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Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Best Night Ever! Vision Awards!


As you ladies know from a few posts back, there was a charity dinner at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel to help find a cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa (blindness), and receiving a Vision Award for the Film of Vision were the Twilight producers among many others, so quite a few celebs came out to help raise money; and I was so glad to be part of this amazing night. They were all so nice and just as gorgeous as they are on TV and in the movies.

They also had a silent auction and some of the items were a MAC gift box filled with goodies, and an OPI basket!

My friend Irina and I got there at 4, before the red carpet (the carpet wasn't red, LOL), Gil Birmingham (aka Billy Black in Twilight) arrived first, he was SO AMAZINGLY sweet and his hair was awesome! He was later joined by Billy Burke (Bella's dad Charlie) and his gf.

They had 5 or 6 Twilight posters on a table in the front- all to be signed by the cast and producers that showed up that night.

Christian Serratos
(who plays Angela) arrived in a gorgeous fuchsia dress, she is SUPER cute! And incredibly kind and sweet. Miss Teen California Chelsea Gilligan is gorgeous in person but she was so nervous presenting an award, she kept stuttering and was obviously reading off the teleprompt, but nonetheless she looked great. Ashley Greene (my favorite cullen other than Edward who plays Alice) was by far my favorite of the night, not only did she LOOK amazing, she was the most sweetest celeb I have ever met. She was so friendly, she chatted with people, always smiling, and never hesitated to take a pic with a fan. Her skin is flawless ladies! Like the girl is just perfect! I was so happy to have met her because she is indeed a pleasure to meet, total sweetheart!

We also ran into fitness guru Jillian Michaels who has bigger arms than some of the guys I know and damn they are killer! She has such an amazing body and she too is so gorgeous in person! She was also very sweet and complimented me on my dress, and asked me if I was enjoying the show, she received an award as well and she deserved it! I gotta get on her fitness plan! LOL!

The crazy Bai Ling was there with one of her many outrageous outfits, her boobs were out there and the host was saying how her dress should be illegal in this country, LOL. She was nicely tanned though I must say!

Peter Facinelli was a no-show, he was supposed to be in attendance but apparently there was some miscommunication with the organizer and his publicist. So sad. :(
Taylor Lautner arrived really late, like right when everyone was having dinner, due to the press and paparazzi that were still around, they took him around to the back. He was with his parents and security and they did not allow any pics of him or with him unfortunately. But I did manage to take a pic when he presented the Twilight producers with their award- and yes all the females in the place were screaming, lol. Poor Taylor, but he is SOOOOOO cute, and pretty tall in person (for some reason I thought he was short because I always see him standing next to Rob and Rob is really tall!) All the gals were sad they couldn't take a pic with him (myself included) since my sister LOVES him, I would have loved a pic with him for her, but ah well. At least I can say I was in the same room as him HAHA.

Alison Sweeney from Days of Our Lives & Biggest Loser was there, her dress was super cute and she has an amazing post baby bod! I would have never guessed she had kids! She was also so sweet with her husband, and called him over to take pics with her on the red carpet. Her makeup and hair were so amazingly put together and I told her I loved her as "Sami Brady" and she laughed and said "Thank you", chatting with me for a bit she was really nice as well.

I took a pic with the infamous Larry King, he was nice when I took this pic with him, but according to my friend managing the show, he was a bit crabby shortly after and wanted to go home because he was bored, so he wanted his wife Shawn King to perform her snippet rendition of a few MoTown classics so they could leave. *Shrugs*

Taryn Manning from "Hustle & Flow" was also there (she performed her own song) with DJ Qualls (the guy from "The New Guy). And Bruce Davison was also there who played "Senator Kelly" from X-Men, he has been in a lot of other movies and TV Shows.

Anyway, here are a few pics, I will never forget this night, it was just surreal and amazing!

On the "red carpet":


Twilight auction items:

Signed by RPattz himself:

Me and Jacob's Dad! LOL. I have a surprised look in the 2nd pic, don't know why haha

With Bella's Dad! Doesn't he look so happy? He hasn't hit the bar yet that's why, LOL.

With one of the producers from Twilight, Wyck Godfrey:

Taylor Lautner presenting the award for Film of Vision to the Twilight producers:

Ashley and Billy autographing the Twilight posters for auction:

She really looks like Alice here, lol:

Larry King:

View from our table:

(click to enlarge)


Alison Sweeney

Other items to be auctioned:


Diane Ladd:

And lastly, my smokey look of the evening using NYX's Smokey Eye Palette:


Tina Dang said...

Aww Vanessa, it looked like such a fun night! : ) Too bad Edward himself wasn't there = /

Daisy said...

Looks like such an amazing night! Ashley Greene is GORGEOUS. I'm so glad she was lovely and just as nice as her character!

✿Ji✿ said...

OMG Ashley Green looks AWESOME! She's super pretty!♥

Misa said...

That looks like tons of fun! Yeah, I think it's hit or miss with celebs, some are truly nice and others are..."eh." Thanks for sharing, you looked beautiful!

Citrine said...

Your dress and makeup are pretty...

And I am glad that Bai Lin's outfit isn't as extravagant this time...she is already too "famous" for that.

Lovevashares said...

wow! im sooo jealous!!! =P duuude, Ashley (alice) looks sooo different in real life, i almost didnt recognize her until u stated it. haha.... but damn. taylor (jacob) is lookin pretty fiiine, too bad bella&edward wasnt there eh?? lol. or else u would've died!!! haha.

Mel said...

WOW what an experience =D. I'm glad you had a great time and your outfit/makeup were really cute x). How were you able to go? Were the tix expensive? =O

ohhbonnie said...

wow! how I wish I was there! looks like such an awesome night! I really like your dress: ) Taylor Lautner <3

Mac It Pink said...

OMG that is wwaaay cool!! Wow your eyes look soo gorgeous! OMG i cant believe you met soo many celebrities..especially from Twilight! So jealous!!


Marie. said...

How lucky are you!!

I feel bad for Taylor, he can hardly go anywhere without people following him, kinda like Rob =\.

I love Ashley! She fits Alice perfectly. I'm happy she cut her hair, I think it fits her better. You're so lucky to had met her! I wouldnt assume that Bella's dad would be cocky. Too bad Peter wasnt there! He seems like a totally down to earth person! I would totally love to meet him too!

Stephie said...

omg you are so lucky! looks like y'all had a great time! and i love your makeup!

Anonymous said...

I swear YOUUU are so LUCKY!
I hope they raised a lot of money for the charity

Unknown said...

omgaw how much did the kobe jersey go for with all the signatures?!? ahhh want!! lol. looks like fun, you look great girl.. love the dress!

sssdawna said...

fun! and i love alice too = ] i'm sooo disappointed you didn't get a pic with taylor <3

Anonymous said...

alice is so pretty!:)

kathy said...

wow Vanessa, I'm so jealous! you met a lot of celebrities. If only Edward was there, it would've been perfect =). Your makeup is superb as always!

Jo said...

you lucky girl! can't help notice miss teen looks like megan fox in her 2nd pic facing sideways. you look gorgeous!

Sharon said...

would you please post a tutorial on the new NYX smoky eye palette? I will soon have it and would like to learn from you!^^

Jamilla Camel said...

What an incredibly fun night! You looked gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

OMG all those famous people!!! and bai ling's @_@!!! LOL

you looked hot too!

Roxy said...

ashley green is soooo gorgeous!

♥Leigh♥ said...

Wow! how lucky! U got to mingle with some stars. Ashley Greene is so simple yet very pretty.You took a lot of good photos during the night. I just couldn't stop staring at the MAC gift box. Hahaha. You, yourself look very elegant as well. I love your contact lens btw.

Amber said...

I love your make-up!! Can you do a tutorial on it?!!
Love your blog!!!

Connie De Alwis said...

looks like so much fun and so cool that you got to rub shoulders with the stars!Ashley is so so gorgeous. She's my fave Cullen besides Edward too :) I just don't really like Bella :x

your dress looks so pretty! and of course, your make up too

Chiara said...

OMG seemed like such a fun night!! You looked amazing, I love your makeup.

Anonymous said...

you have great taste in dresses..I notice all your dresses are adorable...looked like you had fun...^_^ said...

looks like you had fun. your dress and makeup are really nice.

★JENN★ said...

wow I'm sorry but Billy Burke looks kind of like a toolbag! But Gil Birmingham looks like a cool guy. Taylor is looking fine, of course, and you met Allison Sweeney!! I LOVE her!! Back in the day when I used to watch the soaps, I always thought she was pretty even though her character was not always the nicest...:)

It's so awesome that you got to be a part of that!

KillaCamilla said...

how exciting! i really need to get on this twilight kick so i know who you guys are talking about :)

Tracy Roa said...

Lucky girl! Hmm... Best night ever? Not until Rob is there himself, right? Hahaha! That will be the day... or night. Josh would be totally jealous of your pic with Ashley. He's in love with her!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

wow you met so many celebs!! lucky you!!

Melissa Joy said...

What a beautiful event Nessa! I envy gosh you got to meet all those people...twilight people! I <3 ashley greene, she's so pretty! Your eyes are gorgeous, I really want that nyx palette now!

Steph said...

oh wow.seemed like a fun night! btw, is it me or alice/ashley greene seems smaller in the movie haha

ebvatathemua said...

What a night:)))

Janelle said...

How lucky are you to meet all these celebs!! I would've been sooo starstruck hehe.

Ashley Green is so pretty. I almost didn't recognize her from her Twilight character (Alice is pretty too, but she looks diff here!). I love her hair.

Anonymous said...

wow, looks like you had an amazing time.
I can't get over how much Miss Cali looks like Megan Fox!!!

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Everything has already been said - but the one thing I'm dying to know: how did you get those pics with celebs?? Do you just go up and ask if they'll take one with you? OMG, I so would not have the courage.

Sureyya said...

oo i love your eyemakeup, and the purple is so pretty ^-^ i'm incredibly jealous that you got to meet so many twilight stars!! where is rpatz tho?? :P :k: i love how your blog is a beauty/twilight combo :h:

Anusha said...

OMG!! u hav no idea hw jealous i am right now aaaa did u get to meet Taylor..

Tiff said...

You look beautiful! Gorgeous dress and makeup :).

julianna said...

wow Vanessa you're sooo lucky..!! it's a shame that Rob wasn't there hehe

Roz said...

O M G!!!!!!! I'm sooo jealous! I can't believe I'm a 30 y/o WOMAN ogling over photos of one of my favorite makeup bloggers with Twilight celebs! I can only imagine how unreal that night was for you! I guess I will have to live vicariously through you! Wow :)

Naty1129 said...

Omg, your so lucky girl! How do you have the hook up to be invited to all these places?!

Anonymous said...

I was browsing through Gil Birmingham's Myspace page and I saw a photo of you and him on one of his album

Anonymous said...

Miss Cali does look like Megan Fox but younger and more innocent. Would have loved to been there for this one.

Anonymous said...

You are so amazing. You have meet these stars? That's sp wonderful. those men are so hot.. specially jacob!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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