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Friday, October 10, 2008

FuzKittie Haul & NYX Lip Swatches


Thank you all for your warm words and well wishes for my mum, I really truly appreciate the's crazy when you're the one taking care of your parents when they have taken care of us for so long. And one reader commented that we think our parents are made of steel and I definitely agree. My parents were and are always strong, and growing up I always thought nothing can break them down. Being the oldest, I think I am more aware of the responsibilities I have and make sure that I take care of my parents and my younger sisters.

I talked to her yesterday and she sounds a lot better, she said the dr. told her they need to do an ultrasound to see if there is anything wrong, then from there they might have to do a larascopy (the tiny camera they insert to see what's going on inside). I joked with her and said "Mom how about if you're pregnant again?" and she almost choked and was like "Not possible!" LOL. We both started laughing, I was just happy that I made her laugh. She said she booked me and the BF's flight for Christmas so I can't wait!

Also, I apologize if I haven't answered all your questions, I will get around to them this weekend, I've just had so much going on lately!

Anyway, Fuzkittie is such a sweetheart, she sent some cute cosmetics from her trip to Taiwan to some of the blogger gals from the Pow Wow we had a few months ago. She is so thoughtful and it was such a pleasant surprise! Thank you FUZ! I totally love the lipgloss and the eye masks!

Lipgloss swatch (the brand is called 'Integrate' with a backwards G, don't know the color):

NYX Round Lipstick Swatches (NO BASE OR PRIMER USED):


MakeupByRenRen said...

i'm glad you were able to talk to your mommy and make her feel better :) christmas is just around the corner and you'll see her soon!

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your mom..i hope everything turns out fine..just think that its good that the technology right now is so great that everything can be determined instantly..i mean,a lot of diagnostic exams to determine if something is wrong..just imagine getting sick in the past, that would be harder wouldn't you think so? just think positive :) i remember my Mom going through the same dilemma months ago..she's the type of person with very low tolerance to pain,numerous anesthetics won't work on her..she's so nervous whenever she thinks of going to the hospital..having a checkup worries her too much. a few months ago, she felt constant sharp pain on her sides..we had her checked after constant nagging and good thing there wasn't a problem..or there was actually,but on a totally different location with a different problem..but the thing here in the philippines is that its pricey to get diagnostics here..and not only that, we are not that advanced in comparison to those hospitals in the US. so yes,you're Mom is still lucky she's there..sorry for blabbing but i just felt like sharing..i felt the same way when i worried so much..til now my mom still hasn't planned on undergoing any surgeries..even when she actually needs it,seriously. oh well anyway,i do hope the result would be negative for your mom..or nothing too scary. stay strong :)

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

Im glad your mum is okay!

how sweet of Fuz! you look fantastic in Red!

FuN and MakeUp said...

wow more lipsticks... i really want those colors!!

kae said...

aww i'm glad your mom is doing better! hahah thaat would be funny if she was pregnant, YOU would be old enough to be the baby's mom lol. pretty lipsticks, lala looks like twig twig from MAC. in that picture at least.

yummy411 said...

omg.. i haven't been able to keep up cuz i like to read AND see the pics which i can only do at home, but by then i'm ready to hit the sack. sorry to hear about your mom nessa! i'll keep her in my prayers. aww fuz is too sweet!

Tracy Roa said...

I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing better. It must be hard for you to be so far away from your family, but at least you'll get to be with them for the holidays!

Tracy Roa said...

I'm glad to hear that your mom is doing better. It must be hard for you to be so far away from your family, but at least you'll get to be with them for the holidays!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You guys are in my prayers. Send my love to mom and dad and big hug for you sweetie :)

On a makeup note... must check out Lala. Mmmm... pretty!

Mrs. Lynne, said...

You guys are in my prayers. Send my love to mom and dad and big hug for you sweetie :)

On a makeup note... must check out Lala. Mmmm... pretty!

alien man?! said...

sorry i missed that last entry about your mother! i wish her a speedy recovery. i've had a ruptured cyst myself and had to be carted into ER, so i'm relieved that your mom's being taken care of. she's so lucky to have such a wonderful daughter who's contributions to this world are immense and amazing. so, don't forget to rub it in when you see her on Christmas ;)

Sara said...

That gloss she got ya looks delicious! Do they sell that here at all? One more question, since you ARE the pro ;), is NYX's Creamy Beige darker or lighter than Circe? It looks great on you!


AskMeWhats said...

hey great for the update, glad you made your mom laugh :) Laughter is indeed the best medicine :) Keep us posted and I hope she gets well asap!!!

Great gifts you have, I'm sure you'll enjoy them !

Kimberly said...

Your so right girl -- alot of these could Japanese products need translations intructions for us foreigners... HA HA HA

Shen said...

glad your mom is feeling much better. I know what you mean that our parents aren't made of steel.. i've known that quite a long time but i still see my parents as my pillars of strength. but definitely nice to know they are humans... except when they get sick. :(
i'll definitely keep your mom in my prayers. my lola in jersey is not doing well (old age and all). my mom feels so bad that she can't take care of her being so miles away and fare not so cheap. you are lucky that you can see your mom come christmas.. :) i'm sure she'll be alright by then. :) she's lucky to have a responsible "panganay" (eldest) like you. :)

josephine siu said...

I honestly don't know what I'd do if my mom got sick of hurt.. She's my world, despite how we fight. I'm glad that she's feeling better, and I'm sure you can't wait until you go home and visit! (:

Fuz is such a sweetie. I agree! haha. I can't wait for another Pow Wow someday (:

fuzkittie said...

Yay you got the stuff!! :D
I hope you enjoy them~~ The gloss looks great on u! Do I have good taste or what... muahahaha~

Glad to hear your mom's doing better, and you are such a sweet daughter to make her feel better emotionally.

iamgrape1119 said...

Aww, she's so sweet! I love that Intergrate l/g!

I'm so amazed at how pretty strawberry milk looks on you! On me it looks like pink poop...

(g)ezebel said...

the top and bottom lip colors are GORGEOUS.

p.s. i just stole a pack of disposable toilet seat covers to put in my desk. i immediately thought of you. :0)

(g)ezebel said...

oh man. sorry about your mom. when will she know what's wrong?

i had laprioscopic surgery (three incisions) and the incision above my belly button was where they pulled my gall bladder out).

watercoloursky said...

I'm sorry to hear about your mom :( I hope everything turns out to be fine!

angel's mommy said...

thanks for doing another nyx lip swatches. after seeing your blog, i decided to buy some from and i love it. since they dont have nyx at the longs near my place in las vegas. im glad that they have it here in the longs in maui,hawaii since i'm on my vacation. i got the pink nude and it looks great with the nyx lipgloss. anyways, hope your mom is doing ok. btw, cute dress. i love zebra prints!

Charlene said...

sorry to hear about ur mom hon but very glad to hear she is doing better...i'm sure we're all praying!!

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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