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Monday, November 10, 2008

Eyeshadow Primers: Art Deco & TheSheSpace Black Primer


I am already done with #1 and #2 and I barely started reading it on Saturday! I can't put the book down, gotta love ROMANCE! LOL. I can't wait to see the movie!

***Many of you asked me to do a tutorial on the smokey eye I did a few posts down using the Smokey Palette (as well as the run down), I will be doing it this week! So stay tuned, and of course I did not forget your other requests, editing pictures as well finding time to actually do them takes time (which I hardly have nowadays!) so I am trying to post some older posts to get em outta the way, but it's coming :)!***

I recently acquired 2 new eye primers: Art Deco Eyeshadow Base & SheSpace's Black Eye Primer.

The Art Deco Eyeshadow Base is NOT available here in the US. I had it CP'd to me (custom purchase) thanks to a wonderful friend Gio, from Beautifulwithbrains. It is a UK product (notice I said UK product as in they have it there, but the brand is German) and it is VERY hard to find, although it's also available in other areas like Poland from what other readers have told me. I suggest finding someone in the UK to send it to you if you are interested. It costs around $10 USD.

The Art Deco Eyeshadow Base is tinier than I imagined, (or at least in comparison to the picture I have seen online of it), but nonetheless, there is plenty of product in there! It's a tiny black jar, easy to tote around. It has a fragrance to it, that reminds me of a men's cologne my dad used to wear called 'Brut'. So it's no surprise that he was the first person I thought about when I smelled it. The consistency is the same to that of UDPP or TFSI (Too Faced Shadow Insurance). It has a slight shimmer, barely noticeable to the eye, and it goes on clear. It holds my eyeshadow for most of the day, and of course adds vibrancy to my eyeshadows. The only con? Like I said, it's not an easy product to find! (It was hard to take a pic of it by itself as the camera would not catch it, sorry!)

TheSheSpace Black Eye Primer adds vibrancy to eyeshadows. Although it works on certain colors (mainly darker ones), I tried it with "Fuchsia" MAC Pigment and it totally changed the color into a purple/pink, so if you are open to creating new colors, it's definitely neat to use, but if you are looking for a plain eyeshadow primer that WON'T alter the color, then stick with a colorless primer like UDPP or TFSI.

For these swatches I only used ONE loose pigment: MAC "Kelly Green" Pigment

(About Face IS "The She Space" in case you are wondering, same company!)

So how do these compare to each other? Well as you know, UDPP works better for me than TFSI. TFSI just didn't last long on my DRY lids. Art Deco has great staying power, easier to apply since it's in a pot, and the tiny shimmer it has really adds depth to my eyeshadows. The She Space black primer is great for certain colors, especially when it comes to creating an entirely new color that is also just as charming. (As you can see from my swatches). I can't really pick out "my favorite" since Art Deco and UDPP work about the same for me, and Art Deco is hard to find. The black primer is in a separate league of it's own considering it's not a clear base and alters certain pigment and eyeshadow colors.


Emeria said...

OMG the books are tooo die for!! So addicting like the Harry Potter books. Once you're done with book 4 go on the authors website..there's a book, well a draft of it written in Edward's perspective called Midnight Sun.. and if you plan on watching the movie on the first day i HIGHLY suggest going to buy the tickets NOW!!!

Malice said...

Hello everybody, hello Vanessa,

Artdeco is a German brand, not a British one.
If you need the base just leave me an email ( or leave me a message on Makeup Alley (KittenDivine). Maybe we could arrange a swap, but I also have paypal.


FuN and MakeUp said...

Wut theres a black primer? in that case it makes ur e/s more darker right? i still needa get myself the UDPP to test out to see wut is better for me...

Anastasia said...

NOOOOO! You have become a Tween! Ugh.

Doesn't the paragraph-after-paragraph of "I walked upstairs slowly, describing what I looked at as I went. Once in my room the CD player I had left out on the bed was still there, so I put it away in a drawer. I changed into my jeans and a blue sweater telling you detail about the neckline which you really didn't care about. Then I stood still and speculated introvertedly for another three pages until most of my readers died from boredom" bother you?

That and there's no beginning, middle and end, the main event is pushed to the back of the book, and doesn't even have a showdown! Talk about an anticlimax. And let's not forget, the ONLY way she compliments Edward is by talking about how attractive he is - freakin' shallow! He's apparently also super intelligent, among other things, but she never, ever notices.

I tried to enjoy it, but all the way through Meyer's incredibly ANNOYING, utterly boring writing style of telling us every bit of meaningless description (early authors do this to fill pages, before they figure out that more adjectives per sentence does not mean better book), ruined the whole "flow" for me. Not to mention repetition of: "Perfect teeth, marble skin/lips/hand, Adonis, beautiful, breathtaking" and the fact that he sparkles like a 13 year olds glitter nail polish.

Come on, Nessa! You're too clever to be a Tween ._____. I think I have to de-programme you =/

AskMeWhats said...

Hi Nessa, we do have Artdeco here but the primer, is so hard to find! It's always out of stock and you are right about it being so hard to find!!! You are lucky to have yourself one :)

Thanks for the review :)

Anonymous said...

wow! i'm most definitely interested in that black primer! i've been looking for a dark/black base THANKS!

no creasing or anything? can you do a formal review if you ever get the chance? haha

Spicey said...

Art Deco is actually a German brand that is available in most of, if not all, of Europe. Just FYI. :)
Great review! I'm curious now to try the She Space black base. It would save me the extra step of primer, then eyeshadow pencils. (I have to use a primer beforehand since I have oily lids.)

kawaiikao said...

i loveeee twilight!! the series is THE best! loveee em. are you team edward or team jacob? :p

e said...

wow i just found your blog!!! soooo cooool :) cant wait to peruse EVERYTHING and search through everything for advice. THANKS SO MUCH! i'm really bad at make-up... maybe u can check out my blog and help me with some tips? :) i'd love to trade links with you as well! let me know!

Judith said...

Hey nessa, Art deco is a german brand like essence, manhattan... their eyeshadows are great!!!


Anonymous said...

woah,i never knew there was a black eye primer ever made :) hahaha if you're bored with your shadows you can use this primer to turn it into a new color..neat!:)

Ferretti shoes said...

im getting the Art Deco eyeshadow primer soon. thank god i live in the Philippines, where the brand can be found in major malls. their stuff are really good, especially the eyeshadow, concealer and foundation. theyre also very affordable. :D

Kimberly said...

I just recently got myself finally hooked on UDPP -- and im addicted.

that new primer of yours looks like a deelish "try" though, we love having you as our beauty guinea pig!! (TEE HEE) you help us girls in deciding "what's next"

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow sounds interesting! i've seen all the UK youtubers use that art deco base...and the black base is an interesting concept, i'm glad someone finally made a product so we don't have to freak out when we run out of sharkskin shadestick, lol

Vanessa said...

HI Leslie! Yeah I just mentioned it was a UK product (as in it's available there), not a UK brand, I love Art Deco's other stuff although it's hard to find here and they don't ship directly to US :( At least not sad!

Vanessa said...

Anastasia, haha I am just a sucker for Romance, I do agree im not in love with her writing style, (she totally overused marble, hard cold skin, lips, etc) and you got sick of it by the second book, but interesting plot. And now that the movie will be released soon, it may be a bit better!

A. Rose said...

haha. i resisted twilight for as long as i could, but it got to me in the end. i finished the whole series in matter of days. i can't wait to see the movie, too, but i don't think i have enough patience to go see it opening day..

Unknown said...

Artdeco's base is so popular and easy to find here in Greece, and very cheap too, only 8 $.
Even though I prefer UDPP!!

Anastasia said...

I think the movie will be much better, considering there's actually a showdown between Edward and James.

Seriously, what was with that? It was like if in the third LOTR film Frodo was knocked out, then tended to by Sam, and Frodo was all "Huh? What happened with that war and stuff?" and Sam was all "Oh, Dumbledore sorted that out outside" and you NEVER SAW ANY OF IT.

Ridiculous! And a completely and utterly unoriginal concept. If you like Edward, read the first 5 Anita Blake books, the vampire in it will give you chills. Don't read book 6 and after though, then it just turns into soft porn. Also, the main character is annoying, but not half as annoying as Bella. I was praying she'd get crushed by the truck.

Ethereal Prey said...

wow! that base primer thing made it look super darker! i am surprised.

Cynthia said...

OMG TWILIGHT IS THE BEST EVER!! I started twilight two days before halloween and I am on Breaking Dawn already!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!! I dont know you too well but it makes me so happy that someone else reads it too and I can express my dorky-ness!! LOL!! my bestie and i are gonna stand in line tomorrow 3am in the cold chicago weather to get bracelets to meet ROBERT PATTINSON!!! OMG!!!! SOOOO EXCITING!! LOL!! im done now!!

Emily Satterlee said...

My name is Emily you can get me back at
Have you ever used the product line Eyes Lips Face or heard of it? I use their mineral products and I love them. They caught my eye because their make-up and tools are very inexpensive (Blush brush for $1).
I tried searching your blog for it but I couldn't find a review for it anywhere.
You should check it out if you haven't already.
I'm interested to hear what you've got to say about it!

Katrina said...

Woot, another Twilighter!

Let us know how long the black primer lasts.

Cinthia Truong said...

Neat! Thanks for the comparison. The black primer seems fun to try even though it changes color.

Devi Girsang, MD said...

In Jakarta (Indonesia), Art Deco is available at Parisian And WOW, black e/s primer is a breakthrough! :)

Stephanie T said...

The black primer looks amazing!

Phyrra said...

I like the look of TSFI, Art Deco and Black Primer.

I wonder if that's like how if I use my MAC Paint Pot in Blackground, it will deepen and intensify the color some. I really like the results!

I've been trying Aromaleigh's Eye Shadow Primer and it's working pretty well for me, but I don't have oily lids or dry lids, as miine seem to be normal and makeup sticks on it. I went rock climbing today in mine and my makeup didn't budge!

I keep meaning to pick up Too Faced's Shadow Insurance and/or Urban Decay's Primer Potion to give them a shot, but I haven't yet. I really like the design on Too Faced's.

AL's is sort of in a container about the size of, maybe larger, than a MAC cream color base, and you just dab your finger on it and then put it on your eye.

bagaela said...

I'm so happy to see the Artdeco primer on an american beauty blog, since atrdeco is from europe, I didn't know they sell it in the US! I haven't tried the UDPP yet, but the TFSI, and the Artdeco Primer is a miracle compared to the Too Faced primer!
But be careful with the pot - it can easily dry out, and warm it on your skin before puting on the eyes, and rub it instantly, not for so long time, because it just somehowe melts into the skin and dryes, and if You rub it for too long, it becomes messy...sorry for the creepy decription. So Artdeco primer requires definite aplication, but it will last's for the party and the afterparty (or afterday) too. :)

sab said...

can't wait for the smoeky eye look.

ARt Deco primer is also available here in the PI. :) affordable too.

Janelle said...

You're reading Twilight! I love the series. While I do agree the writing isn't the best, the plot & the romance kept me intrigued the whole time. I stayed up late so many nights reading it!

I'm so excited for the movie, I already bought my movie ticket. :)

Lolita Riot said...

lucky me! My bro is in london so ill ask him to get one for me :) woohoo!

Pau F said...

thanks for the pics! i also prefer udpp to any other primer (tho i've only tried 2 lol).
and thanks for doing the smoky eye breakdown, i really appreciate it!

ritaliator said...

OMG you're into the saga too?! I'm obsessed!

I'm sad about what happened in SF on Monday because my friend and I went so early in the morning to try and meet Rob Pattinson aka Edward. Unfortunately, we left thinking the event was cancelled since the SFPD told us so. Apparently it was still going on. I found out ONCE I got home and I live in San Jose. Oh well =(

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like the Art Deco primer. The product is really good, but it's a shame about the tiny size. Hopefully it's gonna last a long time, though.

Jana-Mais que Bonitas said...

Ow..I really want to read thi books!!Everyone is talk about!!!!I can't wait you tutorial!!!I just order my palletes from Hilodays Collections....many hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm really surprised that you know Artdeco. As you already said, this is a German brand and not sold internationally yet.

Well, I live in Austria (Artdeco is available here nearly everywhere) and I just got this eyeshadow base about two weeks ago and I like it. Yeah, and it really smells male, but I still like it, hehe...


sophia said...

I am going to London, and do you know where the art deco base is retailing there?

Anonymous said...

Hi! well ive been reading your blog for quite sometime now. and its been really helpful! thanks! anyways, the black primer is something new. it does give a bold color to the eyeshadows. as for art deco,im from the philippines and we have it here. i actually tried it out yesterday in the makeup counter. ive read reviews about it. some said it creases for them. but i think ill give it a shot. :)

Anonymous said...

AWESOME! Thanks for sharing ;-P

HarvestMoon said...

Then you would hate War and Peace as well. I can't actually say I've ever read any "tween" literature, but the way you describe it makes it sound just like the Russian classics of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, etc. I had the same complaints about them as a kid. You'll probably mature into it.

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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