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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday RPattz!


Today is my man's birthday, LOL. (Again, wishful thinking!) And had to give him a shoutout in case Bella decides to get into makeup and magically stumbles on my blog...haha.

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Edward Cullen...err... I mean Robert Pattinson!


Anonymous said...

Your makeup is always soo beautiful! Keep up the wonderful work hunn! Love reading your blogs<3 Happy b-day to your man!


Anonymous said...

lol that hilarious! "if bella decides to get into makeup..."!

~Mel said...

haha.. u're hilarious!!! hehe.. he's my man!!! =P hubby will have to move aside for him.. haha.. happy bday rpatz! =)

LissaMarie said...

Mmmm! care to share? RPatt is sooooo yummy! Happy Bday to RPatt!

Jasmin said...

hahaha.. I barely found out an hr ago.. Happy birthday to him.. woohoo ! can't wait for the new movie ! oohhh.. i found the book collection at marshalls ! i was super excited. hopefully, i can buy it & it's still there.. hahaha

love your blog, love !

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to him! I must red the Twilight book and get the movie whenever I can before the new movie comes out.

Whitepiano555 said...

to RobPat
he is super HOT!!!!

Shop N' Chomp said...

LOL, this post gave me the giggles!!

P.S I love your site and have given an award to you on my blog as a thank you for all that you do. :)

Jenny said...


♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Haha Nessa you're funny! xD

Krasey Beauty said...

You are too funny! Happy birthday to Robert Pattinson!

Melissa Joy said...

Hehe, I love your twilight related posts. I read twilight fan sites daily and I found out earlier! He's so HOT!

Reese said...

Edward Cullen is leave-your-husband-worthy LOL J/K...You're so funny....that picture is sooo scrumptious!

audgepodge said...

I have a crush on Edward Cullen, too :) But I also find RPattz pretty hilarious as well!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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