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Sunday, September 16, 2007

E.L.F. Haul


My ELF stuff came in the other day, I ordered 3 lipglosses (I already owned Natural Blush a few years ago before ELF was even well-known and had trouble finding it back then, so I stocked up!) and I also got another eyeliner brush (can't beat $1, seriously) and a wheel of wedge sponges.

I am debating whether to order more indelible gel eyeliners but then do I REALLY need it? (along with the other things I have bought recently lol), I just think how often will I use this color??? And not very often haha...however I DID order some mineral shimmer eyeshadows from Mineral Bath & Body, Lisa was so nice and super helpful and loved the colors I picked out to test, so I am anxious for those as well!

The best part of my "online job" is being a tester and being able to test various products and see what lives up to what it claims to be, you can read all the reviews you want about certain products and forums but it really just depends on WHAT works FOR YOU.

And a really good tip for not burning your wallet is to check online first before you buy, I have gotten a lot of great deals on eBay and other places online. Even MAC items such as pigments, brushes, etc are a wee bit cheaper on eBay if there isn't a MAC store near you, but be sure its not a FAKE, if it's from Hong Kong or China, it most likely is fake. Another good thing is subscribing to site newsletters because they are the ones that send you promo codes and what's new.

Natural Blush Lipgloss:


Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa!

I was wondering how long it took for ELF to deliver? You ordered from their website right? Because I read on a forum that a lot of people complain they take about 5 weeks and sometimes even longer?


Claudia said...

Hi Vanessa,

Do you know where I can order the ELF Flat Eyeliner brush since I don't live in the US? Cause $1 is a really good deal, especially if you don't use it often! ELF in UK does ship to the Netherlands but they don't have that brush on their website! It's so hard to find a flat eyeliner here >.<



:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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