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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Did you feel the earthquake?


I was on the 8th floor of a high-rise when it happened, and boy was that scary but we're all ok, still feeling some aftershocks, I hope all you Cali ladies are ok as well! :)


XPPINKXX said...

hey girl...

yikes! i hope you are ok!...that is one thing i am not looking forward to when i move out there!!!

XPPINKXX said...

hey girl...

yikes! i hope you are ok!...that is one thing i am not looking forward to when i move out there!!!

Unknown said...

omg that was so scary! we hella felt it here. the epicenter was in chino hills which is about 5-10 mins from us. it felt like it lasted for a longgg time. i was in my room n while i was running i hit the door LOL my shoulders still kinda hurt but im ok tho. it scared the bejeezus outta me!

mailodie247 said...

yep! i felt it =/
i was in class..and everyone was in shock
it wasn't that bad..it lasted about 5 seconds and then stopped and then again.
it's just that i couldn't get any reception, and when i did, i couldn't call

glad you're okay!

Anonymous said...

Hope everyone is good!

Adriyah said...

yeah I felt it! :( I was at work! :( It was scary!

Laura M. said...

We felt it pretty strong at my office in Riverside!! Glad everyone is okay : )

♔Jaimie said...

uh oh! i hope you all are doing ok

Miish said...

Yup! Felt it hard in Walnut!! Thank goodness nothing terrible happened!

Lily said...

when did this happen? i just left LA last night. did it happen today?

Marie said...

yeah i heard about it! glad everyone's ok. i tried to convince my bf to move out there and he kept saying no cuz of the earthquakes, haha

Naseem said...

Hope you are ok, Vanessa!

Jennifer @ www.aegiscode.net said...

Yeah I felt it too!!! I was in my car and my bf calls me to tell me he felt they earthquake and asked if I had felt it, right when he said that... i felt the jolt o_O

i hate earthquakes :/

Jaclyn Rose said...

OMG, Diamond bar was only 5 miles away from the heart of the earthquake. my house took a pretty bad beating. but everyone is ok with the exception of my mother in law, she had to get stitches in her head from a bookshelf falling on her head. but as of now she's doing better. I was at work when it happened and i felt a pretty good jolt. I'm still shaken up a bit.

glad to hear you're ok though!

Tracy Roa said...

looks like everyone's posting about the earthquake. i went under my desk when it happened and it seemed like FOREVER until it ended. glad to know you're okay. =)

Ahleessa said...

I was in my room when it happened. I thought dogs sense earthquakes before it happens. Tobey was sleeping away before, during, and after the earthquake on my bed. What kind of dog is he!?!?... lol~

josephine siu said...

Oh my goodness. I was sleeping in Fullerton with the bf, and the jolt woke us both up! He just grabbed and protected me (: haha & everyone at home in Diamond bar is fine.. except my 4 year old half-sister (being the bitch that she is) ran outside, forgetting about everyone else. haha.

I'm glad you're okay (: I hope the bf is fine too!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I was at the post office, felt the pre-shock (is that a word?), looked at everyone and asked if that was an earthquake. They all insisted it was a truck going by until a split second later when the bigger one hit. You don't feel trucks going by in the soles of your feet of a 1 story building!

JaclynRose - sounds like you've gotten the worst of it so far; hope all is ok.

Think maybe I shouldn't have cancelled my mother's earthquake insurance last week?

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're okay! i can't even imagine how i'd feel if i were in my building when that happened (i'm on the 12th floor)

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you're okay! i can't even imagine how i'd feel if i were in my building when that happened (i'm on the 12th floor)

Anonymous said...

i totally felt it! LOL i was at school and i just thought some truck was driving into the hallway, or that some huge man was stomping around in the building... good thing no one was hurt :D it was actually kinda exciting, it was my first earthquake :) thank g it wasn't anything too serious

Mai Nguyen said...

goodness! glad to hear you're okay =)

iamgrape1119 said...

Aww, I'm glad you are ok! I heard somewhere that when earthquake hits, stand under a doorway. It's usually the most stable in the whole house.

Anonymous said...

yea I'm in west LA and I definitely felt it, especially cause our office building is on rollers so it swayed a lot. The elevators got shut down for safety reasons, thankfully we only had to walk down 6 stories instead of walk up

leepsz said...

I'm glad you're okay darling! That's scary..... As you I live in Toronto.. I don't think we've ever had one here lol.

Roselyn said...

whoa thats scary...glad to hear you're okay! hugs!

Anonymous said...

hey! glad you are ok =) i wasnt too scared only a lil cause i was home alone and i couldnt get the landline nor the my cellphones to work for a little bit and that scared me because i wondered if my loved ones were ok.

judging from my own experience and what ive heard on the news... its not that bad yay for us. i am just paranoid that its a foreshock =O

Ethereal Prey said...

yikes! Hope you're ok! Guess I'm not visiting Cali any time soon.

Ethereal Prey said...

yikes! Hope you're ok! Guess I'm not visiting Cali any time soon.

AskMeWhats said...

I hope you guys are ok there in Cali. I don't know what's going on, but the Philippines having our own series of earthquakes as well (but low intensity so you dont' feel much). And Japan just had their bad earthquake as well!!! uggghhh I am praying for everyone's safety!

Anonymous said...

Hey woman =) omgosh good to know you're ok, that must have been scary though =/ I probably would have peed in my pants or something, yikes!

im done said...

Hahah it's been a while sine we got an earthquake I think....
at least one that lasted longer than usual.

I was on my way out to work and the moment I closed my door it rattled.
It was my first earthquake I've ever felt from outside. It was kind of exciting.

I was on the phone with the boyfriend when it struck and a second after I said "woahhhh" he felt it too haah and he's about 15 miles or so from Diamond bar and I'm about 30 minutes away here in the I.E.

im done said...


What phone service did everyone have that didn't work?

I have verizon and it seemed to work just fine where I was.

Maybe it was just the phones out more in the L.A. area that didn't work.

Anonymous said...

I heard about it this morning while I was driving to school and instantly thought of you and a few other bloggers in the area!

Glad you're all okay xxx

I've never experienced an earthquake before so I can't say I know what it feels like, lol!

MakeupByRenRen said...

i heard about this on the news! man that would have freaked me out! luckily you're okay :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

hope all you SoCali girls are okay!! ive only experienced tremors and that's scary enough!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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