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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Sister...


So I login to MySpace to find a comment from my sister who only talks to me when she needs something (LOL), so it says:

"Hi Sis, can you help me out? I am going to homecoming on the 18th but I have no idea how I should do my makeup, on your blogthingamabobber, can you do a tutorial? My dress is a silky red strapless, mid-length dress btw. Thank you!"

For one, my sis has never really been into makeup, until recently she started dabbling into foundation and eyeliner at the most. She has great skin to begin with (she also uses Lyna Pearl Cream) and has amazing features so to me, she doesn't even NEED any makeup--given that she is only 17 and got my mama's looks. (I look like my dad)

I called her and asked her if she was down with wearing red lipstick, since her dress is red, and I know for some people red lipstick is a bit extreme; but she was down to try it! I think with her Snow White complexion, red lips would definitely bring her face out and go well with her red dress. Since she usually sports neutral lips. I will also try and do a smokey eye with neutral lips in case she decides to go with that one instead.

So this is the LAST look using the same steps from the Matryoshka look/tutorial. The reason I did these looks derived from ONE original look is to show that you CAN definitely create different looks just by altering a few things here and there without having to start COMPLETELY over.

So for this look, I just changed the lippie, used NYX Round Lipstick in "Chaos", with MAC l/s in "Port Red" and a touch of NYX Lipgloss is "Plush Red". I kept the eyes simple since the focal point are the lips, she has black hair which will pull the entire look off.

Rory if you are reading this, you can get any deep red lipstick, and just go easy on the eyes with a neutral eyeshadow, thick eyeliner, and some mascara. If you know how to apply some false eyelashes, you can definitely apply those for a little more "oomph". I am sorry I am not there to do your makeup for your first high school dance ever, but I hope you have fun and enjoy the night!

How to prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth? Do the two finger test!


veraMAC said...

Thats so sweet! OMG good looks run in the family! :)

Ok, Imma be honest with you Vanessa, but once i saw the last picture im like -- Huh? What is she teaching her sister? -- And then I was like 'oh its the lipstick test' Haha Nice one!


Vanessa said...

HAHAHAH Vera! OMG your comment got me cracking up girl! LOL I know right! WTH am I teaching her!??? HAHA.

Cindyy825 said...

Good looks really do run in your family! You guys are all so pretty! Your caption under your last picture cracked me up!!!

♔Jaimie said...

lol super cute vanessa! i have a sister like that too lol

Anonymous said...

AW! You and sister are both gorgeous! She'll definitely look lovely with your tut!

I hope she has an awesome time at her dance :)

Anonymous said...

your sis is gorgeous and so r u! i have a sis as well that only comes to me for SOMETHING...hahaha but that what big sis are for!!!

Katie said...

wow that red lipstick really makes your eyes just POP!!

:) i was just wondering.. when you used silk natural foundation, what kind of formula did you get? I was tempted to click heavy but I don't want it to be super cakey but I'm not sure what "original" entitles!

Hope you're ok from the fires! My allergies went CRAZY when it happened, but i don't live as close to it as you do.

Jenna said...

Wow, your sister is very pretty!

Vanessa said...

Thanks Cindy, Jaimie, and Gee!

Hi Katie! Thanks, yeah thank goodness they were able to put out those crazy fires! The smell of smoke makes me so dizzy!

Thanks Jenna! She is gorgeous, but looks are deceiving...she is a brat! LOL.

Cinthia Truong said...

Your sister is SO pretty!!! And you're right, she doesn't need makeup AT ALL! She is a natural beauty!

Tracy Roa said...

You're such a great big sister! This seems like a great look for your sister. I can't believe this will be her first school dance. I went to all of mine, except for one. Haha. I don't think Josh went to any of his. Not even prom!

Grace said...

You and your sister are so beautiful!! I like this look. I'm excited for my homecoming! :)

Shen said...

wow! your sister has that sultry snow white look. :) boys, watch out.. dad, beware! the look will definitely take her to diff level. she will be smashing in red.. this is one of those times that i wish i have a sister. :) you are so great for being such a model big sis. :)

Unknown said...

lol that last picture is hilarious, i was like huh!? my husband always tells me to not do the kissy face pictures because he saw a picture of two gay guys doing that and it said something pretty! but yeah i have an older sister who is almost 30 and i'm 21 so it's a big gap difference but i only call her when i need stuff too LOL. but your so sweet for understanding hehe :)

Katie said...

holy smokes (yes corny pun intended) you respond fast! Wouldn't it be gross if all your makeup ended up smelling like smoke? YUCK!!

:) Help me pick a formula for silk naturals! I'm going click happy right now, putting medium in my cart, taking it out, putting in heavy, taking it out.. my finger's tired. LOL!

AskMeWhats said...

LOL I'm sure a lot of pervs are happy with your 2 finger test to prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth! :) That is sexy !LOL

I'm sure it'll be a great makeover coz your sis is so pretty, both of you are!

Anonymous said...

hahahaa the two finger test! i was like just quickly scanning your page without reading everything when i saw this picture..i was like,am i seeing right? hahaha :) cool trick though!:) and you rock red lips!:)

sweetchic said...

Cute you and your sis are both gorgeous, I have my dad look too. But people work know, I say "see the resemblence" and they say "yeah, but you're prettier". LOL anyway, hope your sister has lots and lost of fun. My sister has perfect skin even without makeup just like your sis'. You look hot too Nessa! I wanna try that look for BF and brother's birthday!

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

your sis is gorgeous!! i agree she doesnt need much makeup.. so cute of you to do a tut for her :D

Mrs. Lynne, said...

she will look amazing on homecoming night! can't wait to see how it turns out.

and the two finger test is spot on. i've only been doing one finger, but guess i can up the ante ;) hah.

Vi Anne said...

Unfortunately, my mind is always in the gutter. hehehe. Dangit, I can't pull red lips at all oh and can I have your hair? it's gorgeous. :)

Vi Anne said...

Your sis looks like a VJ here (just can't remember who exactly).

FuN and MakeUp said...

hahaa funny last pic.. yes i bet everyone thought so! lol wow is that ur sis? ok i seriously thought u were chinese or something... but from ur sis... u guys arnt! wuts ur ethnicity? dont tell me ur pinay too! cuz u dont look like it!! hahaha

MakeupByRenRen said...

awww how cute! your sister is so pretty!

Phyrra said...

Love the red lips :)
Seeing the 2 finger test made me giggle!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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