Truong said...

That's a very nice storage. I hope the deal is still alive. I really want one myself.

Unknown said...

i love how i look like a pretzel in that photo LOL. i didn't know i was surrounded by THAT MUCH makeup LOL. yayyy for finally really organizing ALL your mineral makeup! LOL.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

awesome storage system, i want your collection! haha

so nice of Anne to help!!

The cereal sure looks yummy... we can't get lucky charms in our normal supermarkets..-_-;;

What a cute picture of you and your bf :D

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Oh yeah, cute nails too xD

Nails by Nory said...

I've used "Christian" cosmetic and brow kit/stencils. They have so many colors to choose from, since us women are always changing our hair color. Their kits include one color with brush and three stencils (thick, thin and natural). And also @ Sally's there are stencils that are like stickers and they stick on so applying the powder is SO EASY. Check it out!

Jennifer said...

Great storage ideas! I can so relate to the buying a bunch of crap that I don't use or use once. All that talk of the vanity, can we see a picture? Thanks for sharing!

na said...

Gosh, look at all that makeup! That storage unit looks like the perfect thing for all those samples. :)

Stephanie T said...

I can't wait to see what you'll be selling!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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