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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

NYX Round Lipstick Swatches


Here are some swatches of the lipsticks I bought from as well as the KleanColor Palette I got. This online store sells many NYX items, their round lipsticks are only $0.99 cents and they ship super fast! But then again I took a look at the address on their business card and they are down the street from my work! I gotta see if they have an actual store I can play in...


Jenna said...

They are SO PRETTY! Thanks for the swatches! Now I have to go get Margherita, Summerlove, Mars, and Thalia.

josephine siu said...

Summerlove looks so pretty! I've looked at the store before, but couldn't decide on what to buy, lol.

I think I'm going to pick one or two up (:

Ahleessa said...

The Klean Color trio palette looks so pretty. I love how shimmery it is! :) The container for some odd reason reminds me of the Jesse's Girl baked eyeshadow... hehe~

Ai said...

Hey Nessa, i enjoy reading your blog so much so I hope you wouldn't mind if I link you :)

Anonymous said...

I was so glad I found Nonpareil Boutique! You know Cherry Culture raised their prices on their lippies? Bleh...rant. Thanks for posting your swatches! So I have an idea of what I might want to get next. I'll have mine up later so check the blog later. ^.^

Davina said...

Thanks for letting us know about that website! I'm gonna get my round lipsticks there now that Cherry Culture have put theirs up to $2.

Digital Angel said...

I just ordered from them few days ago, I'm waiting for my lipsticks also :D I had to order over 4o so I can get free shipping lol I'm surprised about the klean color, they are so shimmery :) and pretty !

AskMeWhats said...

wow..those are lovely swatches!!!! I have never tried NYX round lipstick and its such a shame! When Non paraleil boutique was on sale..all the colors i wanted are out of stock! lol better luck to me next time!

Anonymous said...

The KleanColor trio is cute!

Shizznizzle said...

Mars looks yummy :D Thanks for the swatches!

sab said...

for $0.99?! wow! i wanna get one myself! or more.. :)

Imee said...

yummy... margherita looks mighty yummy!

Anonymous said...

oh... how I love NYX lipsticks!!! My personal fave out of the swatches are Mars and Thalia. Summerlove and Cream looks pretty too. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great collection. I love to buy margherita, rea and thalia.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the swatches! They are all so pretty!

Vanessa M. said...

how much was that pallete? its cute!

Anonymous said...

That Klean Color trio is gorgeous! I'd wear those colors!

christy kimchee. said...

Wow I love everything about the Klean Color Palette. Packaging is super gorgeous as well :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

wow so cheap! i bet the all the nyx lippie look pretty on you!

Anonymous said...

oh my god! thank you i thought cherry culture was the cheapest and now i am going to order from the sites you recommend ;) thank you i cant wait to order them :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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