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Sunday, June 8, 2008

NYX Jumbo Lip Pencils & Swatches...another Vegas trip!


Sorry for the lack of posts, this was probably the longest I haven't posted. The BF and I went on an unexpected trip again to Vegas (spur of the moment from the BF!), and there was no internet connection. :(

My current obsessions are the NYX Jumbo Lip Pencils (think lipstick in a lip pencil form), and the Sally Hansen Line Smoothing Airbrush Makeup Spray (which I will do a review on soon). The NYX Jumbo Lip Pencils are pigmented and creamy, and Cherry Culture has them in a lot of other colors. I also find them easier to apply than lipsticks in the sense that it's like a lip liner too, so you can just trace your lips and fill them in.

My favorites are: Iced Coffee and Soft Fuchsia.

I got my free "Birthday Gift" from Sephora which is like a shimmery bubble bath...

I LOVE the Wheel of Fortune game! I won again on that slot machine! I must say it's probably my overall favorite game there!

BF loves the BUFFET!

Here's another look I did using "Black Ore" and NYX Ultra Pearl Mania Pigment in "Minx":


d0rksta said...

i love your makeup! i was going to get to lip pencils but i wasn't sure. but now that i see the swatches, i'll go get them! thanks for posting this (:

glamary ♥☮ said...

heeeyy we really miss u!!! hope everything is just great!! xoxo

AskMeWhats said...

you look gorgeous! and congratulations for winning again!!!! :D

Christiana Divine @ Memoirs of A Shopping Addict said...

aww... you're so pretty! :) I love that look on you. :) lucky girl! you always win when you go to vegas. I hope I have that kinda luck the first I go and actually try my hand at gambling. LOL. :)

jing said...

Crabs!!! I'm kind of allergic to them , my mouth ends up itchy when I have too much, but I love em!

You're one lucky gal! Is there a secret or just pure luck? Anyway, I love this look, just as much as the other smoky one with the port red l/s.

Lani said...

<3<3<3 honey moon! it's a really pretty nude, i love it! that jumbo lippie looks so pretty on your lips. ;)

alien man?! said...

beautiful looks and beautiful pencils!

and ur bf is a cutie haha

seafood buffets are awesome

Camilla said...

Hey Vanessa, are these lipsticks moisturizing? How do they feel on lips? These colors are really pretty but I got problem with my lips they get dry easy and I can't use every lipstick I would want to :(

Anonymous said...

lucky girl! i've heard of good things on the wheel of fortune. my mom's won a couple hundred and my dad won 2,000! i, on the other hand, won 30. lol. pretty good since i only played it one time! i tried to play it but everyone was always on it. lol.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

you look beautiful in the last pic!

I love all the lip pictures you do, you make every lipstick look so pretty hehe.. like that NYX soft fuchsia!!

more winning to towards makeup huh?! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love Soft Fuchsia on you! It's such a pretty colour, I have it but I'm not used to wearing that much colour on my lips so I'm having to break myself in gently :) And lucky you on the winning!!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

whoa another trip to vegas! and it's so worth it cuz you keep winning money ha ha...mmmm crab legs :)

Shen said...

looks like a fantastic trip! :) great haul again. i did a few looks using pearl mania. :) i'm loving them as well! :)

Anonymous said...

i think that nyx may have discontinued the soft fuschia jumbo lip pencil. it's sad, because it was the prettiest color out of all of them.

josephine siu said...

I've missed your posts! (: haha. but I'm glad you had fun in Vegas. I'm so jealous. I have to wait until October to go ):

& I've been thinking of picking up some NYX products, so I think I'm going to get some of the lip pencils! I like Pink Nude.. preetty!

Katie Golightly said...

I am totally in love with the soft fuschia lip pencil now!

FYI: Ulta is having a huge BOGO and buy one get one 50% sale (NYX makeup included!) now till June 28th... but you need coupons so you print them put on their site under the "current ad HTML" section!

na said...

LOL I was just reading Anne's blog, and was wondering why the guy in her photo looked like your boyfriend! Hehe, random.

Anyway, how are the staying powder of these things? Do they feel like lipstick on?

senoritabonita said...

Hey Nessa!
I just got that bday gift from Sephora too. When's your bday? Mine's May 30 :) BTW where can I get that Sally Hansen spray? Drugstore? Online? My one friend seemed to like it but couldn't remember where she got it. Thanks!

BeautyLane said...

I love your site. Everything is so informative.

BeautyLane said...

I love your site. Everything is so informative.

Krystle said...

Oh I have been wondering about NYX jumbo pencils for awhile. How long do they last? Do they bleed?
Congrats on your winnings! I wish I had the guts to gamble. The first time I went to vegas I won 25 bucks from the penny slots and I quit because I didn't want to lose anymore money. LOL.

Yellow Fever said...

girl that fuschia lipstick pencil looks hot on you!


Eyes are booooooooootiful!

Shizznizzle said...

woww I've been passing NYX lip pencil but Soft Fuchsia does look really pretty on you. your bf reminds me of Wolverine somehow lol

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Yay! I'm glad you had a good time.

(g)ezebel said...

beautiful makeup, as always!!! your bf is very lucky to have such a sexy and sweet woman like you. :0)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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