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Monday, October 13, 2008

Gone to save my house...


Watch live streaming video of the Porter Ranch Fires. We are being evacuated. I'll keep you posted. I pray everything is going to be ok.

Latest Edit @ 11:05PM

THANK YOU ALL for your prayers and well wishes. I wish I could personally thank each and every one of you, because it really means a lot to have people around during a crazy time, all my friends, even some whom I've have never met or hardly talk to- have OPENED their doors and hearts to me and their hospitality. (Thanks ROBYN!) It truly is a scary feeling to think that everything you worked so hard for can be gone in a flash. I rushed home from work to make sure my grandparents were ok, there were so many police officers and fire fighters all over the place- it literally looked like a scene from a movie. Everything was SO chaotic, people turned streets into parking lots, just watching in horror and feeling so helpless wondering if their property is ok. Everyone was making a mad dash to get away from this area. I know we get that question, "What would you take with you when there's a fire?" (or some other catastrophe), and it's crazy when it happens to you because you really want to save everything and you know you can't. Of course you grab photo albums, pictures, documents, all the important things...but everything I own is important or sentimental in some way. Perhaps because I worked hard for everything I have...MY blood and sweat, it's mind boggling to even think what to take or to leave behind.

The fires are still raging, some have spread, I can see the fires from my house and the smoke is so thick. Some of my neighbors, including us, have gone back to our homes. Luckily the fire isn't right in our backyard, unlike those who live in the other gated community where 10 homes were lost. We packed everything just in case we need to get out again, with these 55mph winds they said embers can fly our way, so I am just keeping a close eye. I have packed a lot of clothes to last a few weeks, shoes, socks, photos, essentials, and yes- even makeup! Hey some of those are LIMITED EDITION items! LOL. But I stored everything in my car just in case I can't come back home later tomorrow.

All the streets around my house were blocked so no one- even residents, were allowed in, the BF tried to get here after work and was unable to so he stayed at his mom's house. I am not sure if it's still blocked but I hope things get better tomorrow and they are able to contain the fires. There are many evacuation sites setup, but not too many for overnight stays, only the Sheperd of the Hills Church near my house. They have setup cots and food for those who have lost their homes or those who were closely affected by these fires.


2,000 acres burned, the house smells like smoke and my neighborhood looks like a ghost town everyone is leaving or has left...

Views near/from my house


Anastasia said...

Holy shit, that's awful. I hope all your family and everyone is safe!

kae said...

oh no! i hope everything will be ok vanessa!

Kimberly said...

aww mamas - i pray everything will be okay for ya -- these santa ana's are no damn joke.

i cant stand it -- stay on the positive and i hope things will be just fine for you. *prayers*

Unknown said...

praying for you!

Phyrra said...

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

XPPINKXX said...

OMG maple Face

EVERYTHING BETTER BE OK!!!!...good god i hope everything is scary! =(

prayers are def. with you!!!...


Ethereal Prey said...

omg! i hope you're safe and ok! let us know when you are! thinking good thoughts your way!

Camilla said...

ill keep my fingers crossed.. hope everything will be fine! be safe!!!

Iyah Love said...

OMG! I hope you guys are OK! I'll pray for all of you. Our freeway is close also due to the fire. :(

The Paraben Free Princess said...

OMG, girl! Best of luck to you. I hope it rains!

An Indian's Makeup Blog said...

OMG ! I hope you and others in the community are safe. My prayers are with you...hope everything will be fine soon.

Jennifer @ said...

hi vanessa,
I understand exactly what ur going through. I live in the next town over in Simi, last year there was a blazing fire right behind my house across the street. I slept with the windows open and had too much smoke inhalation that I had to go to emergency. We also had to evacuate, my dad decided to stay back and spray down our home, it was so scary.

As of now I look outside my window and all i can see is thick layer of smoke. I can only imagine how it is in porter ranch. I pray and hope you an ur loved ones are all safe and well. And I hope nothing happens to your home! My prayers are with u!!!!!

nai nai said...

o wow i hope everything turns out alright!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your ok hunny....

esotericglamour. said...

i know everything else probably isn't okay, but hope you are and prayers your way too!

stay safe!!!

Emeria said...

Omg the weather has been sooo crazy lately!! You'll be in my prayers until everything turns out fine. There was a fire in Chino Hills a couple of years back and my cousins had to evacuate because the fire was litterally right outside on their hill, but everything worked out for the best so hopefully nothing happens to your home and you guys will be ok!

Tia said...

I have not been keeping up w/ the news, but seeing this blog scared me! I hope and pray everything and everyone's ok!

Tia said...

I have not been keeping up w/ the news, but seeing this blog scared me! I hope and pray everything and everyone's ok!

Nails by Nory said...

Vanessa, take care of yourself and your family. Losing material stuff is a bummer but the most important is your health and of your family's as well. Hope everything goes well, and that nothing happens after all. I would know, living in the fl.keys where every year we have a hurricane season. take care.

Cindyy825 said...

Omg.. I hope everything's okay! Keep us posted! I will pray for you and your family! Take care of yourself!

Cinthia Truong said...

Oh dear, I hope everything will be fine. I just watched it on the news this morning and gosh, can't believe you live right in that neighborhood. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

!! it's that season again :(
i do hope everything is well please take care!

aprilmay said...

hope everything's okay nessa :S - prayers !

ruby14 said...

i hope you are ok there i leave at reseda and its crazy its traffic everywhere i was going to pick up my mom but @ porter ranch and it's closed by she's ok i hope u are doing good and safe the valley sucks with fire season starts

JOJO said...

Hope everything will be okay. Be safe!

LOCALGURL808 said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. Prayers are with you and yours.

Unknown said...

AWw this reminds me of the brush fire in San Diego last year. Stay safe Nessa my thoughts go out to you and your family

FuN and MakeUp said...

OMG!!! *PRAYS*!! hope everything is gonna be ALRITE!!

watercoloursky said...

I hope you're doing okay! Hope it'll be over soon :( Take care!

fuzkittie said...

Take care and be careful!

ting RN said...

awww that hella sucks!! it reminds me of the fires we has in SD... hopefully they can contain the fires and it doesn't do damage to the homes!

Emilita said...

Between the recent murder, your mom's illness and these, you've been hit with a lot recently. I'd just like to add to the chorus of people wishing you well. From your writing on this blog it seems like you have a very positive spirit and hopefully that will help navigate you through these tough times. Best of luck with everything, I hope you and your loved ones are alright.

laadyLike said...

Oh wow! I hope you and your loved ones are okay. You're in my thoughts. Stay safe!

:moonshine mua ssc: said...

i hope all is well... be safe <3 *hugs and love ~ssc 'cindy'

♥Niya♥ said...

Hope things are okay with your house and that you are in a safe place.

Anonymous said...

i hope everything turns out ok vanessa <3 ~maha

Esmeralda said...

Oh God, you're in my thoughts and prayers - hang in there and you know we're thinking about you.

Phyllis Bourne said...

Hope you're okay. Be safe and check in when you can.

im done said...

Nessa I hope everything will be okay. I'll keep you and your house in my prayers.

Ahleessa said...

You are in our prayers! I hope everything is okay.

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

Murder, what murder??? Did I miss that one?

OK, you've got my cell phone number. Don't think twice about dialing/texting it. 24/7 - the door is always open to bloggers, BF's, and animals.

xJUDYx said...

hope all is well with you! stay safe!

AskMeWhats said...

i hope nobody gets hurt and do take care! Keep us posted Nessa!

IchigoBunnie said...

hope you and your family--AND your entire town remain safe!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you guys are safe and sound. May God help you through this time, Vanessa.

Jenn said...

Oh dear!!! I hope you and everybody else in that neighbourhood are safe!! Do take care!!

Anonymous said...

omg..i'll pray for your family and those people involved..

yummy411 said...

vanessa!! so sorry to hear about all of this! i will keep your family and neighbors in my prayers!!

Kimie said...

Vanessa Praying for you and the Fam...hope y'all are okay! This fire thing's no fun, I've been evac'ed down here in SD too. All your blogging girlies are sending you their love!

Nafisa Mahmood said...

Oh Vanessa I hope your family is okay. I hope there wasn't too much damage. Prayers for you and your family. Don't worry~ everything will be fine soon!

Nicole said...

So crazy! I hope you and your fam are ok, V!

Thushaa said...

hope all is well nessa <3

Iambrigitte said...

we'll be praying for you and your family's safety, dear!

Iambrigitte said...

we'll be praying for you and your family's safety, dear!

Anonymous said...

aww i hope everything turns out okay!!!!

ainstein said...

sendin my love! hope everything will be ok... take care girl!

CINDY T said...

Sweet prayers to you and loved ones!
Update us on how everything is after everything is sorted out.
Best wishes!


Tracy Roa said...

Hey, Nessa. Hope you're all okay. Stay safe! We're still at our house, but we're only a few miles from the current evac zone.

Phoebe Limanta said...

oh sweetie! i hope you're okay!
will keep you in my prayers

Anonymous said...

oh my ...
I hope that you and your family and friends are safe...

I'll pray for you...

Everything's gonna be fine... :)

Lolita Riot said...

I hope everyone is okay. Thats never happened anywhere near me, I can't imagine what that feels like.

notjustminerals said...

Nessa, I hope you and your family are okay! Praying for your safety.

Samsoona said...

I pray everything works out well, and may your family have endless strength during this time. We just survived a hurricane so I know the anticipation and frenzy you must be feeling. I wish you and your family safety and remember salvaging your things and your house is great but at the end of the day what matters most is that you have your lives and your health.

Vi Anne said...

My prayers are with you. I hope it doesn't get worse. Take care.

Jaluna said...

...I was hoping to find any new updates on whatever new stuff you might have, I definitely did not expect this. I'm hoping that you, your family and friends are well and that nobody was badly hurt in this accident.

Grayburn said...

I'm so glad to know everyone is ok. It is so scary what happened. All my prayers to you and to those around you.


Shen said...

i'm glad to here that you and your fam are safe and there isn't much accidents (interms of people) that i've heard of... things can be replaced. but you and your fam can't be!!! i know you'll surpass all this strife, sis! KAYA MO 'YAN!!

Stephanie T said...

Wow, that's horrible! I hope everything turns out okay for all those involved.

Karin said...

Hope everything is ok...!!

Crystal Gale said...

oh no! I hope you are doing okay Vanessa..keep safe..I'm glad that at least you have enough time to pack some of your stuffs just in case..I'll be praying for you..God bless sis..I hope everything will be fine and no one will get hurt..

MakeupByRenRen said...

OMG sis i can't believe it! i'm glad you were able to make it back into your place...i'm praying for you!

Starry x2 night said...

Oh wow. It sounds like so much has happened in the last few hours. My prayers are with you.

Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

I just got back from taking my daughter to school - last night after the sun had set, I could se the flames. This morning, as the sun was rising, I saw no smoke, and thought it was contained. According to the news, it's still going strong? Sounds like it's moved west to Granda Hills now? Are you now safe, or is everything still the same?

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Vanessa I hope everything is okay

my prayers are with you!

please take care

Preeti said...

I hope you and your family are able to reutrn home soon. Stay safe!

Tammy said...

I'll be praying for you.

Mrs. Lynne, said...

you and your family are in my prayers sis. i hope everything is ok.

kiran sawhney said...

That looks terrible. My wishes are with you and your family

Sarah said...

Vanessa - be safe and just remember, nothing lasts forever. Although it sounds trite, as long as you have your health and your loved ones around you, nothing is truly lost :)

josephine siu said...

Sending positive vibes toward you and your fambly.


Cristina said...

Glad to hear that you're doing okay. I'm usually a lurker in your blog, and don't post as many comments like the others.

The Shades Of U said...

Nessa, been so busy lately, but I just want to let you know that you were thought of and I am glad that the worst is over. Love the FOTDs, despite the fire, you're still burnin' hot!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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