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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About these convention shows....


Many of you have asked about these shows as well as dates, again it is NOT open to the general public. I believe IMATS is more open to the aspiring industry professionals, however IECSC, CosmoProf, Face and Body are for PROFESSIONALS who are already in this industry as this is designed for those who possibly own salons or spas, beauty shops, or those who are buyers, import/export, etc. in which the exhibitors as well as the attendees can benefit from each other. Exhibitors present at the show are seeking high volume transactions. As for SHOW DATES, you can google and find out when some show dates are next year or this year and WHERE. I DO NOT know the show dates for all locations or for any that occurs next year, but they DO happen once a year, and there are different shows so you can google "makeup shows in ________ (insert your location here)" and see what comes up. Most trade-shows are done in big cities such as Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas, Miami, San Francisco, Chicago, and London.

The site proceeds to say: ONLY members of the professional beauty industry are allowed to attend the show. He/she must provide proper identification to be allowed on the show floor or in the classrooms (same last names from driver’s license are fine).

The following WILL BE REQUIRED for entrance. All attendees will be asked to present a photo I.D. along with one of the following credentials:

* Business Card
* Salon or Spa business license
* Cosmetology license
* Sally’s Professional Card (red)
* Distributor Store Card
* Cosmetology School Time Sheet or report card
* Cosmetology school ID card

If you are unsure if you can attend, please check out the website of the show you are trying to attend (for example IMATS or IECSC) and call the number and ask a representative to see whether any documentation you have is sufficient enough. I have credentials as I own my own business (nessasarymakeup.com) and do plan on distributing perhaps some products and do outside projects outside of blogging, and hence I have the proper documentation to attend these shows, so it really varies. I don't know any more info than that, so it's best you call them if you have any other questions. :)


mAKe UP mis-hAPS said...

Ooooh!! SOOOOO LUCKY!! You sure do make a girl proud! If my sister will have her cosmetology school ID by next years convention can she bring me with her?? Anyways, Great HAUL!! Hope ur car is gonna be ok.

Unknown said...

Oh goody...I have my nailtech license and I also have a sally's professional card (red).

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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