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Monday, July 7, 2008

Beauty Find: Jesse's Girl Baked Mineral Eyeshadows..possible dupe of upcoming MAC Electroflash???


Right now I am trying to upload my eyebrow tutorial video and I am getting quite frustrated with how long it takes to upload a 5 minute video on YouTube, which reminds me of why I dislike doing videos in the first place...takes a lot of takes and time, none of which I really have, LOL. So once it's done, i'll post it....

In the meantime, I went to Rite-Aid yesterday because I was dying of thirst and needed to get a drink, and then found myself wandering down to the cosmetic aisle and I found these Jesse's Girl (that's the brand name!) baked mineral eyeshadows. The first thought that popped in my head: MAC Electroflash- or simply the MAC Baked Mineralized Eyeshadows.

They looked so similar and I am actually glad that these baked duos are increasing in popularity (look at Laura Geller and Too Faced) because they are simply gorgeous!

They came in 4 colors (I got 3 out of the 4: Volcanic, Aqua, and Evergreen), the other color was like a bronze-brown, and they were only $4.99 EACH! I know right, what a bargain! You know me, I love a good deal and can't pass it up when I see one! What's more surprising is that they are pretty pigmented just like the MAC ones. My favorite is "Evergreen" because I love teal and gold, and together they are yummy! Each eyeshadow also comes with a sponge tip applicator.

I have only seen Jesse's Girl brand at Rite-Aid's, so if any of you have bought this brand before, feel free to share it in the comments section.

Comparison to MAC's "Silversmith" eyeshadow from the Antiquitease Collection:



tuniez83 said...

Ohwwwwwwww i just love the evergreen one. so beautiful

kawaiikao said...

those are great looking colors! i HAVE seen this brand at rite aid and ive actually picked up a few of the eyedusts. they are pretty pigmented and are even more pigmented with a creame base or whatnot...they just pop! glad you found these babies!

AskMeWhats said...

girl! i love your DUPEs post!!!! I love saving money and i love checking out cheaper alternatives!!!! those looks promising!!!

Ahleessa said...

The Volcanic and Evergreen are so pretty! :) I have one of their loose pigment that I haven't gotten around to play with... lol~ From what I can tell, they're pretty pigmented. :)

alien man?! said...

I have 2 of their shimmer dusts which I really like but their colors aren't labeled o.O weird, huh?

those eyeshadows look lemmable @_@

Lily said...

yay for dupes! i've only seen jesse's girl cosmetics at rite aid too.

Distinque said...

oooo awesome comparisons. I think im going to search my drugstores for these! 4.99 awesome deal

B said...

Wowsers...those are beautiful. They look divine on your skin.

MakeupByRenRen said...

great find! i think they have Jesse's girl at walgreens too...

Kim said...

eek too bad we don't have rite aid in houston :[ i am excited for the upcoming MAC collections though!

Katrina said...

Omg *runs to Rite Aid* those look so pretty, nicer in my opinion the the MAC ones. I like that Jesse's Girl is expanding, I love their eye dust.

Unknown said...

you can actually go on http://jessesgirlcosmetics.com/ n check out their cosmetic line... i havent checked if these eyeshadows are there... hopefully they are :P... im loving the aqua and volcanic they're soo shinyy lol

XPPINKXX said...

Hey Vanessa

I will be hitting up so cal in august and i am hosting a fabulous themed blogga dinner...i was wondering if you would be interested?!...i know tons of ladies would want to meet you and it would be fun for a BIG group of girls to finally meet each other...i am shooting for Friday the 22nd of august...let me know if your interested so i can send you an evite or email on more details...this wont be a regualr dinner! i personally would love to meet you!


♔Jaimie said...

That evergreen looks gorgeous Vanessa. Maybe your next photo of the day could incorporate it?

Oh and I posted a tutorial you may wanna see. I know your in Cali so you prolly see this look all over hehe



Neeyuh said...

These look awesome! I MUST try them out but...we don't have rite aid's here in vegas and our walgreens doesn't carry that brand...I'll be sure to check them out the next time i'm in cali though! Thanx for the great post!

Ling said...

wow. I really like the swatches. Pretty Pretty! ME likes. =)

Tracy Roa said...

what a great find! i'm almost tempted to go to the rite aid down the street. :D

Sara said...

yum! I love the Evergreen too! I'll have to find me a Rite-Aid :]

Good find doll*

Best Wishes Xx

nai nai said...

i've passed by jesse's girl items many times, but i've never seen the baked eyeshadows! they look great and uber pigmented!

Anonymous said...

i've seen jesse's girl around but i never really took an interest in looking into it. thanks for the post, im definitely interested.

and ROSS is the coooolest. especially for home decor! they have some of the most coolest, random things!
glad to know you're not ashamed of shopping there like others are!

sab said...

these are becoming popular huh? :) i love the comparison! and the colors are strikingly fab!

Anonymous said...

either is your awesome photography or it's just the colors but the evergreen one mesmerized me!

it reminds me of the earth... i maybe just stop by rite aid just for them =DD thanks for the info!

roxy. said...

oohh the colors really do look nice =] i think i might try one if i can find a rite aid around here lol

josephine siu said...

They look so pretty! My RiteAid doesn't carry it ): I peruse that place so much, I know the whole makeup aisle layout! lol.

Adriyah said...

Vanessa!!! Thanks for this!! I will def think of buying these eyeshadows!! wee!! are there anymore colors available?/

Grayburn said...

Wow gorgeous! I would love to see a look with Volcanic :)

How are things these days? Hope everything's going well.

x Grayburn

Shen said...

taunting me again, nessa! :) i love evergreen and volcanic! i want one! i want one! :)

na said...

Ooh, those are so pretty! And the price is great, too.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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