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Monday, September 17, 2007

Mineral Bath & Body Samples


I got my mineral eyeshadow samples from Mineral Bath & Body and they are just gorgeous colors! I can't wait to get my samples from www.madminerals.org who by the way is having a sale and 20% OFF ALL ORDERS until SEPT. 23rd! I also ordered another Indelible Gel Eyeliner in "Ivy League" described as a shimmery olive green (hey I couldn't resist!).

The swatches:

Katie from KT Naturals was also nice enough to send me more foundation samples to get the right color since she re-formulated some of the foundations, some are a shade or two darker so I have to re-test.

I was also bored today and was inspired by Stephie's tut on ABB, as well as Grace's request a week ago. Reminds me of the Japanese "Ganguro" girls who dress funky and have awesome makeup and colored contacts; almost like a DOLL.

This look was actually simpler than it looks, I just used Milani's eyeshadow in "Illusion" all over the lid, applied black liquid eyeliner and black kohl pencil BELOW my crease, the entire area, and winged the HELL out of it! Then I applied "Demi Lashes" I had for awhile from Sally's.

Added some bright pink blush and some pink lipgloss.

Reader Grace wanted a quick tutorial on the simple clean look a lot of the Asian celebrities are sporting, especially Korean and Japanese music stars, it's REALLY simple because most of these stars NATURALLY have great skin to begin with. So all they really use is eyeliner, mascara, fake eyelashes, and some gloss.

This photo source is from AsianFanatics.net of gorgeous music singer Janice Man (thanks Grace!):

And my version, of course minus the awesome photography and photoshop haha, I lined the bottom for my version, but used NO EYELINER, just LOTS and I mean LOTS of mascara!

My base all over my lid was MAC's Paint Pot in "Painterly", then I used ULTA's "Lustre" just above the crease.


Anonymous said...

can you update your makeup collection picture and let us know about everything you have now?

Anonymous said...

thank you for doing my request! =) what u did looks pretty =3


Stephie said...

i love your doll look! i think i've said this in like 3 other blogs but i still love it :D

Anonymous said...

I totally love those fake lashes! You look great

Anonymous said...

You actually like ganguro ?! I'm scared of them , they seem abit scary especially those along shibuya...

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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