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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Smokey Eyes Palette FOTD


Finally, here is the breakdown of the smokey eye I did a few posts back using the MAC Holiday Smokey Eyes Palette. (I finished all the "Twilight" books so now I have a bit more time LOL). For some reason the eyes look lighter in the full face pic, but it was much darker...

You can definitely make it darker and more "smokey", since I wore this to work, I didn't make it TOO dark (in the tut), but be as creative as you want! :)

What I used:


- MUFE HD Primer
- MUFE HD Foundation in #127
- Purely Cosmetics Mineral Foundation in "Olive Beige"


- MAC Blush in "True Romantic"

- MAC Holiday '08 Smokey Eyes Palette
- MAC "Gorgeous" e/s all over the lid
- MAC e/s in "Vex" on lower half of the lid (permanent e/s, not in palette)
- MAC e/s in "Satin Taupe" on outer-v and crease
- MAC e/s in "Dark Devotion" on outer-v and outer crease
- MAC e/s in "Carbon" on outer-v and outer crease
- MAC Fluidline in "Blacktrack"
- L'Oreal Double Extend Mascara

- MAC Adoring Carmine's "To Swoon For" lipstick
- MAC Holiday "Flashmode" lipglass

Apply "Carbon" on outer-V as well (forgot to take a pic but here's an old pic from another tut)


im done said...

i always love smoky eye looks.
so versatile.
and i always love how ur lips come out!
i can't take lip pictures for crap!

Jana-Mais que Bonitas said...

Gorgeous Vanessa!!!I've got my palette already,and I'll try this look!!!Thank you!!!Many Hugs to you.

AskMeWhats said...

oh pretty!!! I love this Nessa! You never fail us with great e/s application tut

Vanessa M. said...

looks very pretty! great smokey!

MakeupByRenRen said...

so pretty sis! i'm going to try it :)

iamgrape1119 said...

This is so sultry and demurring! Great one!

Anonymous said...

I didn't really want any holiday palettes....and now I kinda do!! Hahaha...that's a great smokey eye!

fuzkittie said...

Beautiful~ Your eyes are so big and pretty!

Pau F said...

thank you so much :) it looks fairly easy to do so i'm going to try it this weekend.
thank you again for the tut!

dandelionpicker said...

Wow your eyes look really beautiful! I have to get this palette now!

Anonymous said...

i just love the way you wear smokey!!! beautiful! i don't own MAc but i love my CdP's. can't wear it as well as you for sure.

thanks for the tutorial pix. i am going to dupe! :P

An Indian's Makeup Blog said...

Gorgeous !

Shadowy Lady said...

beautiful look Vanessa. I love your blog btw :)

nia said...

very pretty. the application/execution is very neat and precise. thoroughly love your tutorials. :D

Ethereal Prey said...

wow you always blend so well!

FuN and MakeUp said...

i love how u did this... LIKE ALWAYS love it!!!

xoxkissablexox said...

wow i absolutely love the colors..

i thinking of getting this palette

Jenn said...

Thanks for the tut girl!! This is an absolutely beautiful look! :)

makemeup said...

very cute look!!! i love it!

JANE said...

Pretty :) I don't think it's possible to stop loving smokey eyes.

GS said...

Ohh that´s gorgeous!! I love your liquid eyeliner aplication... so neat and perfect, I have to learn to do that.

Anonymous said...

Hey I noticed your angled brushed you used to apply blacktrack is bent, is that on purpose? That seems like a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Hey I noticed your angled brushed you used to apply blacktrack is bent, is that on purpose? That seems like a good idea.

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

always so greattt.

TINA said...

What a gorgeous look! Great tutorial, too, I'm excited about trying it!


kae said...

this is a really pretty look! and your tutorials are always helpful :)

what flash setting (?) do you put on ur canon sd750 camera when u take pics? i have the same camera and your pics always seem to come out better than mine! lol. by flash setting i mean the numbers .. you know like the negatives, the zero, and then the positives. i hope i make sense lol. also do you put it on macro? and indoor or portrait? lol sorry so many questions, but ur pics are just really more clear than mine!

Vanessa said...

Hi S! Yeah it's the Sonia Kushuk angled eyeliner brush and it makes applying eyeliner A LOT easier!

Vanessa said...

Hi Kae, I put it on manual, ISO on auto, macro setting (flower), and flash settings at either -1, or -2.

paperdollrevenge said...

Girl, you are really selling that Smokey Eyes palette to me! I got the Warm Eyes one, looks like I'm going to go back for this one. =)

nilla cookie said...

I love your tuts, as always. I have this palette too and I love it, it's so versatile.

Thanks mucho for your great looks!!

Gina said...

I've been a quiet follower of your blog. Just thought I comment =)

I love the colors you used. Pretty!

MakeUpBlog said...

i like it :D

Unknown said...

I just got the smokey eyes palette on Friday and was looking for a tutorial on it. Came to your site to find your eye diagram and found the smokey eyes tut too! Yay!!!! Thanks!

Gee said...

Such a beautiful look!!! I think I will have to try this look out for a holiday party! Thanks so much for sharing! hugs...

Jen said...

OooOOOh lovely smokey eyes!!!

Petitte Poupee said...

love it. so prettyyy!!!

Beauty411 said...

This look is gorgeous on you!

MakeUpBlog said...

very very beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

hai girl! I like this look so much! you can make such beautiful smokey eyes! I also have a blog ( and I have used two of your pics, the one with the pallet, and the one with your smokey eye. Is this allright? I have noticed that the pics come from your site.
Love Suzie

Unknown said...

wow i always whatch mak up tutorials but ur s are the best ..... good ones i love themmmmmm

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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