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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Video & Tutorial: How I Clean My Brushes


**Edit** Readers Joanne and Jessica got their brush cleaner jars today and they have refills 2 in a pack for $3.99! I guess my Michaels didn't have it... :(

Cleaning your makeup brushes is important. Why? Because we constantly use it on our face, and to prevent bacteria from accumulating on our brushes, then in turn put it on our face, we need to clean our brushes at least twice a week and/or use brush cleaning wipes in between.

You can use baby shampoo as a means to clean your brushes, it is safe and gentle on a baby's head, so it's safe and gentle for your brushes. It's also great if you want something quick and easy to get, as well as those of you beauties on a budget. Avoid brush cleaners that have a high concentration of alcohol which can lead your brushes to be dry and brittle. I used to use CVS's "Essence of Beauty" brush cleaner which had a horrible smell and made my brushes nasty.

I use MAC's Brush Cleaner because it really works effectively in thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting my brushes and there's no horrible smell. ($11, www.maccosmetics.com)

I bought this brush cleaning jar at Michaels (a craft store) for I believe around $5 or $6. It's in the same aisle as where all the acrylic paints are (I was originally in that aisle to look for materials to paint) and there it was. It has a sponge at the bottom that has tiny hair-like bristles to help the brush cleaning process. You just can take it out and clean the sponge after each use and let it dry. (Watch the video for more info).

I posted some pictures here for you ladies at work and who can't watch YouTube vids on the job, LOL.

1. Pour some of MAC's brush cleaner in the jar, pour enough to wear the sponge is saturated, you do not have to fill the jar up or even halfway, just enough to where the sponge is soaked.

2. Start cleaning each brush and watch all the dirt transfer to the sponge as you swirl each brush around...

3. When you are done cleaning all your brushes, take out the dirty sponge...

4. Rinse it under the faucet until it's completely white again...

5. Let it dry!

6. Enjoy your newly cleaned brushes!

Watch the video:


AskMeWhats said...

I have watched your YT video on this and i find this very helpful!!! I used a towel on mine.

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

i watched your video on youtube and i thought that jar was SO neat. haha. :) i think i may have to pick one up because it just seems like it makes washing brushes less tedious. :P

oh yeah... hehe... i'm getting more MAC stuff. man! i asked the lady at the MAC counter in nordstrom's when they'd be back in stock and she said NOVEMBER. what the eff. for real? jealous. lucky girl you're getting your painterly paint pot! :) snob looks hideous on me... seriously. hahaha. it doesn't look nearly as good on me as it did you. o_0 trust me. haha.

Grayburn said...

That looks like a neat way to clean brushes!

x Grayburn

Elizabeth said...

i want one!

The 4 Rockstars said...

I bought the 239 from maccosmetic.com a while ago, but it seems so much bigger than the one that you and everybody has. Wonder why that is...

Mai Nguyen said...

VERY helpful! I was just thinking of going to Michaels today too. You always find the neatest things. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tutorial. I have seen these jars at michael's, and it really makes cleaning the brushes quick and easy. I hate cleaning my brushes because it takes soo long.

MakeupByRenRen said...

OMG! i want one! this is so much more effective than my paper towel method where I always end up leaking brush cleaner onto my counter lol...off to Michaels I go!

L said...

oh my goodness Vanessa... i want that brush thing!! i need two of em! one for the makeup brushes and the art brushes. ha, that's fantastic... looks so easy!

iamgrape1119 said...

What a great find! I have to check it out! Thanks for the tut!

Anonymous said...

christiana is drifting to the dark side. once you go mac, you don't go back. lol. i'm gonna go make fun of her now. lol. yeah, that girl was shady. after i msg her, she repliked MINUTES later. i thought that was fishy how she replied all of a sudden but had been ignoring me for days. now this morning she was asking me for my address, etc. so hopefull, she'll send off my stuff. hehe.

nai nai said...

what a nifty little brush cleaning jar! i am so getting this! hehe.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

wow i want that amazing jar!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I use 2 different brush cleaning methods. For my eye shadow brushes, Parian Spirit has a great canister with a plastic screen the you swipe the brushes against inside the jar. Did you know that Parian Spirit is a brand, and you don't have to buy Japonesque to get it? Do a search of Parian Spirit, and you can find the actual product much cheaper than Japonesque. I use both the spray when I'm doing shows to get a quick clean, or the jar when I'm wshing my own brushes. The link to a photo of the canister is here: Parian Spirit Brush Canister. It's about $5. The downside is that it leaves a strong citrus smell. I like it, but many may not.

Deep cleaning your brushes? The best, best cleaner I've ever used is Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Soap - that just sucks everything out and is all natural, and won't dry your brush hairs. I've tried numerous brush cleaners, and this is by far my favorite!

Alyson @ The Gloss Menagerie said...

How nifty!! You are so creative. :)

jing said...

what a great find! nice to see a sponge built for brush cleaning. it'll make in-between use cleaning much easier than with papertowel and cleaner alone. thank goodness you have a video for this. i'm a visual kind a gal, so it helps a whole lot than words and picture alone.

Ahleessa said...

The brush cleaning sponge is innovative!!! :) Now I'm craving for one... lol~

Stephy said...

omg thanks for being so thoughtful and post pictures for us ladies who are at work to see too!! :D you're just soooooooo sweeeeeeeeet!!!

that brush cleaning jar is so neat! i'm gonna visit michaels when i get their 40% off coupon! :)

Cinthia Truong said...

Thanks for the vid demonstration. I am so gonna get that jar at Michaels...I knew I have that 40% off coupon for a purpose! LOL. thanks girl.

ikho said...

hey nessa,

i was wondering when you said avoid brush cleaners that have high amount of alcohol in it, would you say Enkore's homemade brush cleaner is safe for the brushes? i'm a little concern i may be damaging my little brushes :D

great video!! thank you.

Stephie said...

wow that's awesome! i really want that jar now... gonna head to michaels asap!! :) thanks ate!

Tracy Roa said...

thanks for another amazing find! now off i go to michaels. :D

Tanya said...

And this is going on my shopping list for Michaels :D Thanks for finding this!

Tanya said...

And this is going on my shopping list for Michaels :D Thanks for finding this!

Jessica said...

Hi Vanessa -
I just wanted to let you know that when I went to Michael's today to pick up the brush cleaner jar, they DID have the sponge refills - two in a little bag for $4, so maybe they just don't carry them or didn't have them in stock at your Michael's? Keep an eye out the next time you're in a different Michael's (or any craft store, for that matter!) : )

mAKe UP mis-hAPS said...

Hey Nessa I just got back from 2 Michaels and I found replacement sponges! it comes in a package of 2 for $3.99. I bought 1 jar for me and a jar for my sister. We're splitting the replacements. Thanks for the review! I'm off to wash my brushes!!

Anonymous said...

I Nessa, the brush cleanser jar is fantastic!!! Can you think about put them on your online store?

Lani said...

Ahh! we don't have Michael's here. :( gotta check out crappy old ben franklin lol. ;)

Stephanie T said...

When I was at the crafts store today I saw that brush cleaning jar and immediately thought of this post. lol

na said...

That jar looks really handy! I'll have to keep an eye out for it next time I go to Michael's.

Jennifer @ www.aegiscode.net said...

Aww penny lane is just to cute

A silly thing that my puppy loves to do is sleep on her back :P

I posted some pics of her doing that on my blog

I'm really digging the jar, I think I gotta head out to Michael's now pretty soon lol Thanks Vanessa

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

very innovative those brush cleaning accessories are becoming! i'm definitely going to have to get myself one of these because i've just been cleaning them on a papertowel but i like the bristles in the jar doing the work for me! me gusta :D

Sweet Potato said...

Brilliant idea for cleaning brushes! I love using Kiehl's Amino Acid shampoo to wash my makeup brushes. Leaves them SO soft!

Anonymous said...

good methode
i use shampoo and a normal bottle

ShanaTheMost said...

So I saw this today and decided to go to Michael's and get the jar. Well it works great and my brushes have never been so clean. Instead of using the MAC, I just used Rimmel Eye makeup remover and it does the same job. I figured if it removes all works. Thanks a lot.

Dana Yoshimizu said...

Love the idea! This is way better than what I was doing before.

As soon as I saw this I made a Michael's run to get the jar :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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