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Monday, June 23, 2008

IMATS Makeup Show Pasadena Convention Center 2008


Sorry I was absent this weekend, that's because I attended the IMATS (International Makeup Artist Trade Show) at the Pasadena Convention Center. The show was both days, Saturday June 21 and Sunday June 22. I went with family- Erica and Tatiana, I also have to upload a video on my review of the show.

They showcased a lot of special FX/movie makeup, and it was really fun to see it from start to finish (as we were there early). There were a lot of people there from different aspects of the makeup and Hollywood industry, cinematic prosthetics, and even high fashion hair and makeup. They brought in corpse dummies from popular movies and shows such as CSI that looked INCREDIBLY REAL! They even had sessions on different areas of makeup such as eyebrow threading, specialFX, the movie Hellboy makeup, trends, and tons of other stuff!

There were many well-known as well as up and coming companies who exhibited, such as: MAC PRO, Kryolan, Graftobian, Cinema Secrets, Makeup Forever, Mehron, Naked Cosmetics, Senna Cosmetics, and much much more! MAC PRO was giving out MAC PRO membership to anyone WITHOUT the required documents as a show special AND they gave you a temporary one to use at the show, so my girlfriends got their membership on! Yup! You heard right, that means even if you NEVER touched a makeup product in your life, you were eligible for MAC Pro membership at the show. Many of the booths were selling their own products at a show special price as well as giving out samples left and right! They were selling makeup brushes of all kinds, and I mean ALL kinds, even brushes you probably never knew existed at $2 EACH! You know I had to nab a few! I also bought an 10-PAN Blush Palette from Auraline Cosmetics for ONLY $20 and Kryolan's "Invisible Matte" cream to prevent shine for only $6! It's $50+ in other places and the colors are gorgeous! (I will swatch them later). Tatiana bought a brush apron for only $15! And Erica enjoyed an airbrush session with Luminess.

We also got some FREE makeup from Senna Cosmetics.com, and they are so pigmented and really pretty for summer!

I also saw the gorgeous Elessa (a.k.a. Pursebuzz) and Koren (Enkore on YouTube). She is just so sweet and beautiful in person like she is in her YouTube videos! It was really nice meeting them at such a phenomenal show. It was by far, an AWESOME show!

And here are the pics to prove it! ***WARNING: SOME PICS ARE GRAPHIC*** Including an image depicted by a US soldier.

Our goodie bags:

The Makeup Contest:

Me & Pursebuzz! I look like crap since I woke up so early, LOL. And there's Enkore in the back!

In action!

I love Senna!

Our free loot:

The MAC PRO booth (look at everyone scrambling to get their MAC PRO cards!):

Makeup Forever Booth:

I want this!

They even had cotton candy!

Look how cute Tatiana is with her cotton candy, this girl is awesome at doing hair, she graduated from Cosmetology school and has her license, so watch out for her!

Erica with the Makeup Artist from Luminess Airbrush Cosmetics, trying on the airbrush foundation:

Result? She likes it! She really likes it! Look she even has pink cotton candy to match her shirt! LOL

And I got a cool shirt with a butterfly on it!

Look at all those brushes! Only $2-6 a pop!

Brush Sets WITH a brush roll??! For $15-$20!?? SOLD!

What I bought from that brush bin madness (angled fluff brush, eyelash fan brush, large concealer brush, maxi mop brush, and an eyelash definer comb):

Look how cute! To comb out clumps left from mascara!

Maxi Mob brush, a flat-top sponge to apply liquids such as foundation:

Now the FUN STUFF!


Getting there!

Gross isn't it????

She is putting on a real-looking tattoo on the model....

Reminds me of Johnny Depp...

Nice acrylics!

Edward Scissor Hands!

Looks SO REAL!

Corpses used in CSI, aren't they scary??? Looks real!

It's a DUMMY!

This boy's BEFORE pic:

Slowly starting...


Where I might want to go to school...

MUD (Makeup Designory)

Or Joe Blasco...

I bought Kryolan's Invisible Mattifying Cream to take out shine!

The Auraline Blush Palette I bought for only $20! (Swatches and review coming soon!)

Natural light:

All the reading material I got...I have tons of reading to do! Ta-ta!


the Muse said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's Elessa and Enkore! Did you get autographs?

hehe :)

I heart them both!

I was excited about all the pics but when I seen Elessa and Enkore I really got excited ;)

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa that show looks like so much fun! you're so lucky to have all that stuff near you...i'm going to the makeup show next year in miami, i already decided. the first corpse from the CSI show looks soooooo real! Let us know how you like the products you got...esp that matte cream, and i think those were crown brushes! i'm so excited for you!

Tracy Roa said...

looks like an awesome convention! i would have gone, but i never knew it existed! i'm amazed at how real those dummies look. they have some here at the wb museum at my work from past shows and movies. i'm interested in knowing more about the kryolan invisible mattifying cream. looking forward to a review!

Unknown said...

take me with you next time pleaaaaaaase? :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amina said...

Laaaaawd have mercy!! OMG it looks so much fun!! MAC was giving away Pro cards?? I could use one!! I've been trying to get one but i am not a make-up artist nor in beauty school!! just a MAC addict..

the swatches of sienna are gorgeous!!
if i was there, i will just take a loan because everything is so tempting!!
Thank you for the pictures :)

Amina said...

Laaaaawd have mercy!! OMG it looks so much fun!! MAC was giving away Pro cards?? I could use one!! I've been trying to get one but i am not a make-up artist nor in beauty school!! just a MAC addict..

the swatches of sienna are gorgeous!!
if i was there, i will just take a loan because everything is so tempting!!
Thank you for the pictures :)

Cynthia said...

aww, im jealous..wish they had conventions like that in chicago!

Stephy said...

hey Nessa!! i'm so envious at u!! :) I wish we have one of these trade shows here in vancouver!!! i want the brushes and the mac pro card! :D

did they charge any admission fees?

Yellow Fever said...

wow thanks for sharing that vanessa! i hope we can get one of those convetions down here in texas! lol well...we do have the rodeo hahaha

Unknown said...

wow! you're so lucky!! that must have been an awesome weekend!! :o

♔Jaimie said...

Man, I'd love to go to that! Especially for the Mac Pro Membership. I'll get one soon hopefully, Oh well. I wish one was coming to atlanta!! That haul is amazing!

♔Jaimie said...

Man, I'd love to go to that! Especially for the Mac Pro Membership. I'll get one soon hopefully, Oh well. I wish one was coming to atlanta!! That haul is amazing!

Distinque said...

OOOO How lucky of you! Three of my favorite makeup gurus there:)

Unknown said...

p.s. i just e-mailed you. check your e-mail.

Ahleessa said...

I never knew something like this existed. If I knew, I would have gone. Do you have to be a member or something to know about this?

Chayote said...

Thanks for the info. Damn If I would have known I would have gone booo hooooooo.

Chayote said...

Thanks for the info. Damn If I would have known I would have gone booo hooooooo.

Kdub said...

I'm so jealous!! I would love to attend one of these conferences. Like everyone else, I'm curious about how to get an invite.

On another note, I just got a few Silk Naturals eyeshadows and lippies after reading about them on your blog. Thanks for the recommendation!

Also, have you ever used Pop cosmetics? If so, what do you think of its cosmetics?

Kelly -- vtgirl1993@yahoo.com

Kim said...

I am beyond jealous! That place looks like HEAVEN to me :) Do you know if there is any place to buy the stuff there online? Like the brushes and whatnot? I'm really looking for a good brush roll. I know MAC makes one but I'm not sure if it's worth the money because I see train cases and makeup bags at the CCO sometimes..

Anyway, if you know the sites for the brush stuff or some of the palettes, please hit me back (kimberlyanguyen@gmail.com)

Ethereal Prey said...

ZOMG! *drools* so jealous! All that make up porn! That special fx makeup is AMAZING! WOW! The power of make up is totally beyond just blush and looking pretty, its for movies and corpses, and brains! :P

Pursebuzz and EnKore look so cute! I'm totally jealous! Get me a Pro card too!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

lucky girl! i actually wanted to go to this too... but i couldn't because there was tons of family stuff going on this weekend, what with my two brothers graduating there were parties and what not happening this weekend. LUCKY! :) looks so awesome there... *jealous*

Lani said...

wow that was AMAZING!! thanks for the pics.

the one thing i am jealous about...the PRO cards. OMG. soo not fair! lol.

laadyLike said...

Wow! Looks like an amazing weekend! So jealous, I would have totally loved to have the opportunity to go. And free MAC Pro cards?? Yum! Thanks for sharing the pictures you lucky girl. :)

G_046 said...

holy crap!!!
that's awesome!!!!! Enkore, EvePearl, and those awesome CSI stuff!!! wow!!!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

This looks amazing! all the gurus together, free makeup, cheap makeup - what more can you want?!

All the prosthetic makeup looks awesome, and so realistic too!

Anonymous said...

That looked like soooo much fun! I hope you got to do everything you wanted to do and get all the stuff you wanted. Good luck with the decision to go to school!

Anonymous said...

Wow this post was great (even the special effects makeup)! Do you have to be a professional to get into the IMATS?

Mrs. Lynne, MakeupFix.net said...

Looks like a lot of fun sis! What a place to be. So exciting to you got to meet Pursebuzz and EnKore.

Misti said...

These are amazing pictures! So many pretties!

I do have a request and its very small and I hope it doesn't offend you.

I'm an Army wife, and my husband is currently deployed. I don't blanch at movies with dead soldiers or violence. But that model of a soldier with his stomach and chest splayed open...it really shook me. I know you said there was graphic pictures, but I certainly wasn't expecting *that*.

Could you add a disclaimer at the top about a soldier being featured in one of the pictures? I'm a pretty stoic person and I would really hate for a less-stoic spouse to come across that.

Jamie said...

OMG, what an insane weekend that must have been! Such amazing pics -- I feel like I was there with you!

Anonymous said...

SOOOOOO jealous!!! I'm glad you had a good time though! It must have been cool to meet all the YouTube Celebs LoL! I wish MAC would open up their Pro memberships more..even if you had to spend a certain amount with the company before they gave you a card, it would allow girls who simply LOVE make-up to get on board. Not everyone wants to be an artist. Anywho, glad you had a good time! I am infinitely jealous!

iamgrape1119 said...

OMG! I'm SO jealous about that PRO card! Why can't I live in LA? *Pout* You looked like you had so much fun though! Can't wait for the review!

Unknown said...

omg omg omg.. so lucky u r..!!
and the dummies corpse!! my god, they're sooo real..!!
and luck you!!! got to buy brushes and make ups for cheap!!!

josephine siu said...

OMG. I'm so jealous.. the whole convention seems so amazing! and your friends are SO lucky they got MAC PRO memberships. I'm totally dying for one ):

I'm glad you had fun! And I look forward to swatches of the blushes, and reviews of the brushes!

Anonymous said...

wow! thanks for the pictures. all the brushes and makeup makes me want to drooool!

this is out of the topic, but pursebuzz is so tall! you've mentioned that you're 5'7 and she's taller than you! :D

Vanessa said...

Irene-haha thanks! I actually mentioned im 5'6", I WISH I was 5'7", lol. And pursebuzz is fairly tall however she was wearing some wedge sandals while I was wearing flat gladiator sandals. :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Pasadena??? i freaking live there! How does one get admitted? do u have to be a makeup artist? is there a fee? i tried to google it but only London Imats came up :(

Purse Buzzin n' More said...

Thanks for posting up the pics.. it was so much fun! Wish we could have chatted more.. take care!!!

(g)ezebel said...

oh man, i am sooooo jealous!!! look at all that neat stuff!!

girl, i am an avid CSI (every version) fan -- and those corpse models -- woah. i always thought it was a real person just with special effects makeup on.

Shizznizzle said...

I'm so jealous. There you go, I said it!!!


awesome report, nessa..looks like fun! The 15 Silver Brush set is TWENTY FREAKIN DOLLARS !!! omagah!

and ewww @ some of the bloody corpses, very amazing makeup coz it got me gag hahahah

alien man?! said...

holy crap, those pictures are AWESOME! everything looks like so much fun! and OMG the CSI corpses are TOO REAL @_@ esp that first one... how freaky!

notjustminerals said...

This is amazing Nessa! I wish I could get my hands on that Kryolan mattifying thingy. Will wait for your review on that.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is like a fantasy land. It's the disneyworld for makeup lovers. WOW, thanks for sharing. I think I would cry if I went there. *faints*

BTW, I love your blog. I visit it every day!!

sarahPUFFY! said...

I want to attend Makeup Designory as well...but it may have to wait a while. ;-;

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had an amazing time!!

na said...

How cool! Looks like you had a great time. :)

audgepodge said...

Great pics! Looks like a great time :)

mznes said...

Do you think IMATS will give out free MAC Pro membership this year?

mznes said...

i hope so! & i hope to see you there! ;)

The Beauty Junkee said...

gosh nessa, i'm lemming for kryolan's invisible primer too! lemme know your thoughts on this product. i can't wait to empty my philosophy primer so i could get my hands on kryolan!

i'm so in love with this product. :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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