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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My sister's 18th Bday Party!


Sorry ladies if i've been lagging a few days on posts, I know some of you had questions on past posts so I will try and answer them this week. Last week was super busy catching up with family from San Francisco and Canada- all were here to celebrate my sister's bday which was just absolutely amazing! It was beautiful and a lot better than when I had my 18th birthday and she of course was STUNNING. (Uh hello her big sis did her makeup! LOL)

My mom saw my sister then wanted me to do her makeup too! So I did hers, and my little sister's as well and they looked glam and ready to party! In a nutshell, the products I used on my sis to match her dress were MAC's "Parfait Amour", MUFE's infamous purple eyeshadow, and NYX "Black". For her lips, I used "Lavender Whip". On my mom, since her dress was gold, I used MAC e/s in "Goldmine", a mix of browns like "Mulch" and Milani's "Java Bean", and a few browns from last year's Smokey Eyes palette. I warmed up her complexion with MAC Blush in "Warm Soul", and brought out here eyes with Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner, Revlon Fantasy Lengths eyelashes, and adorned her lips with MAC's "Creme de Nude" cremesheen lipstick.

It was nice to see family I haven't seen in awhile, esp. ever since my parents moved to Washington, it's been hard keeping in touch with everyone. All the cousins and kids of course are so much older now since it's been years since we've seen some of them, and we GREW UP with most of them so it was nice to see the people they've become. The father-daughter dance made me tear up, as my dad and sis danced to Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me". And my sister cried when she said her speech as she wished that my other grandma was here to celebrate with her who passed last year.

The BF and his family also joined in the fun, and my feet were killing me at the end of the night running back and forth taking pictures of everyone, but it was such a great party and most importantly, my sister had the best time of her life and with her childhood friends. Her "friend" and escort Norman, had a surprise speech which was so sweet and romantic, they've known each other since they were 7 years old- and my dad almost had a heart attack because his other daughter, who seemed like a baby just yesterday- now has a BF of her own. LOL...awwww!

Anyway here are a few pics from the party, we also took studio pics the day after since mom said we had to "update" the one at her house (last time me and my sis took pics we were all little kids) so the parentals were happy campers. :)

Almost done...

Her hair (she got it done at a salon):

My sister hates the camera, hence her expression haha...CLICK TO ENLARGE

Megan wearing a little bit of MAC "Show Orchid" lipstick:


Before the sun had set:

Grand Entrance of the family:

My parents saying their speech to my sis:

The amazing cake:

About to blow the cake:

The BF's family:

The BF & my dad, yes they are BFF's, it's really weird LOL:


Father-Daughter Dance:

The parents dancing:

My sister's emotional speech:

18 Roses Dance with Jon & a cousin:

Me & Jon:

The BF's brother & his gorgeous girlfriend Sophia:

Her and her escort, ahem boy toy, haha:

Norman's speech and my sis STILL crying HAHA:

Me & my dad:


Sisterly Love (with my twin and mini-me in the middle):


Citrine said...

Happy Birthday! That's a load of goodlooking people, dresses and makeup...

and I want that cake...

GurlOnA"Diet" said...

wow everyone looks gorgeous!

Unknown said...

WOW! Seems like a beautiful party, with very beautiful people. You looked amazing and I love the birthday girl's dress. I love your baby sister (megan) I feel like pulling her cheeks every time I see her picture ;)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, I would almost think it was a wedding if I didn't know better. I am moving by YOU- I want to get invites to those parties! LOL! Again, really beautiful! <3

Misa said...

Awwww that looks like a lot of fun!!! No wonder all you girls are gorgeous, your parents passed down their good genes LOL Everyone looks beautiful! I love the family photos at the end. We need some new ones for our family too. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP! You guys went ALL OUT! I wish my 18th were this great!

Anyway, all of you looked AMAZING, especially your sister! Lavender whip looks awesome on her! I'm glad you all had a great time! I really enjoyed the pics!

Anonymous said...

aww happy birthday to your sister :) she looked very pretty on her special day :)

B said...

Giiiiirl, that party looks amazing! Like a wedding. How beautiful! And the bf and his brother looks JUST alike. And so do you and your pops. Wowsers. I just took sisterly pictures with my 3 younger sisters. Wish I could post them online. You all look stunning!

Anonymous said...

All women in ur family are beautiful

Miss Yaya said...

that's a fancy 18th bday! happy bday to ur sis and lol at the boy toy comment :) hope y'all had a good time

Janelle said...

Aww your sister's birthday party looks amazing! You & the bf both have beautiful families!

divinexjanice said...

Aww your family looks so gorgeous. The party looked like alot of fun. Megan looks so shy and innocent, she also looks just like your mom.

Vicky said...

Wow! That's what I call a birthday party ! I wish my birthday party would be like that! It's more like a wedding even the weddings I've been to have not been that glamurous and amazing!!

Katrina said...

happy bdae to ur sis! i loved looking at the pics! they're jus awesome! :) and the makeup of the fam looks soooo good! and i like ur mom's dress. i want it for my wedding, except in off white. :h: and that's so nice that the bf and dad are bffs hehe. i hope my dad & fiance will be bffs too once they get to meet in person.

madison817 said...

aww what a gorgeous event! very beautiful family :)

Unknown said...

Your sister looked beautiful, looks like she had a lovely birthday.
You all look gorgeous !!!

Connie De Alwis said...

Your sis looks lovely, as do you :) Happy birthday to her!!

dani said...

happy birthday to your sister!

you have a very beautiful family.

love the makeup and dresses..and of course the cake! haha

place looked amazing as well. my 18th birthday wasn't anything near or like that, so lucky!

IchigoBunnie said...

happy birthday to ur sis!

woooowwwww what a huge and extravagant birthday party!!! lucky girl!

KillaCamilla said...

that party was beautiful! waaaaaay better than what I had when I turned 18! lol.

Looks like a lot of fun! super 18 status for who was your celebrity performer? j/k

Sonya said... guys went over the top for her 18th birthday! It looks like a wedding, and it's just so elegant and beautiful. No wonder you had family flying in for her birthday! Wowzer :)

beeyoutiful7 said...

wow! Your sisters bday party look super gorgeous! =)

Happy 18th to her <3

Nekogal said...


GiGi said...

You have such a beautiful family. Your sis B-Day was amazing. You looked amazing as always!

Anonymous said...

Makeup looks very bold... love the cake and the dresses!!! The hair is gorgeous as well.

Anonymous said...


you have a beautiful family!! ur sis' debut looks beautiful too. This is such a lovely post and it totally made me miss my lil sis in wisconsin. =(

u did an awesome job on her makeup!!

Jéssy said...

What party beautiful!
I loved the makeup of the women in your family .. LOL were all perfect!

His sister has a toy man now haha .. I also got my lol

And the cake .. oh the cake! = 9
beautiful and delicious huh!

I want a party for me !! I loved it

I liked the tie of the boyfriend of his sister .. dress combined with her LOL

Unknown said...

awww what a beautiful family! better watch out for the lil' one lol. she's such a cutie.

chibi said...

This was a great post.
Your sister's birthday looked amazing.
Everyone looked really good.

Bombchell said...

wow at the cake!!!

when i read the title, I was expecting something small with friends, looks lovely

Anonymous said...

i wish i had a birthday like thsi (any age!!!) so grand! i think your dad is so wonderful giving his kids such memorable events in life... loving it all! thanks for sharing.

now i think i must do something for my son when he turns 18! :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Happy Birthday to your sister! You and your sister look absolutely gorgeous! The party looks beautiful and everyone looked like they had a great time :D

Anonymous said...

And i can't help notcing the age differences between the sisters is very big! (not hinting anything!) i think that's really cool! A big age gap is good for children I think as the elder one will really look after the younger and the younger ones look up to their elder siblings. Less flights and etc.

my son is 5 and often fights with his cousin of 3 year old! grr...

and a family of all girls is so much fun!

Anonymous said...

:D this is so cute
it made me think back to when i turned 18...maaannn time goes by soooo fast!
your sisters & mom looked BEAUTIFUL! & so did you!
awww i love family time :)

Cindyy825 said...

you guys are the cutest sisters! Your baby sister DOES look like a mini you... it's so cute! Your sister looked like a princess! Her dress and everything! You should post up pics of your 18th birthday. I'd love to see how you looked :) thanks for sharing!

Tina Dang said...

aww this is such a lovely post!

audgepodge said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing a special family experience with all of us... you all look wonderful :)

MzUnicaHija19 said...

Awwww.... FUN TIMES!!!
Your sis' make-up was soooo pretty!!! You did a really great job, as always. What a beautiful family you guys have.
Thanks for sharing!!!

Unknown said...

Awww how beautiful. I love the hall you guys had the party in. It looks so elegent! It reminds me so much of my Debut. (:

Your sister looks gorgeous. I hope she had a fun time. (:

Jenn said...

Looks like your sister had a great birthday! :)

You did an awesome job on her makeup and I'm in love with her dress. Your little sister cracks me up in the first photo lol. What was she doing?

Unknown said...

WOW!!! The pics are awesome!! Your sister looked gorgeous with makeup on and happy 18th birthday to her and so sweet of you to throw a party for her!

sanniet said...

omg! What a beautiful banquet for your little sister! You did a great job on the make up <3 Your two sisters are ADORABLE You parents must be so happy =D and aww your sister is crying! I hope she had a wonderful night! Must be one helluva night <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her =D

Melissa Joy said...

wow :) everything is beautiful! I'm glad you were able to spend a lot of family time!

Saimese said...

I love your sisters hair in the portraits. Happy Birthday to her!

Celia said...

Aw, that looked so amazing. More like a wedding than an 18th birthday, haha.

Great photos. Thanks for sharing those.

Anonymous said...

Wow what an extravagant place! And orchids on the cake?! WOW. I try so hard to grow those and fail at every attempt.. and here you have a bunch on cake! I wish my 18th birthday was at least a bit extravagant as that *tear* haha. Anyways.. now I know why you and your sis look so different.. you look more like your dad and your sis looks more like your mom! That's so crazy cool.

Jen said...

Wow, that looks like a mini wedding!!! How sweet!!! :)

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

WOW! Her party was bigger than my wedding, lol. Where was it held? The room is beautiful, and her dress looks perfect on her! The whole schebang looks like it was a huge success. How do you top a party like that?

Kimberly said...

awwwwww V -- this is such a sweet post!

makes my only-child ass want a sister, and what a beautiful party for sis --sheesh I don't recall my bday this fabulous!!! at 18!
and YAY for the public "boy toy" ahhahaha

you looked gorgeous and you did a stunning job on her makeup, I just adore purple!!!

AskMeWhats said...

Nessa! such a wonderful job!!! Your sister looks awesome and blooming on her bday! Such a lovely family! i can see how close the family are!!! :)

Jen said...

Aw! The pictures are very nice and everyone looks soo lovely! I thanked you for the whitestrips on my blog.. teehee!

alien man?! said...

O wow. I've never seen a bday party this grand before and you guys are all beautiful!! You did an amazing job, as usual, w/ur sister and mother's makeup. Your baby sister is SO CUTE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh wow! happy birthday to your sister! you all look so wonderful! you did a good job with your sister's makeup (as usual!) oh and its obvious that your baby sister loves you too much hence the funny expression in the 2nd pic. LOL. ^_^

Mac It Pink said...

what a gorgeous debut! I wish mine was this big! You did a great job with your sister's makeup!! I love the hall they rented out! The cake!! WOW!!


mayaari said...

looks like your sister's debut was a fun and memorable time :) her dress is gorgeous! lovely makeup on all the ladies

Jo said...

everyone looks gorgeous. that is awesome you did the make up for the women in your family you all look beautiful!

i remembered my 18th. i had it in the phils and i didn't have a date haha

happy 18th birthday to your sister!

Amina said...

what a beautiful celebration and family!
your little sister is sooo gorgeous!

Sophie said...

Wow, that party looks amazing :D
Everyone looks gorgeous, especially the birthday girl!

XRocksmama said...

Great job on everyone's makeup! Love the purple eyes, it's sooooo pretty!

*KiM* said...

Your youngest sister really looks like you. Belated happy birthday to your sister. You did great on her makeup =D

*KiM* said...

Your youngest sister looks really like you! You did a great job on your sister's debut makeup =D

Berryrachel♥ said...

As always you did a wonderful job at your sister's makeup and its great to see that you are tight with your family! I like that you share your life with your followers :)

Miss Anderson said...

so beautiful! omg

♥Leigh♥ said...

HAIR AND MAKE-UP!WOooowww!! And wait,There's a lot of people who came! I love our traditional 18th Bday.It's a DEBUT!!!Aww..I had mine like a couple of years ago.HAHA.Anyways,I think you did a great job with the purple look on your sister! IT's really pretty and made her even prettier.And how cute is your youngest sister with her MAC lippy. =) WOW! So tres marias,eh?! =) U have a very wonderful Family Vanessa! =) And u look lovely yourself that night,too.Ü


that has to be the most fanciest debut i've ever seen.

aquaracer said...

this is such a nice post. looks like an awesome party. love your sister's dress. you did a great job on her makeup too :) you all looked so wonderful :)

laadyLike said...

I was looking forward to this post! Ahh, I love debuts!! I miss mine. lol

Aw, EVERYONE looked amazing! It must have been a good weekend with fam in town. Looks like a fun night! :)

Pamela said...

Awww, Debuts are so awesome! It looks like your sister had the time of her life =) I Love your dress, btw!!

Also, i clicked on all the NYX products you had a link on in the blog, and I was wondering where that is. I live near the puente hills mall, and i know you go there from time to time, so i was wondering if all those NYX products are near there???

Ahleessa said...

Wow it looks more like a wedding reception than a birthday party! Is celebrating the 18th birthday in your culture important? In my culture we just have a small dinner party... lol~

Riza said...

I love all the shades of purple I saw in the pictures. Aw, your dad looks so happy.

Phamtastic said...

I'm so jealous. I wish my 18th birthday could have been that big! So fortunate, but it appears she was very grateful.

Unknown said...

your sister's 18th birthday party was a very beautiful celebration! what a BEAUTIFUL family you have. ^_^

are you filipino? random question. hehe

:moonshine mua ssc: said...

really sweet.. makes my heart melt.. its so great to see you post the event..i miss my sister -i lost her on dec 1st..
im proud of you hun for taking care of your family -esp your sisters.. im sure they look up to you :) much love sweetheart ...LOVE the makeup you did for your sister-very lovely <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Aww this is absolutely beautiful.. thanks for sharing!=]

Ann-Marie said...

Wow, looks like a BEAUTIFUL birthday! Your sister's dress was absolutely stunning! And your entire family looked great! :)

So you're parents live in Washington now? Where exactly? Because that's where I'm from! :)

Ingrid said...

You all look beautiful!!! Que linda Familia!!



ChyiX2 said...

Wow! That b-day looked like a blast! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Your mom is beautiful! I can see from where you and your sis got your good looks ^_^

♥ Ms. Kendall ♥ said...

What an amazing party! Your lil sis is lucky!! Hope she had a great day. Enjoy your trip to Vegas. Tell Vegas that Kendall says "hi" and that I WILL BE BACK!!! I love Vegas, wish I could move there.

Jolie said...

WOW such a gorgeous night!! And you all looked beautiful too.

Thanks for sharing!

PS. My husband couldn't stop laughing cos he thinks that my dad looks like your dad and he couldn't get over the similarities! ;p

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ღ Caroline♔ said...

wow that is such an amazing 18 bday bash! i wish i could attend one...i've never been to a filipino family debut before! when your "mini me" little sis turns 18, invite me! :P

ღ Caroline♔ said...

wow, that is such an amazing 18th bday bash!!! you and your family look gorgeous, and your sister! you girls are actually really pale/have fair skin compared to a lot of my filipino friends. i wish i could see what it's like to attend a debut, since i've never ever been to one. :( ooh! when your youngest little sis turns 18, invite me pleasee!! haha :P

Rochelle Miko Rivera said...


Katrina said...

WOW! You have a beautiful family! :) Happy belated 18th birthday to your sister! She looked fabulous!

Anonymous said...

belated happy bday to you sis! i am so jealous, i never had one 'cause it's either that or my college fund LOL. her dress looks amazing! and of course the makeup! and why am i even surprised??? *wink wink*

DEEBZ said...

wowwww all that just for 18th aha.

i am jealous. never had a party that grand :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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