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Monday, July 28, 2008

MAC Starflash got me seeing stars!


Camera used: Nikon D40X (digital SLR)
***PLEASE DO NOT use my pictures without crediting the source. Much appreciated!***

You can check out some swatches here: Starflash Swatches

Thanks to Debbie who gave me the heads up! The MAC store at the Glendale Galleria released their Starflash Collection out early (I love them for this!) so the BF and I went on a date to the mall, LOL.

He took me to MAC (yes, that evil store!) and bought me some loot! I really tried to just get the colors I don't already have, but I couldn't decide so I ended up getting all of them (except Bold & Brazen since it was just ok to me) and I wanted "Talent Pool" but the MUA said they sold out of that already. :( So I guess i'll just wait when it's released at the Topanga mall on Thursday and nab it!

This collection is definitely pretty, BUT a majority of the colors ARE DUPE-able! So if you already have many of the permanent eyeshadows by MAC, you do not need to rush out to get the eyeshadows from this collection because they are almost identical! I don't have "Fertile" e/s and many compared it to "Top Hat" from this collection, so I am glad I got it and it is indeed a gorgeous plummy color!

They are a lot smoother and 'creamier' than the permanent eyeshadows, I think the finish to these are "Veluxe Pearl" and it goes on so pigmented in just a couple swipes. I AM SELLING BRAND NEW "Star by Night" and "Grand Entrance" eyeshadow on my online store which will launch tomorrow! I am also going to be selling samples of MAC's Lip Erase in "Dim". A small scoop in a 3 gram jar, should last plenty of uses.

I have put some comparison pictures together of the starflash eyeshadow and the dupe down below...so you be the judge!

This is just a list of colors/brands SIMILAR if not identical to the Starflash e/s:

* Dreammaker - Frosty yellow gold//DUPES: Ricepaper (more matte), Nanogold?
* Grand Entrance - Frosty neutral pink beige//DUPES: Milani "Illusion" e/s, UD "Sin"
* Bold & Brazen - Frosty light copper//DUPES: Milani "Flare"
* Sunset B. - Frosty mid-tone pink//DUPES: "Trophy Pink" from COOL EYES Palette
* Lotusland - Pinky lavender with gold pearl//DUPES: MAC e/s in "Beautiful Iris" (more matte), MAC e/s in "Mancatcher" (LE)
* Talent Pool - Blue green with gold pearl//DUPES: MAC e/s in "Steamy", "Parrot"
* Mink & Sable - Olive green//DUPES: Milani's "Antique Gold", MAC e/s in "Sumptuous Olive"
* Smoke & Diamonds - Frosty dirty taupe//DUPES: MAC "Sweet Sienna" (LE) Pigment
* Go - Frosted bronze//DUPES: MAC e/s in "Tempting", UD e/s in "Smog"
* Glamour Check! - Reddish brown//DUPES: MAC e/s in "Twinks" with a little "Cranberry"
* Top Hat - Dirty Indigo//DUPES: MAC "Fertile" e/s
* Star by Night - Mid-tone blue//DUPES: Milani's "Blue Ice"



Anonymous said...

great swatches =) the grand entrance kinda reminds me of rose blanc. i can't wait till it releases, so i can buy it online!

Anonymous said...

WHOA! "tempting" and "go" look exactly the same! :) these swatches and pictures are amazing!

your blog/pictures inspires me make my blog look HALF as good as yours!! :) thanks vanessa!!!

alien man?! said...

one of my favorite things about this blog is that you give great info on dupes for those who are more sensitive in the wallets

L said...

yes, thank you for the swatches/comparisons! there is just too much sh*t comin' out!

Mo said...

WOW! The new MAC collection is so pretty! (: The last four in the 2nd pic you posted are my favorite. I love Greens and Blues. As for your Lipstick Army blog...that's a lot of lipstick! haha! How do you decide which one you want to use each day? (; or is it all just for play? Either way, how fun! Haha.

Maquillame Lily said...

Hi Vanessa. I cannot wait for your online store. I'll be your regular client.

Pear said...

OMG ... I want them all !! I love your blog vanessa!!

♔Jaimie said...

Very pretty colors, but you're right, VERY dup-able. I think I'm only going to get Top Hat. Thanks for the pics!

iamgrape1119 said...

Thanks for this post! You always have the best swatches and close-ups! I love you for that! LOl!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the swatches and dupe list. Looking forward to the store.

Mai Nguyen said...

you are tempting me to go and get ALL of these! i still haven't gotten all of my stuff from the last 3 collection. LOL what do i do?!

Marie said...

awesome swatches! i always love your pictures cuz i love photography too, so i can appreciate good work

Shen said...

OMG! they all look gorgeous... sob! i think i might break my no buy with your launch!! hehehe!!

AskMeWhats said...

those are really lovely swatches and you are one lucky woman to have them all! And I am so excited for your online store! But darn! I am sure when you opened up the online store, I am still sound asleep! lol save some goodies for me ok? hehehe Goodluck and more power!!! Thanks so much for the dupe list! really helpfuL!

Stephanie T said...

You're launching your store on the week in between my paychecks?! *cries*

Vanessa M. said...

your an evil evil woman vanessa! haha grr i was like no no no im not gonna buy em and then you and ailien bust out w this! *sigh* lol
yay for your store! i know youve been having problems w it stupid technology lol cant wait to shop around! :}

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa thanks for the swatches! this is definitely going to help me from duplicating colors...too bad i have to wait till thursday :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the swatches, the colors are so pretty, but very dupe-able

Anonymous said...

wow lucky! i'm waiting for the release of this. i hope that it didn't come out early or i'll probably miss it & it'll be sold out :(

in any case i hope it isn't because that thursday is also my mom's birthday so i MAY have to wait until friday to get it D': stupid school & work hahahaha

Anonymous said...

wow lucky! i'm waiting for the release of this. i hope that it didn't come out early or i'll probably miss it & it'll be sold out :(

in any case i hope it isn't because that thursday is also my mom's birthday so i MAY have to wait until friday to get it D': stupid school & work hahahaha

Tracy Roa said...

wow, looks like you did buy the entire collection! haha. great job with the dupes. i think out of all of them, 'tempting' and 'go' look the most similar to each other.

Krystle said...

These swatches and comparisons are so good that it's expanding my list! I think you get the enabler award for this collection.

Unknown said...

wow.. =) ur dupe swatches are so helpful!! thank you for making this post.. :) xxx

Stephy said...

Thanks for the swatches and dupe list Nessa!! :) Now I guess i'll just wait until my trip to seattle to get myself some milanis and probably some of these shadows at a cheaper US price! :)

looking forward to ur online store! i'll be one of ur faithful customer for sure LOL! :D

Ahleessa said...

The colors are so pretty! :) I hope you're okay with the 5.8 earthquake we just had.

RESSA said...

thanks for the swatches sooo helpful. Leaning toward dreammaker and mink & Sable...

Lani said...

they are beautiful! thanks for the swatches ;)

Anonymous said...

Those colors look awesome! I'm going to need to get my hands on some!

Tanya said...

Thank you so much for this post! I was very excited for this collection, but from your dupe swatches- it looks like you saved me a lot of moola ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your swatches and comparisons!
Grand Entrance and Sunset B look nice.
Top Hat reminds me of AromaLeigh's Violet Ruffle (mineral makeup eye shadow).

yummy411 said...

lucky you! i love the new font you are using on your pics!!

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

just like you said sis. this IS a pretty collection! nice swatches. i'm glad they're dupeable though because i'm already running into problems trying to transport my stash now, lol!

Sara said...

OoOo lucky! How in the world do you afford all of this girl!?!?

Great post!


leepsz said...

I ABSOLOUTELY ADOREEEEEEE HOW YOU GIVE DUPES!!!! It's amazingly kind of you and quite frankly you're the best at giving them. "Go" & "Tempting" look the EXACT same...Wow. Who would ever notice that unless you compared it for us....lol.
You make me want this WHOLE collection! It looks wonderful,
Take care :)

Anonymous said...

I love you :) This is, by far, the best post I have seen for starflash (and I've been reading about it all day).

Do you have any plans to swatch the lustre twins?? Please please do :)

Anonymous said...

Oh! And, "Go!" looks similar to "All that glitters"... or am I way off???

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

hey look beautiful and i think you will do them justice when you wear them all! xD

thanks for the swatching the dupes.. fascinating.. the Starflash "Go" is very similar to Tempting :O

Caramel Sara Jo said...

Hum, I'm not sure if I want those... for money sake. But the actual finish is Starflash. It's new and hopefully new MAC will have that finish. I am new to MAC so I am not quite addicted but they are really pretty. Again, HUM.

Jackie said...

you TOTALLY helped me eliminate a few shadows that i planned on getting. thank you SO MUCH! i was wondering how i was going to be able to purchase all the ones that i wanted. woohoo! now i'm wondering if i should get any of the newlustre twins... HM. not much of a lipstick person but it would be nice to have for the times i do put them to use...

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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