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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Reader Question: About IMATS


Find more info here: www.makeupartistshow.com and www.makeupmag.com

Edit: Also there is a Face & Body Convention happening August 16-18th at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco(the shows are on the 17th and 18th which is a Sunday and Monday), I am going to that one too, so if any of you are attending, let's meet up!

Many of you asked me about IMATS and how to get in, admission varies depending on whether you want just the Expo Hall or to see the keynote speakers, and of course the days you want to go. For example two days at the show including keynote speakers is $70, just for the Expo Hall (to walk around) for one day is around $15-20. ANYONE can attend IMATS conventions, but it's mainly for the makeup artists and industry professionals in mind as some of the products they showcase at these shows are for industry work and not really "everyday wear" (ex: body paints, special effects makeup, etc), as well as to avoid the image of it being a "makeup swap meet".

Most convention shows aren't widely advertised to the general public (I know this because I DO convention shows for work and my company also sets up a booth at conventions) and we only advertise generally to people IN our industry, although anyone can attend (except kids). There's no invitation at times, you just have to know when the show dates and locations are (I don't know any for the rest of the year as of yet), but they have one every year in the same location, which is the reason why EVERY SINGLE year I travel to the same places : New York, San Francisco, and San Jose. I knew about IMATS from a few friends already in the industry (my hair and makeup artists)who mentioned it to me and since this past one was near me, I thought it would be perfect to check it out.

But the locations as of right now are in Los Angeles(Pasadena), Miami, and London.

So all the gals that live around those areas, there's another one next year in case any of you missed it this year. Since this was my first IMATS show, I got a good feel of the show and what to expect, and of course when I find out when the next show is, I will let you all know! Most likely it will be around the same time of year. For some reason the sites don't show you future dates (other than the Miami and London show next year), I know for internet conventions they show you a full list of the dates and locations for show as far as next year...


Katie Golightly said...

What is the convention in San Francisco for, and when is it held? I want to go! lol

Katie Golightly said...

Thanks! Get back to me whenever you can about the Milani stuff, I know you're busy!

Aw, I thought the tradeshow was for makeup... I know there is the Face & Body convention coming up in SF this year though, I think in August. A few makeup companies will be there like: Blinc - Kiss Me, Kryolan, Lady Burd, Pinnacle, etc. But it probably won't be anything like IMAT!

Unknown said...

ROAD TRIP!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

do you know the dates for the miami show for imats?

Vanessa said...

Hi Ladybug! I posted the links on top for more info, here is a link that shows the next show for Miami and London next year: http://www.themakeupshow.com/

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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