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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pics from the IECSC convention! *PIC HEAVY*



I will post my haul soon, I want to explain each one, but below here are the pics from the show. Some of you have asked about the Auraline Blush Palette, I got them at the IMATS show for $20 even, and they are just as pigmented as MAC, no weird smell or anything like that. I love it! I might wanna distribute for Nixie Cosmetics.

Vegas weekend was awesome! Anne (Yummiebitez) and I had the best time bonding from the moment we got into the car on the way to Vegas, to the time we went back home! It was SCORCHING HOT! I don't know how you can live there Jheng!

Friday: We arrived at our hotel, the Orleans; and just walked around, the BF played poker and made new poker friends, LOL. I didn't get to play my Wheel of Fortune game because I was so tired and just wanted to eat and sleep...got tired, so we went to bed around 3am while the BF played till 7am!

Saturday: Woke up hella early! We woke up around 6:00am to start our adventure. We were both so excited! We were going to attend some of the classes but because there was just SO MUCH floor to cover since there were so many exhibitors, we didn't go to any of them. We arrived at the Las Vegas convention center before the show started and picked up our badges. We first hit up the Crown Brushes booth before it got too crowded and Anne and I went crazy and bought so many more brushes, a brush apron, and the Coastal Scents Palette they had it at the show for $17-20, NO tax, and saved on shipping! (Stephy- I know you asked about me buying some things at the show to sell, but you can order these brushes online. I don't really want to buy anything to sell because there is no guarantee with some people sometimes if they buy it or not and I want to avoid being stuck with something...also I may just sell some of my items here rather than waiting for the new site because the cart is messed up on the new site.)

Anne and I went around and around, making sure we covered the entire tradeshow floor. There were mainly a lot of spa, airbrush tan, and massage booths which was cool to see. I have a new cosmetics company I love, they were selling blushes at the show for $4! It's Lady Burd Cosmetics, they also carry the Indelible Gel Eyeliners, the Indelible Cream Eyeshadows, and so much more!

We were amazed by Ojon's hair serum (they used me and Anne as demos), it made our hair so soft, I ended up getting the kit that had the shampoo and conditioner, revitalizing mist, styler, and hair oil, ALL for only $25! It retails at Sephora for $50! It was definitely a steal!

Nixie and NYX both had booths there, the NYX booth had most of their items out and they were ALL 50% off!

We hauled so much that we had to go back to the car just to drop off our goodies! We then walked in the hot heat back to the convention center to cover the other show, which was the IBS Beauty Show (formerly the Hair and Nail show) and walked around watching people focus on hair, CHI, Keratin Complex, Brazilian Blowout, Hot Tools, etc were some of the companies there, for nails OPI had a big booth, and there were many others. They were doing hair extensions, cuts, styling at the show as well as people's nails! It was neat!

We pretty much stayed the entire day and when we left, we were so happy to get back to our room to play with our new toys! It was nice to rest for a bit in the COLD hotel room since we were so tired from the show...we then had dinner at Sonics since Anne has never eaten there before.

So how did this show compare to IMATS? IMATS was mainly a makeup show. Period. With the IECSC and IBS shows, it encompassed the spa and salon industry a bit more, but was surprised that there were many, many brush and mineral companies who exhibited. IMATS was not as successful in Pasadena, as it probably is in bigger cities such as New York, just based on demographics. For the trade shows at work, our biggest show is in New York since there are more attendees that show up at the shows, rather than a show in San Jose. I think all the shows are somewhat of the same, but have a different flare to them as well. I really liked this show in Las Vegas because it was a little bit of everything and I was able to buy more stuff! :)

Sunday: Packed to go home, checked out, had a lunch buffet with Anne, the BF, Erica and Paul (her BF, as they were also in Vegas). Started to drive home, got stuck in traffic, finally made it to the state line, got gas and drinks, drove into Cali near the state line and we were hit by a guy behind us. It was super hot, and not my idea of a good time, LOL.

Here are some pics!

We finally arrived in VEGAS!

My favorite booth, Crown Brushes!

Anne enjoying a taste of heaven! :)

"I can't get everything! I have to take out some..." LOL

Jane Iredale Booth:

I love this company! They have some cool stuff!

Me swatching...

Need a traincase?

How about a pink toolbox?

Young Blood Cosmetics

More airbrush makeup!

Anne enjoying the mini-facial!

Salon stuff...

ColorOn Professional also exhibited...

Guys in pink shirts??! Hehe, Eyecandy Eyebrows makes customized eyebrow stencils! Just shape your eyebrows, imprint them with the paper they provide, send it in, and they send you back your own personal, customized eyebrow stencil so you get the PERFECT set of brows EVERYTIME! Thanks to the guys for the demonstration!

Nixie Booth:

NYX Booth:

Cinema Secrets Booth:

More brush booths!

Bath Bombs that looked like food, yummy!

SPLASH! Cosmetics:

Look at all those makeup palettes! Only $10 each!

Hair and Nail Show:

OPI Booth, it was a dream to see SO MANY nailpolishes!!!!!!

People actually getting their nails done!

...and Hair Done!

Check out the flashback hair from the 80's!!!! Crazy!

They even had makeup contests and demos:

Colored acrylic nail tips:



Having fun in the hotel room...


We then went to "The Venetian":

Mmmm! Yummy chocolate covered strawberries!

Or candied apples!

They had a London guard which was cool, I cut me out because Anne was looking hot and I was looking like crap since I was so tired:

Finally got back to the hotel where my poor Anne knocked out, isn't she cute??! Haha we were SOOOOOO tired!


Going home...

My messed up bumper:

The other party:

Bubba not happy that we waited an hour in the heat waiting for the CHP to arrive, LOL:

Being artsy fartsy:

I love this sign!

Another accident we saw, the truck flipped over, I hope the lady is ok!


Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

ahh! the convention looks very awesome and fun! so sad that i missed out on all of the awesome makeup and discounts. :( *sad SAD face*

oh well, maybe next year. bah. LOL.

i've heard of lady burd cosmetics and i knew that they were the wholesaler for the indelible line. :P lots of ladies on mineral makeup mania always mentioned this.

Aradani said...

oh my god, i would not have a penny left if i went to that convention. sooo much stuff. i would feel like a kid at a candy store.

AskMeWhats said...

awww you guys looked so happy and I enjoyed reading "the happenings" :) I am loving all the brushes! I won't be able to stop myself from buying if I'm there! and the NYX!!! on sale???? 50% aaaccfckkkkkk!!!! Aaawww...poor anne was so tired but still so cute! thanks for sharing the photos!!! Sorry about the car :(

Shizznizzle said...

OMG the convention has EVERYTHING! *drooling* If I were there I musta been crazy running around LOL you guys are so lucky! I'm going to Vegas next week. BOOOOH!

birkinbagbeauty said...

Ohh, the convention looks amazing. I am a great fan of Ni'xie cosmetics and I would love love love to have seen the colors irl.

the Opi booth is amazing as well. Oh heck, what an amazing convention!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! The convention looked like fun :D

I'm going to put LA on my places to visit when in the US, LOL. Just maybe not during the Summer!

Grr @ the guy messing up your bumper.

Oh my - I hope the lady's okay too :)

Anonymous said...

Mmm, those candy apples look really yummy! And don't even get me started on all o that fabulous makeup. Had I went my laptop fund would have read $0.00

Anonymous said...


the OPI nailpolishes!!! whoa!n thanks so much for these pictures! i loved everything.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing the pics. Gosh, to be surrounded by all of those brushes and makeup..dreams

Can you tell me more about Lady Burd? I checked their website, but not much information was on it.

Unknown said...

Wow!!! Thanks for all the pictures I felt that I was browsing each booth.(lol) I love the pink tool boxes. What is the name of the company so I can order one? All those brushes and palettes for only $10.00. Do they ever have a makeup show in Orlando, FL? If so, I sure love to go.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

omg, everything looks heavenly there... looked like a shopping heaven! I know they had that convention in London, but i missed it long time ago in Jan! LOL! Anyway glad you had a fantastic time and hope your bumper is sorted soon!

IchigoBunnie said...

oh my freakin god!!!!!

that NYX stand looks SOOO JUICY MAN!!!!!!!!! that's like a heaven-sent makeup convention!!!! i sooooo wish i could have taken a trip there to go buy that stuff--it would have been pure BLISS!!!!

and the brushes....*faints* so many!!! aaaaaaa

okay i am just practically overwhelmed at the goodies yall had the opportunity to buy. Over in Texas, it is SO boring--they NEVER have anything goin on!!! i dun get what's with that since our city is so big...makes me so sad they never do stuff like this... :(

is this convention only held in Las Vegas right? too bad they don't have like a "makeup tour" like a concert/music band tour...:(

MakeupByRenRen said...

whooaaaaa so much fun! i was debating whether or not I should go to the one in orlando in a few months...do you think it's worth it?

christy kimchee. said...

Damn all I can say is WOW. Haha there is a lot of crap there! @___@ Money going down the drain hahaha.

Thoae candy apples *droollll

christy kimchee. said...

Damn all I can say is WOW. Haha there is a lot of crap there! @___@ Money going down the drain hahaha.

Thoae candy apples *droollll

Katrina said...

Wow, it sounds like you had an amazing time! Next year I have to go.

Sorry about the car mishap, but I'm glad it wasn't worse and that you're all ok!

I always check out the Zzyzx Road when we pass by there, it cracks me up.

Unknown said...

OMG... i cant see the pictures right now but I hope you didn't post one up of me sleeping! LOL. can't wait to get home and see these pictures dammit.

Shen said...

o, nessa. If only i'm there i'd proly go with you guys! it looks fun, you'd proly drag me home coz i wouldn't want to live. totally lovin your looks and anne look mighty fine! :) show me the loots!! :) lol!

glad you're home safe! :)

Yellow Fever said...

Thank you so much for sharing this and for taking the time to take such beautiful, colorful pictures-I know it's very time consuming, so please know its VERY VERY much appreciated!!!

Karen said...

Hi Vanessa,

Great pictures, girlie! I bet your haul was fantastic. Can't wait to see it. :)

Anonymous said...

WOW! That looks an like an AMAZING event!!! I wish they had that kind of stuff over here in Florida!

Sounds and looks like you guys had a fantastic time!!!

Can't wait to see your haul :)

itzSheryl said...

damn i am so jealous :(
i wish i couldve went! Vegas is only 5-6 hrs away from me...
well im glad you guys had fun.
I had a question tho, are u selling anything you bought from the convention or did u jst grab enough for yourself?

alien man?! said...

i'm so sorry to hear about the accident but i'm so glad you're okay! also, you guys look soooo cute and omgosh you look like you had so much fun! i still have yet to visit vegas any time soon but i'm DYING for it haha

the pictures look amazing and it really makes me want to check out a convention myself :)

and re: your comment about big eyes omg what are your talking about YOUR EYES ARE HUUUUUGE!!! those girls try to make their eyes LOOK LIKE YOURS!!!!

My not so secret addiction said...

Do you know when there will be another convention in California?

Vanessa said...

Hi Sheryl! Like I wrote on my post, I didn't buy anything to sell because I don't want to be stuck with it in case that person flakes out and decides they don't wanna buy it. For the most part, you can buy these items online therefore there's no need for the middle man (me).

Also there are several different conventions throughout the year ONLY for people in this trade or industry, you can google around and see what events are this year, as there are usually the same show, once every year.

Vanessa said...

Rmcandlelight- Here is the site for the pink toolboxes: http://www.theoriginalpinkbox.com/

They are so cute!

mAKe UP mis-hAPS said...

Awww...*pout* I wish I went! My sister is enrolling at the San Francisco Institue of Esthetics and Cosmetology...heard any good things about them?? Love your blog by the way.

Stephie said...

wow i would be in absolute heaven at one of those conventions! i wish they had one in texas!!

sorry to hear about your car ate! and i hope the lady in the accident is ok!!!

Kelly said...

ok the eyebrow candy is love....so jealous that they are only in dallas. =(

itzSheryl said...

ohh srry girly. i think i got caught up in all the pictures that when i read your post it was a blur lol.
but thanks, oh and it good to see everyone was ok!

itzSheryl said...

ohh srry girly. i think i got caught up in all the pictures that when i read your post it was a blur lol.
but thanks, oh and it good to see everyone was ok!

itzSheryl said...

ohh srry girly. i think i got caught up in all the pictures that when i read your post it was a blur lol.
but thanks, oh and it good to see everyone was ok!

Ethereal Prey said...

OMFG! How did you have any self control there?! That's so much makeup!!!! Talk about make up porn! *drools* looks like you had a ton of fun!

I hope your car is ok...but take more pics of your loot!

XPPINKXX said...

WOWWWWW MAkeup Overload!!!!!!

Adriyah said...

omg! careful on the freeway! I got into an accident too 5 days ago. :( nyways, i loooove your blog! So helpful! I just started into makeups last MArch 2008 :) So i'm a newbie! Lol!

Tracy Roa said...

awww, i wish i could have been there, but i was at a drag queen dinner show! haha. looks like you all had fun. sorry about your accident. at least no one was hurt. we actually left at around 6pm and got home the same time you all did!

Thushaa said...

Omg, looks so fun! Glad you had a great time and sorry to hear about your bumper. I hate careless drivers =\

But AHH! Makeup heaven! I'd have honestly gone broke. I should really head over to the New York one next year. *-) :D

roxy. said...

do you drive a corolla? lol it looks like soo much fun =]

Anonymous said...

OMG! that's all i can say..haha :D


wow them make up pics made me dizzy! looks liek u had a grand trip, I hope that last pic had nothing to do with you!?

mayaari said...

wow, it looks like the convention was awesome :) so jealous of all the hauling you were able to do, haha but can't wait to read about any upcoming reviews as a result!

Nikkia Chanel said...

Hey Vanessa,
I am over here drooling!!! Great Post!!! I need to start saving now for the Florida conference

josephine siu said...

Wow, your trip seems to have been soo amazing. So jealous (: teehee. I reaally want to go next year.. maybe even the San Jose one in a bit? It seems like there are a lot of car accidents on the way back from Vegas, it's already caused huge delays for several friends already.

But Omigod. The OPI. I'd buy like 50 different polishes, lol. It's one of my obsessions "/

L said...

yea man, sorry about the accident. that is defn not the way to end a trip like THAT. :(

but yo.... the convention looked dope, i wouldn't know what to do if i was there. how can you NOT want everything? thanks for sharin' this trip!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hope the lady is ok!

I'm so jealous you got to be around so much makeup! Makeup heaven!!!

. said...

(Hi Vanessa! You dont really know me, but I sort-of know you, and love your blog)

Brush. Heaven. Those conventions are like beautiful candy-stores.

Anonymous said...

that was a pretty cool event! i wish i can go to a place with such overflowing makeup at discounted prices!!! i think the customized eyebrow stencils are neat! sad to hear about the accident, good thing no one got hurt. i always love your photos, so crisp. ;)

na said...

There are no words to describe how amazing these photos are! lol. You look like you had a great time, and I really wish I had gone. Oh well, there's always next year. :)

(g)ezebel said...

gah! i am sooo jealous.

i've got to figure out to see if my biz card/biz license will qualify. it's not beauty industry, really, more like jewelry industry, but i s'pose i could argue it's part of making beauty... heehee

ShanSoPink said...

in the pics of the brushes there are some black and blue ones, what brand are those?

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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