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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wedding Pics from Vegas!


I missed you gals! We were so busy this weekend so I didn't have time to hop on the 'net, so I know I have TONS of stuff to catch up on! I am scared to check my emails, haha.

Vegas was, and is always a lot of fun! My co-worker Maricel got married this past saturday; congrats to her and her new husband Patrick! It was such an adorable ceremony, and she looked so gorgeous! The chapel has GLASS FLOWERS, yup GLASS! I thought that was pretty cool, and their daughter was their flower girl and she was just TOO CUTE! The party favors was a deck of cards that said "Lucky in love" on one side and "Two of a kind" on the other.

I brought my digital SLR, so I was able to take a few photos to add to my portfolio. For those of you who are new to reading my blog, my first love has always been photography, so I actually like it more than makeup (I know shocker huh!) There's just a rush I get from photograhy- how the camera captures what you sometimes can't see with the naked eye; how it just freezes time! It's just fun!

The BF and I gambled a bit, and of course HE won again, he always wins that lucky bastard, LOL. First of all, he found a voucher on the floor for $15, which he used to play on a slot machine, and in turn, he won $230 off of that! Then he won another $200 playing blackjack. It was funny because we were walking around the roulette tables with some of our friends and the BF says "watch it's gonna be black 8", and so the dealer starts to spin the ball and it lands on black 8!!!! We were all just in disbelief that he called it, and at the same time we were yelling at him that he should have bet, but he said that if he bet he wouldn't have won (he has this thing where if he's truly feeling a table then he'll win, if not, he'll lose), so I know he had tons of fun, LOL.

I on the other hand, went to the CCO (Cosmetics Company Outlet) and of course picked up a few goodies for myself (with the money he won hahaha), he always gives me money when he wins, he says it goes back to "karma" and sharing the wealth- can't argue there if it gets me makeup, LOL. So I just got the Renewal Defense Charged Water, Lacquer in "Tongue in Chic", Lustre lipglass in "Bateaux", MAC l/s (LE) in "Propaganda" (the most gorgeous NUDE color I have ever seen! The swatch doesn't do it justice!), Alexander McQueen e/s in "Haunting" and "Pagan".

Then we ate at the Wynn buffet for the first time, OMG that was one good buffet! They had candied apples and my favorite- cupcakes! I was in HEAVEN!

Anyway, here are some pics!

The glass least you know they'll never die, lol.

Me & the BF, I got my dress from a mom & pop shop called "Fashion Q" near my work:

Me & my co-worker Diana:

The beautiful bride:

Bride and her dad:

Look how cute the ring bearer was!

The BRIDE'S Family:

The GROOM'S Family:

The WEDDING Party:

The reception at the Pampas Brazilian Grille in Planet Hollywood:

And of course the bride SMASHED the cake into the groom's face!

The co-workers!

Me and Aubrey cakes! I swear she makes me want to have a kid, lol. She is just so sweet! (her mom disagrees, haha)

This rockstar loves Hello Kitty!

My CCO Haul:

The cute little cupcake at the Wynn buffet:


Unknown said...

Glad to have ya back!! Looks like you had plenty fun (=

Cindyy825 said...

how funn!!! that cupcake looks delicious...

ruby14 said...

wynn buffet is the best i love the dessert table there yummm i love your dress and your purple make-up super cute

Emeria said...

LOL I went to the Pampa's Grill in the farmers market at the grove..i'll be posting a blog about it funny! and OMG you look quite beautiful! (what else is new though!) ..the wedding looked tons of fun!!

Unknown said...

no surprise in jon winning. dammit... why cant we all have the same luck as him lol.

i really love your look here! very pretty! and awww at aubry! she's soo cute!

maaaaan, i wanna go to vegas now just to try the cupcakes at wynn. LOL. were you able to hang out with jackie and justin??

i'll e-mail you tomorrow *or later this morning* LOL.

Anastasia said...

Aww, it looks lovely. And you know any mother who lets her kid wear a 101 Dalmatians necklace to her wedding is going to be an awesome mother ;D

im done said...

how rare is it to find any kind of chip, voucher or money on the floor?!

if it were me i would have lost it all.

AskMeWhats said...

I love your outfit and I love your make up :) And your BF is too lucky! maybe because you are his lucky charm that's why he gives you money? hahahha

Lovely haul!!!! :) I'm glad you're back!

Selcen said...

Aubrey so super and sweet like you make up :)

Jenn said...

I love your dress Vanessa! :D how i wish i have your height to carry off maxis! :D

Awww... little Aubrey is beyond cute!! :D

sab said...

i love your dress vanessa!

and you take really good photos! i love the glass flowers! aubrey is sooo cute aswell. :)

i wanna try photography too, but a good camera is too expensive!

♥Niya♥ said...

Glad to see you back. The wedding pictures look great. Im looking into getting a new camera myself and i love how your pictures turned out. You and the bf look so cute in that picture =]

MakeupByRenRen said...

great pics sis! the flower girl is so cute! i love bateaux l/g, it's one of my favs to use on clients :)

Tammy said...

I really need to get my booty to always seem to have such a great time when you're there. The pics you took are absolutely gorgeous.

btw-you and the bf look fab!! You two are so cute!

Shen said...

1st, your outfit and makeup looks great. 2md, you and the bf looks really good together. 3rd, the pics of the wedding looks amazing that i want you in my wedding as well. 4th, seeing my kids, makes me wish i wanna have kids too, 5th, the haul is awesome! i love the charge water!! :) 6th, yum yum to the mini cupcakes. :)

Essy said...

OMG those 2 toddlers are freakin adorable!! :) Pretty bride too, and I love your dress.

iamgrape1119 said...

AWW, you look like you had so much fun!! I LOVE your dress! That flower kid is so adorable, she looks like Asian Suri!

Devi Girsang, MD said...

Love your outfit! You look wayyy slimmer too ;) How did you loss your weight? I desperately need a clue LOL.

veraMAC said...

aww that look sso fun! and the flower girl was soo adorable! i love the hellokitty shirt :p

Jenna said...

That dress is so awesome! I want!!

My dad is a lucky bastard too! LOL! He has won so much money that he bought himself a little house and plot of land in Indonesia that he can retire in when he's ready.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vanessa!!
I've been following your blog for a while and i think it's great!! You're amazing with makeup! I also bought the Ly-Na Pearl Cream, because i tend to break out now and then. Hopefully it will work on me as on your sister(she is gorgeous!)

Ethereal Prey said...

looks like you had great fun! note to self go to vegas and eat at buffet! LOL!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little family! Looks like it was a wonderful time :D

FuN and MakeUp said...

mMmmm that cupcake! i want it! lol
pretty wedding pix! fashion q? i kno two down in my area! lol u look really puRrtyyy =) and gorgeous weddin! soo, when r u gettin marry? lol

Anonymous said...

oo! looks like you had a great time!
i never thought to check for a cco when i went to vegas, i guess i'll have to remember that for next time!

the little girl is sooooo cute & everyone looked great :)

fuzkittie said...

Very cool~ I thought the sky in Planet Hollywood was real at first, before I read "Planet Hollywood" hahaha.

Tracy Roa said...

You took some beautiful pictures! I wish I went to Vegas. We decided not to go to save money, but I ended up splurging over the weekend. Haha. Darn...

kae said...

looks like you had a lot of fun! and great haul! :)

MAGIC! said...

Hi :)
I was just wondering if you could let me know where exactly the Cosmetics Company Outlet is located.

Ms. Rodil aka Supervillain1 said...

That's so funny. I recently started playing blackjack. My mom lives right next to Casino Morongo so I stop by and play whenever I visit her. So far I've won about $1600 all together just playing a little here and there. I know what your bf means when he talks about not feeling a table. I never win when I'm not getting a winning vibe from a table.
I eat at the pampas grill by my house all the time, especially when I'm on a low carb diet. =)
The wedding pics are nice. I hate taking wedding pics, because I like to just get krunk and have fun at weddings, but everyone and their mom begs me to bring my camera and snap shots at their weddings. Jerks. haha. I like natural light shots. I never have the time to take them. The wedding shots are nice. The ring bearer IS cute. There's something about little boys in formal cowboy wear that makes me wanna say awww and start pinching cheeks. =)
Looks like you had fun. =) I have a funny story about vegas weddings that I'm gonna post one of these days. Oh, it's a HOOT!

yummy411 said...

aww great pics vanessa!! great cco haul. you and the bf are soo adorable! glad you had a great time!

Phyrra said...

Such a beautiful wedding!
That little flower girl is precious.
You and your boyfriend look so cute together!
I love the vibrant and pretty bridesmaid dresses.

I have Tongue in Chic, I bet you'll love it ;)

Iyah Love said...

Cool! FASHION Q! That's where I go sometimes and they have nice clothes for a decent price :D Its near my house. :)

When will you get married next? :D The reception looks nice :D

Yay you got great goodies from the CCO :D

ainstein said...

awwww how fun! ur bf is one lucky mofo! everytime we go to vegas we lose 90% of the time.
awesome pix! ur so talented =D

Lolita Riot said...

I wonder if anyone took a flower lol I would =X
that dress looks gorgeous on you! so lucky to be flying places!

clara said...

Beautiful pictures! Everyone looks gorgeous!
I'm gonna try the Wynn buffet the next time I'm there :D
It's great to have you back!

♥ Nehs ♥ said...

wow! your dress is so pretty. You're gorgeous.

Célie said...

Hi Vanessa !
You are great in this dress !
And the bride is so "elegante" !
glad you had a great time :)
Ohhh cupcakes looks delicious (it doesn't exist in France :( I had never taste these famous cupcakes !).
xOxO, Célie.

Unknown said...

great picstures!

J9 said...

where is the CCO in Vegas at?
btw, your co-workers/brides daughter is soooo cute!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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