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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Make your own MIXING MEDIUM for pigments


Thanks to Pursebuzz.com, I decided to try and make my own mixing medium, and for those who don't know what it is used for, it helps pigments and loose glitters adhere to your eyelid. Add 1 or 2 drops to your brush, pick up a little pigment, and apply to your lid or desired area.

The mixing medium (which comes in water and gel based) is ONLY available for MAC PRO, and you can buy it on eBay even though it's kinda pricey on there.

What you'll need:

- Glycerin (which you can get at any drugstore, it will most likely be in the skincare or facial aisle, where Palmer's Cocoa Butter is), I bought it for $2.99 at CVS.
- A small funnel to transfer it into your empty container.
- A measuring cup or spoons.
- A bowl or container to mix the glycerin and water.
- Empty container.

1/4 Glycerin, you must put 3/4 water.

Measure and pour the right amount of Glycerin into your bowl, then add the water.




Get your empty container...


Get your funnel and place it in the mouth of the bottle, then with a steady hand, pour your mixing medium into the bottle.


Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa!
Thats quiet a great collection you have going. NICE!!!
Is that a yellow Milani eyeshadow back there? How is that homemade mixing medium working out for you?


Anonymous said...

This was very informative! i tried using normal hand cream lotion to stick the sparkles but it jus wouldnt ahere... thanxs again!

Anonymous said...

so does this work as well how the mac mixing medium does?

Vanessa M. said...

hey! how does this work?

Vanessa said...

You can do a search in the search box on mixing medium and there's a tutorial on how to use it, it makes mineral makeup stay on longer and adds vibrancy to it.

Anonymous said...

oh... thanks for the tut nessa...

it's really helpful!! ^^

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to try this thans Vanessa

♥Niya♥ said...

Does this work good on oily lids?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey, was wonderin if you were using 99% glycerin or something less? i got a 85% glycerin and cant figure out how to mix it properly, cuz i assume parts in glycerin and parts in water change?

All About Paranormal said...

can we do the same to dried stila pot?

yours truely, anonymous said...

are they even proportions? the glycerin to the water?

yours truely, anonymous said...

do you mix the same amount of water and glycerin together?

Lady Tee said...

Thanks for this, Vanessa!!!
You rock.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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