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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble Day!


Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! Hope you are enjoying the holiday with your loved ones! What are your plans for today?

As you can tell, my posts have declined. Why? I have been incredibly busy, and someone mentioned that she likes that I post/update everyday and that she hates that there are bloggers who make an "excuse" to not update. As much as I appreciate the compliment, I have to disagree simply because people forget that we are people too with REAL lives beyond the blogging world. As much as I would love to update all day and everyday, I can't. I unfortunately do not get paid to blog and on top of that I have products sent to me to review all the time, so it's a lot of testing and articles to write, in addition to my OWN posts. So yes I get exhausted where I find myself sleeping 4 hours a night- and to me that's fact and not an excuse. Above all, I have to think of the main reason I started this blog- for me. It was my way of keeping track of the products I used for a certain look, or as a tool for close friends- with me as the guinea pig for makeup and beauty products.

I have a FULL TIME job from 8am-5pm, my day starts at 5:30 am when I wake up, I come home to take a shower, relax, watch TV, or read, and unwind or just knock out. After staring in front of a computer for 9 hours at work, the last thing I wanna do sometimes is be ON a computer, let alone take pics, upload them, and then have to edit them. And watermarking them is necessary because people have been stealing my photos and entering them in makeup contests so that they have a chance to win a prize from someone else's hard work. I think some people just forget to see that life itself is constantly changing; schedules and priorities change. I for one have always loved reading, and I wanted to take the time out to actually read all 4 of the 'Twilight' books and make some time for myself. I am not trying to sound whiny or anything, but just wanted to paint a clearer picture of why I have not posted as much. I have just been so wrapped up with work (since we just moved offices), as well as taking the time to enjoy the other hobbies I like to do (besides makeup), and of course preparing for the holidays! So I apologize to you all who have been so used to my daily posts, I think I have spoiled some of you, lol. But I just hope that you CAN somewhat understand that it's just me and that I DO try and get to all your emails and questions as fast as I can in addition to everything else- at times it's just hard balancing everything, but I am purposely not ignoring you! :)

So what am I thankful for?
I am thankful for my family and friends, for the lovely, mature and down-to-earth people I have met both offline and online (you gals!), for my health as well as my family's health, for my boyfriend, my awesome and caring co-workers, my wonderful job, and for the strength God has given me which in turn has caused me to be more determined and motivated more than ever. And just for you new readers who have stumbled across this and for anyone who was gracious enough to give me a chance rather than just judging a book by its cover. I am forever grateful for having such positive people in my life. :)

Today I am just spending Thanksgiving with the BF's family since my family is scattered in various parts of Canada and Washington, but at least for Christmas I get to see my sisters and 'rents.

Here is a pic of the new office (in the front) but it goes all the way around the back; they are changing out the receptionist desk, so the one here is the old one. It's pretty huge in comparison to the last two offices we had considering we are growing as a company and are continuously adding onto our crew. I started with this company since 2005 as the only girl, when there were only 5 people at the ENTIRE company (as it was just starting), and now in 2008, there are now about 35-40 people including our programmers. Crazy isn't it? And because we are growing, I am now managing one of our sister companies as well, hence why all my time has been towards my job.

My desk, and yeah I have a picture of Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from 'Twilight') hanging on my desk because it was a little inside joke that I just ended up leaving it there, LOL. I HAD to put up my little Christmas tree since Xmas is my favorite holiday!

And so what Thanksgiving look am I sporting? Well gotta stick with browns like the color of the Turkey! HAHA

What I used:

- MUFE HD Primer in "Mauve"
- Lorac Concealer Stick
- MAC StudioFinish Concealer in NC35
- MUFE HD Foundation in #127
- Dusted a bit of Purely Cosmetics Mineral Foundation in "Olive Beige" to set

- MAC blush in "Springsheen"
- MAC beauty blush in "Nuance"
- Milani Blush in "Luminous"

- MAC PP in "Soft Ochre"
- MAC e/s in "Shroom" and "Ricepaper" all over the lid
- MAC e/s in "Bisque" on lower half of the lid
- MAC e/s in "Shale", Milani "Java Bean" & "Chocolate" mixed together on crease/contour of the lid
- MAC e/s in "Dark Devotion" from this year's holiday palette on outer-V
- MAC Fluidline Eyeliner in "Nightfish" (LE)
- Covergirl Exactlights Mascara for Brown Eyes (review coming soon!)
- Urban Decay e/l in "Bourbon" on lower lashline

- MAC Cremesheen l/s in "Modesty"
- MAC l/g in "Song & Dance"(LE) from the pink holiday set


Anonymous said...

i understand that priorities change..haha the one who posted that must be a bum like myself, just waiting for all the bloggers to update every single minute..haha :) but yes,sometimes people should consider the fact that you are but HUMAN, you have needs and you need to fulfill them..blogging is not your just don't mind those who make comments like that. oh and you don't have to apologize to readers..its your blog and you can do whatever you want in this world of ours..happy thanksgiving!:)

Loveme Makeup said...

happy turkey day!

Jenn said...

Happy Thanksgiving Vanessa! Do take care while being busy yeah!! :)

I'm probably sounding like a broken record here, but i totally love this look of yours - the blending, the cheek color, the lippie, everything!! It's really lovely!!

Stephanie T said...

Wow, we even get a Thanksgiving FOTD?! lol It looks very nice! Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you have a wonderful time eating, resting, and visiting with your loved ones.

Tina Dang said...

lovely fotd/eotd & neattttt desk : ) you are so organized!

Phoebe Limanta said...

beautiful as always! :)
i JUST finished twilight today... i read it in like... a day... now onto new moon! :D
have you seen the movie? i wanted to wait until i finished the book until i saw the movie :)

AskMeWhats said...

awww Nessa, thanks so much for leaving such a sweet message eventhough I know you're super busy !!! And yeah, it is SUPER difficult to blog everyday!!! So I understand if bloggers can't blog at times because, I am a blogger too! I know how hard it is!!! Keep up, you're doing good, if you can't blog, I do miss you but I always check back for updates :)

Ohh I just watched Twilight tonight...ohhh I love it! I understand why people are raving about! take care and Happy Thanksgiving day! :D

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

happy thanksgiving girl. hope you have a good one!

Katrina said...

Hi Nessa! Love the browns. :)That's nice that you have pics of your loves on ur desk. And it's so organized!

Joanna said...

Hey Vanessa! Yes, you have spoiled us, but I'll take quality over quantity anytime. I know that you put a great deal of effort into your posts, and that means a lot. As for more updates - you'll get to it when you get to it. Just take a break and eat a cookie. Happy Turkey Day!

Kimberly said...

It's okay, I know you're just ignorning all of us girl, it's tuff work being a celebrity computer geek... ha ha ha -- I KID!!

missed ya mama, glad to see you're still alive and doing YOU, afterall we girls gotta do - what we gotta do to get PAID, as much as we'd love to get paid to blog... "someday"

anywho -- HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your familia mama. Love ya!

sab said...

aww! happy thanksgiving vanessa! i love your office! and you desk is sooo neat!

i love the photos too!

sab said...

aww! happy thanksgiving vanessa! i love your office! and you desk is sooo neat & organized!

i love the photos & cute christmas tree too!

MakeupByRenRen said...

hey sis...girl i totally understand, you're one of the busiest gals on here...take a break! there are days when i get home and i dont want to go on the computer at all...i gt tired of it do a great deed for all of us...check out my blog today, i gave you a special thanks shout out :) love yah!

Pixel said...

Oh, Vanessa! I think it's sad that you have to write this so people don't complain to you about not updating. I totally understand having a REAL life and taking time out for yourself. I have a blog, too, and I couldn't update it nearly as much as you do! I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!

B said...

Happy Thanksgiving, my love! I know exactly what you mean...I don't even try to update every day b/c it's just impossible. My readers understand that too and I wish someone would say I'm making an excuse. Chile please.... That 8-5 ain't no joke!! Stay beautiful and I'm lovin' the look!

veraMAC said...

happy thanksgiving :)!

Ms. Katee/e-polishblog said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Ms. Katee/e-polishblog said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

B said...

Happy Thanksgiving you!

Emilita said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Sure, like others, I like your quantity of posts, but the thing that really keeps me coming back is *quality*, which you always deliver on. Thanks for sharing your blog with all of us appreciative readers. I hope all the busy stuff in your life is working toward a great outcome.

FuN and MakeUp said...

Happy Thanks Giving! =) Wow u have a nice desk.. i wana work in those kinda places... geez so lucky heheh

dont worry even if ur too busy.. its okay.. i kno where to find u! u cant hide from me muahahaa =P

hope u have a wonderful day today.. gobble til u wobble.. hear from ya soon xoxo

Ethereal Prey said...

happy turkey day!

Carla L said...

Just beginning to get to know your blog and a bit of you ... Anyway, what you wrote was very beuatiful, much more beutiful than all the make-up you gracefully put together so often :)

Katy said...

Happy Turkey Day for you Americans. =)

I love the look.. your lips look so luscious! Hahaha

Where do you work?

Crystal Gale said...

hi vanessa! Happy thanksgiving! we don't have that holiday here in my place but I still want to greet you hehe :)

by the way, you should read all 4 books of the 'twilight saga'..I've read all 4 in 4.5 days coz it is so good! I'm going to watch the movie tomorrow..I hope I don't get disappointed :)

miss you already..I've been busy myself so I can't check your blog as often as I used to..I understand how you feel about the blogging thing..I suggest to not mind them..this is your world anyway..and it is FOR YOU first then US readers second :)

Cynthia said...

happy turkey!! lol hope u had a good one!! did u enjoy twilight?! i love it!! i feel lost now, lol i read the books twice, saw the i got a long way before it is released on DVD and New Moon to come out!! I CANT WAIT!! IM SOOOOOO OBSESSED!! LOVE ROB!! hmmm!!!

mimi said...

HI VANESSA! i'm an avid reader from the philippines! =) i think it's unfair for some people to expect a post from you ( or anyone else for the matter) every single day. blogging is fun and all but people must understand that you have a real life too.

and HELLO! you may not post but when you do post, it's always awesome! and it's obvious despite your busy schedule and probabaly lack of sleep, you spend a lot of time and effort on them!

so THANK YOU!! happy thanksgiving =)


Resa said...

Nessa - your office looks cool! Wanna give me a new job?? Lol.. kidding. Just wanted to show some love on here. It's been along time. Happy Holidays to you and your family.


Phyrra said...

A lovely holiday look from you :)

Princesa said...

aww i love your desk so cuteee!!

Janelle said...

I've always loved your blog, Vanessa! I don't mind you don't blog everyday. We all have lives! Thanks for all you do. Hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving!

kristine said...

lol! i love that pic of edward cullen looking at you! so funny =)

Unknown said...

RPattz! He's so.. oddly cute :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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