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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Product Review: Beauty From The Earth Minerals


Finally! My BFTE review, I've been meaning to get this in your hands sooner y'all but I have been so busy having fun with these minerals trying to create different looks!

First of all, the customer service is beyond excellent! Crystal, the owner of BFTE, is amazingly sweet and responds to you right away (not to mention beautiful!), and I love awesome customer service when it comes to these mineral makeup companies simply because most of them are owned by one person and one person only (at most 3 people!) and yet they manage to multi-task and respond to customers, pack and ship, create...all at once!

Secondly, the website itself Beautyfromtheearth.com carries a wide range of mind blowing colors guaranteed to suit you ladies who love earthy, natural looks to even the ladies that are not afraid to show off some bright colors! I LOVE how they have actual swatches of each color on the website and not just a computer generated or blurry picture of a swatch. Why is this a bonus for me? Because it really helps me decide what colors I want and allows me to see what color I should expect rather than guessing which shade of blue it is for example. Also, since many mineral companies don't accept returns or exchanges, it can be scary buying a full size of something you are not sure of. They even have a few models showcasing different looks and colors on the site which paints an even better picture of what colors to get!

My favorite colors?
Grape, Green Apple, Karma, Peacock, and Jaded

I had an opportunity to try these gorgeous mineral eyeshadows and I love the color-payoff and how vibrant they are, even without a base! I highly suggest using a mixing medium (glycerin/water mix, see the label on the right on how to make your own homemade mixing medium), because this helps pigments adhere to your eyelids more as well as making the color bolder. They are very easy to blend and work with, and I love the shimmer they give!

They also have a 5-piece sample kit which includes 5 baggie samples of any colors of your choice for only $5! That's only $1.00 a bag and there is plenty to last you many uses. Full sizes come in a 5 gram sifter jar packed with enough product to last you a long time! They also have blushes, mineral foundation, skincare products, and more!

Swatches (ALL DONE DRY, NO BASE-sorry forgot to swatch "Jaded" but the color as is, is on my lid down below):

Here are just SOME of the looks I did using some of the BFTE minerals, as you can see the possibilities are endless because BFTE has a lot of colors to choose from!

BFTE e/s in "Karma" (on lid) and "Purple Iris" on contour

BFTE e/s in "Grape" (I love it!)

BFTE e/s in "Jaded" and MAC e/s in "Carbon" on outer-V and contour. Lower lashline is Milani's Color Brilliance Eye Pencil in "Green".

BFTE e/s in "Grape" on lid, BFTE "Blueberry" on contour:

BFTE e/s in "Green Apple" on the lid, "Purple Iris" on the contour, and "Grape" on outer-V:

Other looks you can do with BFTE minerals...some looks are not with BFTE, but wrote down very similar dupes since BFTE is a lot cheaper than high-end brands!

BFTE e/s in "Envy" on inner corner, "Green Apple" on middle of the lid with "Emerald Green" on the outer-V and contour:

BFTE e/s "Karma" mixed with "Strawberry":

BFTE e/s in "Grape", "Lemon", "Tangerine", "Raspberry", and "Green Apple":

BFTE e/s in "Raspberry", "Karma", and "Grape":

BFTE e/s in "Lemon" on the lid, "Grape" or "Purple Iris" on outer-V and contour:

BFTE e/s in "Purple Iris" and "Grape":

BFTE e/s in "Karma" and "Purple Iris" (on contour):

BFTE e/s in "Envy" or "Green Apple" on inner corner, "Peacock" on the middle of the lid, "Grape" on outer-V:


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh.
I love how bright the colours look.
And I gotta say I love what you were able to do with the colours on your eyes! Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing about this company, I'm browsing their site now...

christy kimchee. said...

gorgeous colors (: i love how creative you get with makeup.

♔Jaimie said...

I'm LOVING the green apple and the grape!

Anonymous said...

beautiful!!!!! love your looks =)

Anonymous said...

beautiful!!!!! love your looks =)

AskMeWhats said...

The colors looked awesome! and all the looks are pretty, my favorite would be "Karma mixed with Strawberry" So pretty and feminine!!! LOVELY!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

i love all those colors on you esp. the 2 looks with Jaded and apple green! hotness!

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa this is some good stuff, and you have so many looks from it that are too cute...i really need to start using mineral e/s more often! thanks sis :)

Anonymous said...

Great review! They are super pigmented! I really like Strawberry!!!

Misti said...

Holyholyholy COW!!!

*off to buy samples...*

Vanessa M. said...

hehe i like your purple and yellow hearts :)

*Jen* said...

I love the Karma/Strawberry combo so much! It looks gorgeous on you!

josephine siu said...

Gorgeous! You always have the best FOTDS (:

BFTE seems like a really good MM company. I just have too many mineral shadows to use ): lol!

nai nai said...

i LOVE the jade e/s w/ mac's carbon! its soo simple yet stunning! thanks for posting this review, BFTE looks like a great site, but i can't afford it right now...

Jamila said...

OMG! They are all fab! The last one is my favorite. You did a great job. Thanks for posting.

Cinthia Truong said...

I love all your looks...they're so unique and beautiful. My favorite one is the purple and lemon with the two hearts on the side. So gorgeous!!!

The Shades Of U said...

Pretty pretty! As usual I am drawn to the greens. Gorg!

iamgrape1119 said...

WOW! All the colors look so vibrant! I love all of your FOTDs!

Alyson @ The Gloss Menagerie said...

Those colors are BEAUTIFUL! I wish loose pigments were easier to deal with.

Alyson @ The Gloss Menagerie said...

p.s. please post what lipsticks those are! :)

missannabanna said...

i'm going to go broke on ur blog w.all ur suggestions lol!

these look great though! they look just as pigmented as mac's pigments!

Ahleessa said...

How gorgeous are these pigments! :) Then again everything looks good on you. My two favorites are the yellow and purple; it reminds me of the Lakers, and the second to last; such a pretty purple color. :)

na said...

Great looks! I especially like the Lakers' one. :)

Thanks for the head's up on the sample kit!

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

lovely as always sis. and loved how you compiled a visual of looks!

Jennifer @ www.aegiscode.net said...

oh man i know what u mean, i've been having trouble with verification codes all day today.

not only is it so hard to read, it's not even loading up for me, don't know if ur having the same trouble

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

i'm in love with the "karma" and "purple iris" look, and the "grape" and "blueberry" look, and the "jaded" and "carbon" look and the second pic with "grape". haha. :) pwetty colors. every time you post looks, you inspire me to put on eyemakeup... because i've honestly been makeup less most of this summer. haha.

Mai Nguyen said...

OH MAN! i love these. you make me want to order some, but i'm on a NO BUY. LOL, love love love all of your looks. you're the one of the first that inspired me to wear makeup!

hooked said...

hehe... looks like the one you have listed as strawberry is actually raspberry!

Vanessa said...

hooked the label says strawberry and I have the pure luxe version in strawberry and its the same

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Wow! You are so creative applying those colors! I'm in awe; I suck at the bold looks - maybe because I'm an old fart? LOL

Viki said...

Hi Vanessa!

Thanks for dropping by at my blog; it's always so good to talk to you!
I hope you're doing fine dear. *hug*

Loving that rainbow-look! These minerals seem very bright and lots of fun to play with. I will not be shopping for make-up for a while (not until until payday anyway), but maybe I'll give this company a try when I'm finally allowed to splurge. :-)

I love your bangs, by the way! They're so versatile: you can wear them as they are, or brush them back, and you look great no matter what! ^_^

hooked said...

oh ok, sorry, just in your first picture the bottom of the jar says raspberry.

Vanessa said...

Hooked, yeah it was mislabeled :)

Bliss said...

Your colour combos are always gorgeous and im so loving the jade on you :)

Anonymous said...

You do the glitter-star thing too?! I love your choice of color.:)

Anonymous said...

I love all your EOTDs/FOTDs, very pretty! I'll have to check out Beauty From The Earth. Currently I really like AromaLeigh Cosmetics, Meow Cosmetics and some of Lumiere Cosmetics.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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