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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Product Review: Ly-Na Pearl Cream


Product: 5 out of 5
Packaging: 3 out of 5
Quality: 5 out of 5
Price: $3-$4, Seafood City Asian Market, or small Asian stores or markets, also available online and on eBay:, eBay, HerbsDirect
Would I buy again? YES! I buy these by the case load, LOL.

What it does: Removes blackheads, pimples, ephelis and wrinkles.

Direction: Cleanse your face, apply the cream and massage for 2 to 3 minutes, once in the morning and at night. (I personally spritz a little water so it goes on better, MAC Fix+ spray is great too)

Active ingredients: Stearic Acid, Centanol, Lanolin, Glyceryl Monostearate, Isopropyl Myristate, Sulfur, Perfume, Ion Exchange Water, Glycerine, Potassium Hydroxide, Pearl Powder.

Yes, yes, I know that everyone and their momma has raved and blogged about Ly-Na Pearl Cream, but this seriously is a holy grail. I don't use it as much as my sister does but she swears by it and so do I.

I use it when I have a few pimples that I want to zap, but I try to use it every other night, or at least 3 times a week to maintain that "glow". It's basically a medicated paste, and I actually remember my grandma using it all the time when I was younger and I see why! This stuff works miracles!

As a beauty blogger, essentially my curiosity leads me to try different things on my face (skincare, foundations, moisturizers, etc) so my skin can take a beating at times, and doesn't react all that great to certain things...and when I apply the Ly-Na Pearl Cream at night for a few days, my skin dramatically clears up and is back to normal.

- Cheap! Only $3 a jar!
- It really worked for my sister, minimized her scars and pimples, and it calms my skin down when it gets crazy, as well as giving a nice glow!
- I like the smell of it
- I like how it's a night-type of a treatment, makes me feel like it has a longer time to "do it's thing", and then I just rinse off in the morning!

- The jar packing itself is pretty cheap, it's also very shallow so you don't get as much product in comparison to the size of the jar- but hey it's $3


iamgrape1119 said...

I have 5 jars of this...LOL! I always forget to use it though. I need to start!

Mac It Pink said...

how nostalgic!.hahahah i remember using this and the eskinol toner when i was around 15. hahah I kinda wanna bring it back and see if it still works. Although, I am not sure if it was the eskinol or the ly-na, but one of them really made my skin lighter and it looked weird compared to my tan neck. lol Is that true for you?

Cinthia Truong said...

Will your sister hates you for posting her before pic? LOL

But thanks to the pictures cause it make me wanna give this product a try.

A Gal On A Budget said...

How cool! When I googled "Tres Marias," I was only able to find informatio about the city in Brazil and none of the folklore. Just goes to show you, you really can learn something on the internet ;).

Lolita Riot said...

I tried lookign for this everywhere here in toronto and nothing! >< maybe they just dont have it here in canada :\

Unknown said...

mwahahhaha yay for ly-na. we might as well make a commercial ad for it.

Ethereal Prey said...

does it really get rid of blackheads? i'm starting to get pepper on my face now. i'm gonna check it out. is it ok for combo skin? since you have dry skin does it work well for you?

Anonymous said...

I just ordered some! I can't wait to try it out .... :)

Starry x2 night said...

Woah, didn't know your grandma used it when you were young! And your sister's skin looks amazing, like yours! Looks like a great product!

♥Niya♥ said...

Thanks for the info. I will definately try it out.

Unknown said...

As soon as I saw that you put Seafood City, I left my house that minute to go buy it! I was like, I'll finish reading this later. LOL. Thanks for posting, hopefully these deng pimple scars go away >.<

Nafisa Mahmood said...

hey vanessa,
i have a similar pearl cream called beanna extra pearl cream...does it have the same effects as the ly-na pearl cream? I have been using it on some acne marks to lighten them for about 4 days now...

*Jen* said...

I've been so curious about this stuff, but I've always wondered if it takes the place of your regular cream/moisturizer, or if you use this and then apply your regular products on top of it.

Either way I'll be trying this soon!

kawaiikao said...

haha i don't use too much skin products on my face but my bf has what your sister had a few years ago. i saw that a lotta ladies use this stuff so i bought it for my bf and he loves it too HAHA ^_^

Emeria said...

You should definitely read it! When I first heard about it I was like EHHH vampires? Forget it! Then all of a sudden my little sis borrowed it from her friend and I was bored looking for something to read and I found it. I couldn't put it down and I ended up buying three out of the 4!! You'll fall for the main character Edward!! Everyone who's a girl and who has read it that I've talk to HAVE

Anonymous said...

I have a question about the Ly-Na product. After you massage it for 2-3 minutes do you then wash it off, right?

Vanessa said...

@ 7 pieces: Yeah you can rinse it off but I doubt you get ANY good results in that short amount of time, hence most people leave it on overnight then rinse it off in the morning....

Anonymous said...

I've read so much about this...I'm SO curious...

But you know, if it doesn't work, it's only $3 you know?

I'm looking to alleviate whiteheads. Does it work for that too? Or just blackheads?

Anonymous said...

Yep. I broke down and just bought some on eBay. One seller has it on sale for $2.60, ladies (and gents)!

Jo said...

hey nessa, goodness this cream keeps appearing everywhere! they have that at my local filipino store for around AUD2.00 and i'm almost sold but i can't stand the smell. it reminds me of dust and baby powder =/ i have tried pond's pearl cream that my friend bought from the phils. dunno if it's the same. but i applied it dry lol i guess i didnt know how to apply it on properly.

im done said...

hah i was JUST thinkin bout this stuff today !! I went to a market and they didn't have it.

i'd love to try this stuff. i need it right now =/

AskMeWhats said...

awww I've heard so much about the great effects of Ly-Na ! I have to check it here, I do know there's just so many fakes out there! Thanks for the wonderful review and the before and after photos of your li'l sis :)

Anonymous said...

everytime i see a post about ly-na or ecotools, it makes me "thismuch" closer to wanting to jump the border and buy these things, and drag them back home! haha...

thanks for sharing and adding more fuel to the fire! when I do get to try it out, i hope I have a great experience like everyone else :)

Janelle said...

I've been using this too. I can't say I've seen any miraculous changes, but I'm not giving up! I use it almost every night. Glad to see it's worked out for you & your sis. I'll keep at it as well...

Unknown said...

hi vanessa!
i have a quick question. is it ok if it's just used during nights and not in the morning?

watercoloursky said...

I actually ordered this 3 weeks ago off ebay and it came last week! I only started using it this week on a couple of pimples so we shall see...I hope it works just as well on me :)

MzUnicaHija19 said...

I'll definitely have to give this a try now. I always thought of this as my grandma's thing, obviously I didnt know any better. lol
Thanks for posting!

TINA said...

I was just looking around on your blog (mainly at your makeup looks), and I think you have such great taste in makeup! I found myself wanting to recreate pretty much every look, especially the purple ones. :)
Your looks gave me so much inspiration, thanks for posting all of those great looks!

Tina {Your Everyday Style}

yvonnecai said...

a bunch of ppl bought it off ebay after ur review (like 15)

i will look for it myself around pacific mall and other chinese places

thanks for the tip!
btw, do u happen to know any specific places in the markham/toronto area that has this?
it will save me some time :P


- yvonne

Katie said...

I used to use this! Aww.. memories, although.. I must have used it wrong.. but my mom was the one putting it on me, so HA!

When you sleep with it on, would it get on your pillowcases? Mine are white and the yellow tint of the cream looks slightly threatening

Vanessa said...

Hi Bianca! Yeah I use it at night only, so it is safe to say you can just use it at night if you want to...

Vanessa said...

Hi Yvonne! I do not know of any places that sell this in your area since I left Canada in '92 lol I don't even know what is there anymore haha.

christyn said...

Hi Vanessa!

That's so funny, I totally forgot about this product until I saw your post! My grandma used to get me cases of a similar cream when she went home to the Motherland (Vietnam). I had bad acne as a teenager growing up in California. Then we moved to TX for a few months and that was when I first started using it. My skin cleared up so much I thought I found the HG acne cure! Then we moved back home and hello pizza face. For some reason, I blamed the cream and 86ed it from my skin care routine. I have forgotten all about it until today. I am too chicken to give it another chance though! LOL. I remember loving the scent too.

iamgrape1119 said...

Hey Nessa! I forgot to ask, how do you use this along w/ other moisturizers? I think this is too drying to me on its own. Thanks!

roxy. said...

do you use it over your entire face? or just on scars? i've been lemming this for a whiiile i wish we had asian stores out here! lol

Vanessa said...

Hi Roxy! I use it all over my face. :)

valerie said...

hello do you have any idea how thick the cream should be applied? loil. i bought it about 2 weeks ago and have been using it but i totally forgot aboout massaging the cream in! haha

Vanessa said...

Hi Valerie, no there really is no thickness that needs to be applied for it to work, a nice thin layer should still want your skin to breathe as well.

Iyah Love said...

You're making meee wanna get it!! AHhhh! I'm going to buy some! :D I'm so excited! Haha! I hope it will work for me too :D

valerie said...

oh okay. thanks! (: i love your blog by the way! its one of those that i must check at least once a day for new entries! (:

MakeupByRenRen said...

dang i want this too!

Anastasia said...

I'm gonna go buy 2, right now ;x

paperdollrevenge said...

Damn you Nessa...another product to add to my shopping list! heehee jk

josephine siu said...

I think I'm going to jump on the bandwagon (finally) and try this out. I have scars from occasional pimples that I would pick at ): And it would be great to see if it'll go away.

Also, I was wondering.. My brother has HORRIBLE acne scars.. would this do anything for him? "/

The Paraben Free Princess said...

PLEASE tell me this doesn't have any Parabens! I am ready to buy the company.

Unknown said...

I totally forgot about this product! I used to use it when I was in high school but my grandma warned me to stop using it since I was under the sun so much. Prolonged use mixed with sun exposure apparently makes the ZINC in the product turn parts of your skin brown. I got scared after I saw pictures of her friends who had had that happen to them but since I'm barely under the sun these days I think I'll give it a go again. Thanks Vanessa!

gbbylnscc said...

this ly-na medicated cream sounds pretty cool... i heard it also bleaches ur skin which is what causes it to glow. is this true?

grace_cupid said...

may i know where can i get these? i am from malaysia..just wanna buy it and try it out since my skin is prone to acne breakouts

Phamtastic said...

Do you know if this product works for whiteheads? I have really conjested skin primarily on my foreead. I have oil seeds under my skin. I bought it and tried it for several days already, but I'm not sure if it's doing anything for me yet. I will finish the jar and see though.

Vanessa said...

Hi Grace- I don't know where in Malayasia you can get it, you can try the supermarkets there and they may have it. I can barely find it here in the US let alone Malaysia! lol

Phamtastic- I only get whiteheads- not blackheads and it they have helped diminish them along with the Clean & Clear blackhead eraser which I use simply to exfoliate my skin along with the Ly-Na. For me it took a month to see results, not days, so give it awhile to see if it is working for you.

Lilyy said...

does anyone know where to get some in toronto??

carol said...

is it supposed to dry? i just got my jar in the mail and applied it a few minutes ago. it seems a lot more silky than pastey so i'm a little weary...

mineraljunkie said...

I just bought this product (pink jar with gold rim) today but after reading some reviews, I heard that it contains mercury levels and has been banned in Asia for the past 10 years. I would love to hear your thoughts on this as I am hesitiant to use it now.

Unknown said...

Hi gals, I have a question. Which one of the Ly Na jars is real and which one is fake? I have 2 different jars in front of me: both are without a golden ring around the jar and both are made in Taiwan. Only the one has a pinkish jar (paste smells like cake), the other is salmon and the paste smells like some flower/soap (not cake). So I'm confused. I bought the salmon jar from Singapore, contains no mercury. Anyone knows? Thx!

K <3 said...

there's mercury in this... and has been banned for ten years in other countries

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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