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Monday, June 30, 2008

Auraline Beauty Blush Palette Swatches


Auraline Beauty

Anne and I barely got home a few hours ago, we were stuck in traffic and on top of that we got hit from the side from some guy that wasn't paying attention so now my bumper is all messed up; it took us longer than usual to get home. I am so tired and it was so DAMN hot in Vegas we were melting even with the AC on full blast. Good to be home though, in the valley, where it's nice and cool.

I will post pics of the convention and all that good stuff later tonight, as it's already 1:25am as I write this and I have to wake up at 6am for work, so I need some sleep since we had such a long day and we woke up so early this entire weekend; so the thought of me uploading 80+ pics...let's just say it's not gonna happen right now, LOL. I saw all your questions on Cbox gals, so I will try and answer them during the day...Annika, your message is there, just click on "older messages" to view.

So instead, I leave you with some Auraline Blush Palette swatches, from the blush palette I bought at the IMATS show last weekend from AuralineBeauty.com.

Here is also a list of upcoming posts I have lined up that I am trying to catch up on!

(in no particular order):

- video and pics of using the L'Oreal Voluminous Marker Eyeliner Pen I just did a product review on
- video on how to line your waterline (as requested by a reader)
- IECSC show & Vegas pics
- Swatches of ALL the nude lippies I have
- Other swatches of other things....
- FOTD's
- Product Reviews: Beauty From The Earth, H2Pro Hot Iron....and more!

F= First Row S= Second Row



My arm always looks likes this says the boyfriend...


josephine siu said...

Ooh! Cute nails! And the blushes look really pretty (: You can always pull off the coolest blush colors.. I'm still too scared to branch out, haha.

Anonymous said...

hi vanessa! theres actually only ONE thing i want to know... how the heck do you figure out your LOOK every morning with BEAUTIFUL colors staring at you everyday!!! :D

i have like 6-7 blushes and i have a hard time! :)

na said...

Ooh, the blushes look great! How much was it?

AskMeWhats said...

I love the swatches, they all look wearable! and i love how pigmented it all looks!

MakeupByRenRen said...

awwww you must be so exhausted! poor sis...rest up...i think we'll be okay without a post for a day or two or three while you catch up on life. i'm so excited that you were able to go to vegas though...sorry about the car drama...hopefully it was worth it right? they're having that same show in orlando in october and depending on your feedback i might go to! can't wait to see the pics! by the way, that blush palette is going to be great for your kit!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

oohh the colors are pretty if i must say!!

i just noticed your nails, they are so cute ;)

Anonymous said...

i love the blush colors!

iamgrape1119 said...

OMG! Are you okay? I hope that you didn't get hurt. The blush palette looks GORGEOUS! Can't wait for the FOTDS!

Unknown said...

Oh, wow!! That seems like an amazing set of blushes!! :o

Anonymous said...

Those blushes look lovely!

How would you compare the texture and scent (if any) to higher end brands?

Anonymous said...

Wow the swatches look very delightful. I want a couple of them. I must check them out.

Digital Angel said...

Very pigmented I like it ! Woot your shorts, did you get it from walmart ? just wonder lol I have the exact same color same shorts. :D

Ahleessa said...

The palette is gorgeous! So is the colors! Ohhh~ I like! :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see your video on the L'Oreal Voluminous Marker Eyeliner Pen! I went and bought it after you did a review on it. Now I just have to figure out how to use it! Also, I could use some practice on how to line my waterline, especially with the eyeliner pen! Anyway, you are so lucky you're able to go to makeup shows and Vegas! Those swatches look gorge too!

Shen said...

i'm glad you're ok and home! :) can't wait for your pics. :) i'm sure you and ann look hotter than vegas' weather. :)

the palette looks good! :) and you're uber sexy on the last photo! loL!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I'm in love with the blushes! the 2nd row is sooo pigmented, I love it! Now I really want to go to the next IMATS!

Or said...

omg this is the prettiest blush palette i have ever seen! i use blushes rarely, almost never but these ones look stunning!!

L said...

yes indeeeeed thats a nice palette. the color payoff looks really good as well. i need to get into more blushes! btw, you and anne looked like ya'll had a great time. my mama use to go to shows like that back in the day when she got her cosmo license. i used to wait for her to get back so i can raid all her shit! lol

christy kimchee. said...

Those are some gorgeous shades. Some even look like they can be eyeshadows hehe. :)

psychoexgirlfriend said...

WOW the first blush one the second row is gorgeous swatched! I love blush, but a palette would be useless to me as I'd just keep buying more blush anyway. I'm sorry to hear about the accident but glad that you and Anne are okay.

yeahyeahyeah said...

So i just checked out the auraline site & I found that this site (in the eyeshadow palette) has the 28 neutral and the 78 eyeshadow/blush that's so hyped up on the coastal scents site.

I wonder if it's the same?
BUT, this site charges $25 for the neutral while coastal scent charges $20

The two links:

Krystle said...

Those are pretty blushes! Sounds like you and Anne had a lot of fun! Did you have a chance to gamble too? I'm sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you, your bf and Anne are ok and hope your car is too!

Vanessa said...

Irene- Haha I just kinda coordinate it with my eyes, like naturals, browns, taupe or neutral eyes, I use a brown or bronzy blush, for green looks, corals, and other looks I use a coral, orange based blush like Milani "Luminous", for purple or pink eyes I use a pink or purple based blush.

Hi Em! The blushes were $20 at the show. :)

Hi Maggie- There is no scent, the blushes are just as pigments as other blushes (MAC) and are more shimmery than MAC in my opinion. I think these blushes are actually better!

Hi Nabi! Haha yeah I love Wal-Mart, I got a bunch of shorts from there!

Thanks ladies!

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Very pretty! Must have been fun. They really need to schedule those things here in the islands. I'm tired of feeling left out, lol!

Vanessa M. said...

i see skin ;)

Anonymous said...

lol @ "My arm always looks likes this says the boyfriend..." haha!

F5 caught my eye -- am a sucker for pink blushes!

noon said...

they are so pretty. are the bigger or smaller than the MAC blush sizes?

Vanessa said...

flyawaymoon-they are about the same I believe..

makemeup said...

i love ur auraline beauty blushes, they are so prettty! u are so lucky to have bought it. i went to their site, and they only can sell it if u spend $100 or more! =[

Anonymous said...


Which blush palette did you buy? Is this the Bright one? I ask because on the website both of the ones listed look a lot paler than the one you have (and I like yours better cause I have tan skin too and the pale ones won't show up on us!) I actually really love this and am glad you put it up cause I think I'm going to get it if I can figure out the name of the one you got!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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