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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

L'Oreal HIP Jelly Balm vs. MAC Tendertones


Sorry for the obstruction of the watermarking...but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Someone mentioned the coding to prevent "right clicking" but a person can steal the pics from "View Source" or this will have to do for now.

Product: 4 out of 5
Packaging: 3 out of 5
Overall: 4 out of 5
Price: $8, Walgreens and other drugstores
Color Tested: "Plush"
Would I buy it again? Yes because the product is awesome, but No because I hate potted lipglosses. :)

The L'Oreal HIP Line is growing and is definitely catching a huge audience with their new products and pigmented colors. They recently added a new product to the line- their Jelly Balms, which I compare as a decent dupe to the MAC Tendertones.

First of all, I personally am not a fan of "balms", or potted glosses where you have to stick either a lip brush or your finger in...hence I passed on the Tendertones from MAC simply because I know that if I DID buy it, it would end up in my junk drawer because I would never use it.

But lo and behold, I walk into Walgreens (my second home, lol), and saw these new jelly lip pots from L'Oreal. They come in a wide range of sheer, yummy looking colors, I got a sheer baby pink color called "Plush". I immediately thought of the Tendertones as soon as I saw these.

So how do they compare?
Well even though I don't own any of the Tendertones, I have tried them, and they are a bit sticky (just as I expected) and since I always have my hair down, me and sticky don't go together. However, it's not TOO sticky, so I can live with it for the most part, and I DO love how they have different ranges of sheer color in the Tendertones. The L'Oreal Jelly Balms are an awesome dupe of the MAC Tendertones, they feel about the same in terms of texture and consistency except they are NOT as sticky to me and of course they too feel moisturizing on the lips, so there is no noticeable difference among the two. The color is also sheer with a touch of pink, and they both come in pots and smell awesome! This jelly balm smells and tastes like cotton candy. I would say the only difference is that the MAC Tendertones seem to have a bit more product in it than the Jelly Balms BUT it could also be the jar just making it look like there is more.

Also, the Tendertones are $14.50, whereas the Jelly Balms are a reasonable $8.

Overall? Whether you are a MAC addict or not, these Jelly Balms are hard to pass up!

With MAC's "Myth" lipstick as base:

Just by itself:


Kim said...

the hip line is buy one get one free this week.. did you get anything else? :)

ilurvemakeup said...

I waaaaaant!!!

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

oOo. i really like the color you got too. :) may have to check these out someday... no time soon because i'm on a no buy. LOL. :)

Vanessa said...

Hi Kimberly- No I got these last week actually, that's how long it takes me to review things, LOL. So I probably missed the lil sale at Walgreens...darn it!

Anonymous said...

i hate dipping my fingers inside pots of balms too! so gross!

i love the color on you! you have super juicy lips! thats in a non-lesbian way! LOL

ps: i just wrote down a HUGE list of "NYX / WHAT TO BUY" and i used your hauls and reviews as basis. :) thanks! your blog has been and always be my inspiration! :)

Unknown said...

Good job on the water marks!

Very smart move. I saw other pictures from this 'stealer' from a YouTuber and asked teh YouTuber if she knew this 'stealer' and she said no and is thankful to know because it was rinsing her bandwith.

Love the review as always.

christy kimchee. said...

Oooh I definately have to check these out now! :) Do they smell?

Makeupguru said...

how do i add you to my blog?

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Man, I wish L'Oreal Hip line was available here! lol

Anyway the balm looks really pretty on you, there's just enough hint of a color :D

Unknown said...

Yes, I saw these in Walgreens last week and was debating to try one. I walked away but this week I went back and they have buy 1 get 1 free. I did purchase the plush jelly balm and loreal hip also have 5 new duo eyeshadows in metal metallics. I got all of them. I love them. Can't wait for your review on these.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i'm actually a potted balm girl, lol...and i've been kinda paranoid b/c i used my tendertones like 8-10 times a day...this is definitely a good backup especially since it's buy one get one free...and it's even cheapter than the MAC one with my discount!

Anonymous said...

My friend would love these but I have to agree with some of the other people. They strike my as icky, and they always seem to melt all over my dresser.

Aswathi R said...

The color you got is defintly great. It looks just the perfect pick.


AskMeWhats said...

this looks great! i guess L'oreal is really coming out with great products and good dupes !!! Love your review and you're so cute with watermarking! LOL its the right thing to do

Kim said...

Aww if it was only the week prior I'm sure they'll let you return it, buy it again and get the free one.. That way you can try a bolder color ;)

Ethereal Prey said...

wow the HIP line is expanding! So Sexy! but does it have spf in it?

Vanessa said...

Kimberly- I should just go back and get 2 more colors! LOL, maybe other HIP items I haven't tried...

Ethereal Prey- Nope sadly no SPF... :(

Thushaa said...

It looks so pretty! I hate the fact that all of these things come out almost a year or so later in Canada. I have yet to come across the L'Oreal Decrease and the gel liners!

Ahleessa said...

Oh, I can use this one... woo hoo~ I have to be very careful with products with SPF. I'm so glad this one doesn't have it, because I couldn't get the one from MAC. I need to check out Walgreens.

Anonymous said...

I don't like potted glosses either!! Great review though for those looking for an alternative!

It's a shame that girl stole your pics and now you're forced to watermark like crazy!!

♔Jaimie said...

I can't stand potted lip glosses either! i just wanna be able to slick it on lol. And I'm digging the watermarks on your pictures. They don't detract from what you're showing but its gonna make it harder for people to take it now.

Anonymous said...

ooo the color is really pretty!

btw, i think it's better that you have the watermarks on the images because even if you disable right-clicking, they can still press PrntScrn, copy, paste, crop the picture & edit it..

The App Goddess said...

I want these so bad. I'm a HiP junkie and I'm always on the lookout for new HiP. They are BOGO at Walgreens this week. You can get all of the colors for only $30. A great deal.

Also, the right click thing dosen't work on Mac computers anyway.

Anonymous said...

Nessa, I had the same feelings about the Tendertones, but now that I have 2, I cannot believe that my lips lived without them. Whoa-wee, my lips are super soft and supple!!

Anonymous said...

You can right click on Macs. Hold down "Ctrl" key and Mouse Button. You will see the option like on a Windows OS computer.

yummy411 said...

can't wait to see these in my local store!! i'm not the potted balm type of girl either! but yuuummm! thanks for the heads up!

watercoloursky said...

wow the HIP line keeps coming out with more and more MAC dupes....I just wish they'd hurry up and release the stuff in Canada too! the only HIP stuff we have so far are the eyeshadows, pigment and shadestick dupes.

Unknown said...

woow it looked really pretty on your lips, especially you applied myth before.. looked very natural but sexy!! too bad it's not available in here.. :(

Shizznizzle said...

Ohh pretty! I haven't seen it around here in Hawai'i. grrrr

IchigoBunnie said...

wow...Loreal is really duping everything from MAC.

and I agree...I dun really like pot-type packaging because it's a hassle and messier to dip with your fingers than to be able to use the product straight from the applicator.

despite that this is more affordable version of the Tendertones, $8 seems steep to pay for balms since lipglosses with full pigments already cost that much (or maybe it's because I'm way too cheap XDD!). Too bad they didn't put more pigment in--I think these jelly balms would be more worth it for that drugstore price. But it does look pretty though :3

thank you so much for reviewing Vanessa! :)

(g)ezebel said...

potted lip glosses/balms = lipstick brush = pain in the butt.

i loooove the bare one without the base. so very pretty and natural.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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