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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ohana=My FamBam


***For those of you who asked where my sis got her homecoming dress, I called her to ask and the convo went like this:

Hey Rory, I have a few readers that want to know where you got your dress from...
Sister: I got it from JCPenney
Me: Ok, thanks I will let 'em know
Sister: NO! Don't tell them!
Me: Why?
Sister: Because then everyone is gonna have the same dress as me...
Me: You are retarded
Sister: I know (then we both start laughing)

So she got it from JCPenney y'all!

Jessica asked me to post a pic of the rest of the clan. I found this tattered photo in one of my old wallets. Waaaaayyyy back in the day! This was our first real family portrait--pre-Megan days (before the youngest one was born) when it was just me and my bratty sister Lauren Ashley. Look how cute and TINY she WAS haha jk, she turned into a beauty, but she is STILL a brat. LOL. This family pic was taken I think when I was around 12 and Lauren was about 2 or 3- can't believe she was this tiny little toddler who used to follow me around and now she is turning 18! Geezus I feel old!

I laughed when I found this pic, my dad has so much hair! And my mom actually wore makeup! She doesn't wear any at all now, and dad is slowly losing his hair, LOL. My hair was natural, even though when I was a kid it was a medium brown, then turned jet black. I didn't wear any makeup and mom told me to put a little lipgloss for this pic so I wouldn't look dead and pale since I was white like Casper, and boy was I skinny! LOL.

Me, Lauren (yes the same girl in that red homecoming dress!), and mi madre

I got tanned since I was a cheerleader in elementary school, I don't even look like I am her kid haha. For some reason I immediately thought I looked liked Mady from "Jon & Kate plus 8" here, LOL. My sister LOVED Mickey as you can tell.

(Picture deleted)
Lauren Ashley is the middle child-the black sheep (and she knows it!) She is definitely her own person and loves music, she always has her iPod (even in this pic she has them on!) and she is VERY smart. Has been in gifted schools/classes since she could walk and has continuously maintained good grades. She is also the quietest one out of me and the youngest, she doesn't look the part, but she is VERY shy.

My other sister Megan Elsa, the baby of the family. She is also called my twin because she is exactly like me. We like the same things and hate the same things. When she is injured somewhere, I have the same injury on the same side- no joke. She is a bigger brat than my other sis, but she is very caring and energetic. She has such a big heart in such a tiny body. She can make you laugh till you can't breathe! She is just so hilarious and she is always happy. She is also very stylish and loves clothes, shoes, and accessories- just like me! She has a soft place in my heart, so unfortunately I contribute to her being a brat since I can never can say no to her!

The tres marias:

The Present:

So yup that's my awesome family, and I love them dearly. We are all very close and we talk everyday even though I am now MILES away from them. My mommy and my sister read this blog and my whole family has been SO SUPPORTIVE in everything I mom even has some of my old pics from my modeling portfolio hanging in her house and she's always calling me asking me about the products I write on my blog, LOL. I swear they keep me going...they truly helped me become a better person.


Ling said...

Such a heart warming entry. I wish I have family like that too! T.T

Oh well..

You look freaking gorgeous in that white dress! Whee whee Nessa! :D

Anonymous said...

Thats so nice to have a family so supportive. and let me say your entire family has an amazing sense of fashion like in that last picture so lovely.

thank you for sharing this. and please keep up the hard work really appreciated.


Anonymous said...

aww your sis is cute! she looks just like you!! she's like a xerox copy of you..haha that's the term pinoy people use when a sibling or a child of a parent look alike.. nice family picture :) your 2nd sibling doesn't look like you..but the "bunso" sobra hahaha :)

Roberta Roth said...

Hi Vanessa

I'm from Brazil and I red your blog everyday, I love it. Loved the family pics!
The whole family has good genes!

XPPINKXX said...

Now that is what i call a good looking family!!!!

your sister does look different from the rest of the CLAN...she is absolutely gorgeous...but of course your the fairest of them all *cough*...HAIL THEE MAPLE...i esp. love you in the white your makeup...funny your family reads your blogs...i would be horrified if my family ever read mine...

and a quick question???

love your cougar FACE!!!...i need to find a white base to do some halloween makeup that white tube oil free???? what other white products can you use for a stark white face??? and do i need to set the face in powder to apply other colors on top???...and if they blend it will it look pastel???

GS said...

Is your mother the woman in the silver dress?? OMG she looks so young!! she could easily pass as your sister... by the way, I hope she´s doing better?

GS said...

Is your mother the woman in the silver dress?? OMG she looks so young!! she could easily pass as your sister... by the way, I hope she´s doing better?

sab said...

awww! the Garcias are a lovely bunch! you also look a lot like Megan! how cute!

i love the white dress btw. :)

Saito Florence said...

I love to vist your blog, there is so many pretty photo especially your family photo,all look so pretty & your mum is awesome,your sister is unbelievable,her looks is stunning & you,your face didn't really change when you took your first family photo,it's looks the same as now.......why you & your sister look so pretty???haha


Robyn @ Purely Cosmetics said...

You look exactly the same now as you did in that first picture! OK, a little older, but your face hasn't changed!

Waaah... should my feelings be hurt you're not following me on Twitter?

AskMeWhats said...

girl, thanks for sharing stuffs about your OHANA! :) Remembered Lilo & Stitch, I love reading about you and your family, I'm glad your family is close and each of you got different personality but who cares? family is family! :)

Jenn said...

This is such a heartwarming and sweet entry!! You have a beautiful family Vanessa! :) You and your sisters are so beautiful!! :) Your mum looks sooo young too!!

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful post! Megan is your mini-me, she's so cute! Your mom looks so young and beautiful, I thought she was your younger sister :)

iamgrape1119 said...

Aww, your family looks SO adorable! You look so SQUISHABLE when you were young! AH~ *dying from cuteness overload*

I hope that everyone in your family continue to live a very happy life!

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest post ever. Your love for your family totally comes through. Very sweet :). And what a beautiful fam you are!

Jennifer @ said...

Vanessa u look absolutely radiant in the last pic, are u and ur sis wearing the same dress?

u guys have such a beautiful family, i wish i had the same relationship as u and ur mom. :/

Jennifer @ said...

vanessa u look absolutely radiant in the last pic.

are u and ur sis wearing the same white dress. u have such a beautiful family. I wish i had the same relationship as u and ur mom :/

Emeria said...

You guys are sooo pretty! The middle sis looks mixed! We're three girls; I'm the oldest then a 15 year old and then 13 year old.. and everytime we go to a family party we always hear, "OHH the tres marias are here"..haha! :]

veraMAC said...

what a beautiful family!

Emeria said...

OMG NO WONDER!! I thought you're mom was just like one of those mestiza looking filipno mommys! How did your parents meet? That's soooo cool!! Hispanic and French I haven't heard of that mix..You guys are muts then! I wish i was mixed

MakeupByRenRen said...

awww sis! i love this have such a beautiful many girls in the house how fun!

Tammy said...

What a beautiful post. You have a beautiful family. And yes you do look like Mady in that

Ethereal Prey said...

awe...such a cute family! jcpenny is where the dress came from now there will be millions of us wearing it now! lol! what are you gonna be for halloween?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family, Vanessa!

A Gal On A Budget said...

I've got to know: did your dad keep hoping each subsequent child would be a boy or did he give up after the second girl? And I totally agree, you have a beautiful family!

Fabuless Beauty said...

Beautiful family! You all grew up so pretty!

ruby14 said...

your sister looks like a mix of alexis and leah from jon and kate hahaha your family looks beautiful

fuzkittie said...

How sweet!! :D

makeupw. gevie said...

aww.. how cute!! You really do look like your dad.. but it's not a bad thing =).

Nafisa Mahmood said...

Absolutely beautiful family...your mom is a stunner vanessa! all of you look gorgeous!

FuN and MakeUp said...

OH WOW 3 beautiful gurls!! ur sis def. has ur MOM GENES! ur mom looks half white n half pinay but ur sis looks like 100% WHITE! and u look the most asian! this is a crazy family mixture... everyone has their own pretty look! soOo beautiful<3333 thanks for this post! im so happy for u to have a supportive & caring family... sometimes i wish my small family was like that -__- well maybe just my mom... this pic makes me sad at the sametime u guys r such happy family =)<#333333

Phyrra said...

You guys are all beautiful. What a warm and loving family!

Emeria said...

Awww what a good love story!!! And that's funny that people think you guys have different parents and I know what you mean about people not thinking what you are..i ALWAYS get Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean and sometimes Japanese, but NO ONE ever says filipino ever!! It's so weird!

A Gal On A Budget said...

Vanessa--I totally didn't expect that! I've always heard about dads wanting male children.

Cinthia Truong said...

This is my favorite entry thus far!!!

Your family look wonderful. So close and so loving :) You were so tiny in that first pic...gosh, what did you eat that makes you so tall now?

We have three girls in the family too only I'm the youngest. I'm not a brat though. LOL. All you girls are so pretty :)

Starry x2 night said...

Hey, thanks for your comment! Aww, you have the sweetest family ever! And you sound like the most awesome big sister--your sisters are so lucky

Anonymous said...

beautiful family indeed! your mom does look ever so young! and i like how fabulous all of you looked in the present family pic! very nice. ;)

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful family!!!

Lolita Riot said...

aww you look the same :) I used to look cute as a kid, I miss being one. so care free =p
everyone has trouble guessing what I am, but I'm 100% filipina. except that I dont speak it haha

A Gal On A Budget said...

Your dad must be absolutely adorable! By the way, since I'm totally out of the loop, could you explain what "tres marias" means?

pookie said...

that dress is sooo prettty and your sso lucky to have such a family!!! thats honestly great! I wish my parent/fmaily was more like that..

Anyway, where'd chu get that dreess? it definitely flatters yoU!

Jessica Dee said...

your family is soooo gorgeous! and you and your youngest sister look most similiar! Suchaa great mix!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

what a great entry sis. you have such an amazing family and a good looking one at that. you are blessed :)

Crystal Gale said...

hi sis! i know how you feel...I'm the eldest too and whenever I see my lil sis all grown up and doing her own makeup I feel a lot older haha..very nice entry by the all look cute :)

Ahleessa said...

Wow such a good looking family! :) I see where your sisters and you got your good looks. Your mother is a gorgeous lady! :)

Karin said...

Wow your family was first in line when they handed out the beauty genes. LOL

You have a very beautiful and very sweet family..!!
i'm glad you don't take them for granted

Iyah Love said...

Very beautiful family! No Kuya? or lil brother? You're sooo cute when you were a lil kid but then you grew up to be more beautiful :D Your 2nd sister is also very beautiful and your "bunso" is sooo cute!

Neeyuh said...

Thanx for sharing this, you have such a beautiful family! =)

Jo said...

lovely family! my fave post! i actually think you look like your mum. you have the same identical smile =D

Esmeralda said...

Beautiful family - and you look just like your dad! My maiden name is Garcia, too. :)

Anonymous said...

I love when you write about your family. =) It's so cute and It makes me want to write about my own. I've got tons of my dad's old pics scanned, but haven't found much time to write about him yet, even though I've been wanting to for so long. I actually might have time this week though, since I've been out of commission.

Vanessa said...

Hi Esmeralda! Maybe we are long lost sisters! LOL

Thanks for all the kind comments heSxCfk8qor8KWmjMMtwJjy2Zc85Erw- id love to see pics of your family!

Noor Azura Ayu said...

Owh wow.. u have all girls in ur family except ur dad lol! For me it's great to have girls because u can share everything. Just like my family, i have 5 siblings with 2 boys and 3 girls. it's fun to have more girls as u can share dress and makeup too!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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